
  • 网络Journalism ethics;ethics of journalism;media ethics;press ethics
  1. 这种情况可以是符合新闻伦理的,但前提是,新闻机构要将“宣扬”与“报道”区分开来。

    This can be consistent with journalism ethics but only if the news organization distinguishes between advocacy and reporting .

  2. 首先,从理论上界定何为新闻伦理与新闻道德,并分析了新闻传播行为的道德选择与评价以及中美新闻伦理的历史发展。

    It includes three parts : Firstly , distinguish what is journalism ethics and what is moral rules and analyze the moral choices 、 values in news communication and history of journalism ethics both in China and America .

  3. 论威廉新闻伦理思想及其对中国的影响

    On Walter Williams ' Press Ethics and Its Influence on China

  4. 我国网络新闻伦理建设的理论与实践探析

    Review on Theory & Practice about China 's Internet Journalistic Ethics

  5. 我国目前新闻伦理教育的误区与发展路径

    On the Misunderstanding of Chinese Journalistic Moral Education and Development Path

  6. 那么,弱势群体报道中的新闻伦理失范现象是通过哪些形式表现出来的?

    Well , how is the news reports disadvantaged ethics anomie manifested ?

  7. 新闻伦理是近年来新闻学领域的研究热点。

    In recent years , the journalistic ethics is hot in the Journalism realm .

  8. 新闻伦理观的分歧来自于伦理学本身的分歧。

    The divergences of news ethic view derive from the differences of ethnics itself .

  9. 新闻伦理问题无论在理论界还是新闻实践中都越来越受到重视。

    The ethics of journalism has been paid attention to both in theory and practice .

  10. 从坠机报道看韩国新闻伦理

    Journalistic Ethics in South Korea as Reflected in Reports of the 4 · 15 Plane Crash

  11. 全球化与新闻伦理文化

    Globalization and News Ethics Cultural

  12. 网络新闻伦理问题与传统媒体环境下的新闻伦理问题存在着历史上的承继性和逻辑上的相关性。

    The Net News ethics question and news ethics question under the traditional media environment have historical and logical relevance .

  13. 第三章以拉什迪与穆罕默德事件为例,探究宗教问题引发的新闻伦理问题。

    Taking Rushdie and Mohammed event as an example , the third chapter explores the religious issues triggered by news ethics .

  14. 所以,北洋政府时期的新闻伦理思想在我国新闻伦理思想史上具有举足轻重的地位。

    Therefore , the news ethics in the period of Northern Warlords Government plays a decisive role in the history of news ethics .

  15. 为应对挑战,进一步加强社会主义新闻伦理文化建设刻不容缓。

    To face up to the challenge , strengthening the construction of ethic culture of socialist media turns out to be ever urgent .

  16. 不同的新闻伦理观直接影响着记者在新闻活动中行为的选择,而这种行为选择又会得到不同的道德评价。

    Different new ethics affect the reporter 's behavior choices directly , while the reporter ' behavior choices can receive different ethic evaluation .

  17. 我们不仅需要知道新闻伦理的准则,还需要知道准则的理论根源在哪里。

    Not only do we need to know the criteria for media ethics , but also need to know the origin of those criteria .

  18. 网络新闻伦理问题是随着计算机和互联网技术的产生和发展并应用于新闻传播领域而逐渐出现并引起关注的。

    The Internet news ethics develops along with the computer and the Internet technology production and application and arouses the concern gradually in the news dissemination domain .

  19. 都市报犯罪新闻伦理失衡的原因包括外因和内因,外因是新闻消费主义的影响以及受众日益增长的窥私欲,内因是新闻从业者义利观的失衡。

    The reason includes external and internal factors , external factors is the impact of consumerism of news , and the internal cause is the imbalance of journalists .

  20. 遏制新闻伦理失范问题,构建我国未来的新闻伦理体系,既有现实的紧迫性,又是一个长期的任务。

    It is not only a practical urgency , but also a long-term task to prevent ethical journalistic misconducts and construct future system of journalism ethics for our country .

  21. 注重技术管理手段的运用等等,为网络新闻伦理与法制问题的进一步研究奠定了基础。

    The application of the methods in technical management are stressed . This paper lays a foundation for the further research of ethics and laws construction of internet nwes .

  22. 本文共分四章,第一章《网络新闻伦理的概念界定》,包括新闻伦理的定义和网络新闻伦理界说两个部分,廓清网络新闻伦理的定义;

    This thesis altogether is divided into four chapters . The first chapter , Concept of Net News Ethics , including the news ethics definition and Net News ethics definition ;

  23. 论文从网络伦理的发展和新闻伦理的转化角度界定了网络新闻伦理,指出其与传统新闻伦理的异同。第二章描述网络新闻伦理失范现象,分析失范原因。

    Papers point out its similarities and differences between traditional news ethics and network news ethics . Chapter ⅱ describes the phenomenon of online news ethics of anomie , analyzes causes of anomie .

  24. 正因如此,新闻伦理成为当前的一个重要话题,它作为新闻传播学中一个不可或缺的部分,在整个传播过程中起着至关重要的作用。

    Just because of this , the media ethic becomes an important topic today , as a necessary part of news transmission , it plays a very important part in the whole disseminating .

  25. 随着社会现实的冲突和失序加剧,以及媒体市场化、过度商业化等因素,新闻伦理问题已经成为媒体从业者和研究者都不可忽视的问题。

    With the conflict of social reality and disorder increased , as well as the tendency of media marketization , over-commercialization , media ethics has been not neglected by the media practitioners and researchers .

  26. 这一时期的新闻伦理思想在特定的社会时代背景中产生发展,具有鲜明的时代烙印,不仅是对前一时期资产阶级新闻伦理思想的发展,同时也是我国无产阶级新闻伦理思想的萌芽。

    News ethics of this period developed in a particular social background , with a distinctive feature of the times . It was not only a development of the bourgeois News ethics in the previous period , but also the embryo of the proletariat news ethics .

  27. 其次,分析了当前我国新闻伦理道德建设在经济全球化和市场经济条件下所面临的挑战,提出了在这一背景下我国新闻业应具备的新闻伦理要求;

    It then goes to analyze the challenges with which the construction of work ethics of journalism in our country has to cope in the face of economic globalization and market economy , and continues to bring up requirements of its construction against this general background ;

  28. 论网络新闻的伦理与法制建设

    On the Ethics and Laws Construction of Internet News

  29. 有鉴于此,新闻传媒伦理也成为当前的一个重要话题。

    Therefore , the morality of new media has also become an important subject currently .

  30. 有偿新闻的伦理批判

    An Ethical Criticism of Paid News