
  1. 更广阔的空间探索就此开始:“月球号”、“金星号”、“火星号”、“探测器号”以及其他行星际无人探测站被相继发射;

    Wide-scale exploration of space had begun : Luna , Venera , Mars , Zond and other automatic interplanetary stations were launched ;

  2. 接下来:苏联的月球车2号行驶了37千米。

    Next up : the Soviet Lunokhod 2 moon rover , which tracked some 37 kilometers .

  3. 月球流浪者号还带有一台电视摄象机和一根天线,可以向地球播送彩色电视节目。

    The Lunar Rover also had a television camera and an antenna for sending color television broadcasts back to Earth .

  4. 更麻烦的是,月球飞船一号体积非常小,尺寸大约为一辆智能汽车的一半,并且远在38万公里之外。

    More troubling was that the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft is very small , about half the size of a smart car , and about 380000 kilometers away .

  5. 月球飞船一号背负著两年的计划,将循环月球轨道,并且扫描其化学与矿物成分。

    The Chandrayaan-I , which means Moon Vehicle , is being sent on a two-year mission to orbit the Moon and scan its chemical and mineral composition .

  6. 星期三凌晨,无人驾驶的“月球飞船一号”从印度南部斯里赫里戈达岛的发射台上轰然起飞,印度全国通过电视转播观看了发射。

    The unmanned Chandayaan-1 spacecraft blasted off from a launch pad in Sriharikota in southern India , shortly after dawn , Wednesday , as the nation watched on television .

  7. 月球轨道探测器LRO号发射于2009年6月18日,而印度的月球飞船一号则发射于2008年10月22日。

    LRO was launched on June 18 , 2009 , while India 's Chandrayaan-1 was launched on October 22 , 2008 .

  8. 月球初航一号在第三次变轨时到达远地点165000公里高。

    Chandrayaan-1 reached the third orbit with an apogee of1,65,000 km .

  9. 星期五晚上7点,中国第二颗月球卫星嫦娥二号将完成其从2010年10月1日发射后的6个月使命。

    At seven o'clock Friday night , China 's second lunar orbiter Chang'e-2 will complete its6 month mission , which was launched on October , 1st , 2010 .

  10. 时隔我国发射第一颗月球探测器嫦娥1号一年多,昨天中国科学家发布了第一张全月球影像图。

    Scientists reveal China 's first full map of the moon 's surface yesterday , more than a year after the launch of the country 's first lunar probe , the Chang'e-1 .

  11. 日前,美国航天局NASA已经成功定位到印度首艘月球太空船--月球飞船一号,该飞船于8年前发射,但随后便与地球上的地面控制人员失去了联系。

    US space agency NASA has successfully located India 's first lunar spacecraft Chandrayaan-1 that lost contact with ground controllers on Earth eight years ago .

  12. 月球表面粗糙度同样可以引起雷达回波呈现出类似水冰的异常特征,而中子探测仪测量到的仅仅是氢信号而非水,而且月球勘探者号撞击月表之后并没有探测到任何的水蒸气信号。

    For neutron spectrograph , what we can decide is hydrogen , not water . Furthermore , we are failing to find any water vapor after the impact of Lunar Prospector .