
  1. 而其他的一些规定则限制买卖火柴和胶水。

    Others restrict the sale of matches and glue .

  2. 据新华社报道,上海和其它几个城市已行动起来,限制房屋买卖,以遏制房地产市场泡沫。

    Shanghai and several other cities have moved to restrict home purchases in a bid to deflate the real estate bubble , Xinhua reports .

  3. 他们依然有严格限制酒类的买卖和饮用的法律。

    They still have very proscriptive laws governing the sale and consumption of alcohol .

  4. 这将限制他们随时买卖股票的灵活性,从而违背它们为投资者谋求最大回报的“受托责任”。

    That would restrict their flexibility to deal in shares at the drop of a hat , which would breach their " fiduciary duty " to achieve maximum returns for their investors .

  5. 电子商务打破了传统的时空限制,使得买卖双方不必见面就能进行各种商务活动,大大缩减了商家与消费者间的距离。

    Through electronic commerce , business and consumers can perform all business activities online rather than meet each other , which greatly reduce the distance between both parties without the limitation of traditional space and time .

  6. 香港股市运营商迫于商界领袖的压力,同意推迟执行限制上市公司董事买卖自己公司股票的计划。

    Hong Kong 's stock market operator yesterday bowed to pressure from business leaders by agreeing to delay plans that would restrict directors ' freedom to trade shares in their companies .