
  • 网络Moorpark
  1. 2008年12月12日本园举行了圣诞联欢会,并邀请了家长们一同参与。

    The Nursery section held their Christmas Party on Friday , 12th December , 2008 and parents joined us .

  2. 动物园园长发誓不会将他们分开。但当上个月长毛与园中唯一的一只母羊生下一只小羊后,园长改变了主意。

    The zoo manager vowed not to separate them . But after Long Hair fathered a baby lamb with the only female sheep in the zoo last month , the manager changed his mind .

  3. 经过认真运作后,2001年5月,方园标志认证委员会质量认证中心颁发了质量管理体系认证证书。

    As a result of conscientious implementation , the hospital was issued a certificate for its quality management system in May 2001 by the Quality Attestation Center of the Square & Round Mark Attestation Commission .

  4. I927年7月,北京清华园

    Qinghua Campus , Beijing July , I927 .