
yuè hú
  • Moon Lake;lunar lacus
月湖[yuè hú]
  1. 山东半岛月湖的潮汐水位特征

    Characteristics of Swan Lake tidal water levels , Shandong Peninsula

  2. 浙江宁波月湖景区的景观养护与管理

    Maintenance and Management of Lunar Lake in Ningbo , Zhejiang

  3. 武汉月湖水体营养物质的分布与硅藻的生态指示

    Distribution of nutrients and ecological indexes of Diatom about Moon Lake in Wuhan

  4. 该中心整体环月湖而修建。

    The center is built surrounding Yuehu Lake .

  5. 2000年初夏宁波月湖发生大面积蓝藻水华。

    The blue-green algae bloom broke out in the summer of 2000 in Moon lake .

  6. 林地与耕地及园地的转化主要分布在月湖以西、以北部分地区。

    Woodland , farmland and garden plot migrated to the west and north of Yuehu .

  7. 增加的建设及交通用地主要集中在月湖以西的成山镇附近和以东的沿海地区。

    Most of the buildings and highways are distributed nearby the Chengshan Town and the foreland .

  8. 海岸生态环境变化对荣成市月湖旅游资源影响研究

    Coastal Ecological Environment Change and Its Impacts on the Tourism Resources of Yue Lake in Rongcheng

  9. 月湖是山东半岛东端的一个小型潮汐汊道。

    The Yuehu is a small tidal inlet system located in the eastern Shandong Peninsula , China .

  10. 武汉月湖沉积物中硅藻的垂直分布与水质变化

    The Vertical Distribution of Diatoms in the Sediments and Water Quality Change of Moon Lake in Wuhan

  11. 改性明矾浆和滤食性动物控制月湖的蓝藻水华

    Study on Control of Blue-Green Blooms in Moon Lake by Using Ameliorated Alum Plasma and Filter - feeding Animals

  12. 月湖,又称天鹅湖,位于山东半岛最东端荣成湾顶的西南侧。

    Yuehu , known also as Swan Lake , lies in the southwestern part of RongchengBay , eastern Shandong Peninsula .

  13. 月湖北岸包括已建成的琴台大剧院,正在建设的音乐厅;

    In the north bank of Yuehu Lake , there are Qintai Grand Theatre and Concert Hall which is under construction ;

  14. 7~8月湖垸关系常处于危急状态。

    State Painting ( 5 ) The relation between lake and protective embankment is often at hazard during the period of July and August .

  15. 由于位居汉水和月湖之间的良好地理位置,如何处理建筑与环境的关系,以及使之成为体现武汉特色的窗口,成为讨论的重点。

    Due to the good location , how to get well with the environment and how to show the Wuhan characteristic has become the focus of discussion in the article .

  16. 佘山景区有蜚声中外的佘山圣母大殿,佘山天文台,天文博物馆,地震台,欢乐谷景区,月湖雕塑公园等。

    The Resort is well-known at home and abroad for Sheshan cathedral , Sheshan Observatory , Sheshan Astronomical Station , Seismological Station , Happy Valley Area and Moon-lake Sculpture Park , etc.

  17. 行政套房,面积近110平方米的行政套房拥有独立的客厅及卧室,两个独立阳台让您将周围群山缭绕的秀丽月湖美景尽收眼底。

    Executive Suite Room , The110 square meters Executive Suite Room has a separate living room and a bedroom , two balconies offering panoramic views of Yuehu Lake as well as the surrounding parklands .

  18. 酒店位于上海最大的人工湖泊&月湖之畔,毗邻国家森林公园的上海世茂佘山艾美酒店让您备感现代与自然完美相融的浪漫气息。

    Le Meridien She Shan Shanghai located by the shore of Shanghai 's largest lake , it provides guests with a relaxed elegant ambience set amidst the natural beauty of the She Shan national tourist resort .

  19. 以山东半岛月湖和海南岛博鳌港为例,论述人类开发活动对潮汐汊道带来的生态系统问题和航运防洪问题。

    With the Yuehu Lake on the Shandong Peninsula and the Boao Harbor on the Hainan Island as examples , the impacts are analyzed of human activities on the ecosystem , navigation , and flood control .

  20. 黄河口粉质土沉积物侵蚀性动态变化试验研究武汉月湖沉积物中硅藻的垂直分布与水质变化

    Laboratory study about the influence of dynamic loading on the erosion of silty sediment in the Huanghe Estuary in China The Vertical Distribution of Diatoms in the Sediments and Water Quality Change of Moon Lake in Wuhan