
  • 网络Current limiting measures;Current Clamp
  1. 浙江省内所有高速公路也采取关闭或限流措施。

    Local traffic authorities also closed off or imposed traffic flow restrictions on all expressways in Zhejiang .

  2. 根据VSC起动过程的特点,设计了对VSC-HVDC系统模型起动的控制器,为避免起动过程的过电流采用了一定的限流措施。

    According to the characteristics of VSC start-up process , the controller to start VSC-HVDC simulation model is designed . Some measures are used to avoid the over current in the simulation .

  3. 变电站电气设计需合理采用限流措施

    To adopt rational current - limiting measures in electric design of substations

  4. 直流电动机闭环调速系统的限流措施

    Measures of Restrictive Electric Current in the Closed-circle and Regulated-speed System of DC MOTOR

  5. 广东电网短路电流超标问题分析和限流措施研究

    Analysis of Short-Circuit Current Exceeding Standard of Guangdong Power Grid and Research on Limitation Measures

  6. 实例分析了这几种限流措施与灭弧措施的综合使用及其效果。

    The synthesis application and effect on these current limiting and extinguishing methods were analyzed by examples .

  7. 因此,采取有效的短路限流措施将短路电流限制到合理、较低的水平具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to take effective measures for the purpose of limiting short-circuit current to a reasonable and low level .

  8. 因此,如何降低系统短路电流水平以及如何选择限流措施等问题受到了工程界和学术界的广泛关注。

    Therefore , how to reduce the fault-current levels and how to select current-limiting measures is drawing great attentions to both academia and industry .

  9. 本文对各类限流措施进行了细致的理论分析和研究,并提出了一套利用计算机技术自动优化配置限流措施的新方法。

    In this paper , various types of current-limiting measures were analyzed and researched , and a new methodology using computer technology to obtain optimal current-limiting deployments was proposed .

  10. 从8月20日起,北京及其他城市将按照单双号采取限流措施。

    Starting August 20 , drivers will be limited to taking their vehicles out in Beijing and other cities depending on license plates that end with odd or even numbers .

  11. 注意,在这个每天运行的批处理式使用者示例中,可能需要额外的限流措施来控制同时处理的消息的数量。

    Be aware that in the example of the daily , batch-style consumer , additional throttling may be needed to control the number of messages that are concurrently being served .

  12. 在山东电网具体限流措施应用的基础上,分析了山东电网多运行方式下节点电抗阵指标及电网性能,表明指标良好的有效性。

    The analysis of multi-running mode of Shandong Power Grid about the indicators and performance based on the application of short-circuit current limitation with the Shandong Power Grid show that the indicators have a good validity .

  13. 该方法通过灵敏度分析对限流措施的潜在位置进行了筛选;通过分析限流措施的单步限流特性确定了措施计算的优先次序,并将原问题分解成变量维数较小的两个子问题进行求解。

    The potential location of current-limiting measures was selected by sensitivity analysis , and the original problem was decomposed into two sub-problems according to the characteristics of current-limiting measures . This method reduces the number of variables .

  14. 限流与灭弧措施对提高塑壳断路器分断能力的综合应用

    Synthesis Application of Current Limiting and Arc Extinguishing Methods for Improving Breaking Capacity of MCCB