
yǒu chánɡ xīn wén
  • news paid for at space rates
  1. 在新闻传播中,存在着有偿新闻的现象,这已是人所共知的事实。

    The phenomenon of paid news is found in news broadcasting .

  2. 传媒监督与传媒自律强化自律意识杜绝有偿新闻

    Strengthening the Consciousness Self-discipline and Banning Publishing News with Reward

  3. 话语权寻租:有偿新闻的经济学解读

    " Right of Speech for Lease ": An Economic Interpretation of Payoff Journalism

  4. 浅谈广播电视有偿新闻的成因与预防

    Talking About The Cause and Prevent Measure of Paid News in Radio and Television

  5. 有偿新闻严重背离了社会法律与道德。

    This essay holds that the phenomenon is inconsistent with the law and morality .

  6. 有偿新闻背离了新闻道德

    Newswriting for illicit payments deviates from press ethics

  7. 有偿新闻的文化解读

    The Cultural Interpretation of Paid News

  8. 有偿新闻的伦理批判

    An Ethical Criticism of Paid News

  9. 有偿新闻在新闻媒体,包括广播电视单位已呈蔓延趋势,它的危害性也早已人所共知。

    Paid news has been spread in news media including radio and television and its harm has already known by people .

  10. 政府于4月份发布规定,禁止省级刊物的记者收取酬金,不得为有利报道索取财物,或是提供有偿新闻。

    Rules issued in April ban provincial reporters from taking kickbacks , extorting money for favourable coverage , or offering paid news .

  11. 在如何看待有偿新闻的问题上,本文尝试超越传统的经济学视角,从而寻求新的理论切入点。

    As far as paid news is concerned , this paper tries to surpass the traditional economic angle and seek for new theory .

  12. 遏止有偿新闻必须运用法律和道德调节两种手段。

    In order to stop the phenomenon , we must resort to the two means , that is , the law and morality .

  13. 即使一些在短期内取得效果的措施,也是治标不治本,难以从根本上铲除有偿新闻的“根系”。

    Though measures have achieved aimed result in a short time , and tackled a problem on the surface , it is difficult to root out " foundation " of payoff journalism .

  14. 在中美典型的新闻道德现象中,一类是容易做出善与恶的道德评价且是非比较明确的行为,比如有偿新闻、隐私新闻等。

    During the typical moral phenomenon about journalism , some is easy to distinct good and evil and what right and wrong is clear , such as news of reward and news of privacy .

  15. 文章认为,新闻界存在的四大公害&虚假报道、有偿新闻、低俗之风、不良广告,正使传媒公信力遭受着侵蚀与损害。

    Credibility of the media depends for its survival and development on the basis that the media valuable intangible asset is the media foundation , because of the four hazard , which means False reports , paid news , vulgarity , bad advertisement .

  16. 恪守新闻的真实性;坚持实地采访;杜绝有偿新闻、杜绝有偿评论;强调并践行新闻工作的服务性,时刻秉着为现实、为读者服务的精神,树立了高素质记者楷模形象。

    Adhere to the authenticity of the news ; adhere to interview on the front line ; put an end to paid news and paid comments ; to stress and practice the service of journalism , always served readers and society , he had set a model of high-quality image .

  17. 防范“有偿不新闻”的路径在于把加强新闻从业人员思想建设与加强监督机制、行政监管及法制建设结合起来。

    The best way to preventing this phenomenon is to strengthen journalist 's professional ethics , promote the supervision system and legal construction .

  18. “有偿不新闻”,就是指收受或索取了别人的财物,把公众本应该知道的信息隐藏起来,不报道,不曝光。

    " Compensable block of wood news " means that some information which people should have known are not reported and exposed , because of having received and asked for other 's money .

  19. 90年代中后期,有偿征集新闻线索的新闻热线在都市类报纸上出现,催生了新闻线人的产生,其后逐渐向其他媒体延伸。

    In the late 1990s , the news hotline for collecting news with payment appeared in the city newspapers , which gave an accelerative birth to the news informer who later stretches to other media .

  20. 有偿行为造成媒介生态危机。面对有偿新闻,专家、学者和业内人士纷纷献计献策,然而真正有效的、具有可操作性的建议却很难找寻。

    In the face of payoff journalism , experts , scholars and insiders suggest ways and means one after another , but really effective , suggestions are very difficult to look for .