
  • 网络News Photography;Photojournalism;press photography;newsphotography
  1. 数字化时代新闻摄影实践面临的挑战

    Facing Challenges : Photojournalism in a Digital Age

  2. 新闻摄影教育改革是目前高等新闻教育改革的一个重要方面。

    The reform of photojournalism education is one of the most important aspects of higher journalism education innovation .

  3. 她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。

    She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy .

  4. 如果弗兰克·赫利的照片是上周拍的,那就相当出色了——毫无疑问是一流的新闻摄影作品。

    Frank Hurley 's pictures would be outstanding ---- undoubtedly first-rate photo-journalism --- if they had been made last week .

  5. 中国摄影师正在一年一度的世界新闻摄影比赛(WorldPressPhoto)上获得更多的认可。

    Chinese photographers are gaining more recognition at the annual World Press Photo contest .

  6. 华盛顿邮报记者CarolGuzy同她的两名同事一起获得突发新闻摄影奖。这一奖项也使得她成为第一名四获普利策殊荣的记者。

    And The Washington Post 's Carol Guzy , won the breaking news photography award along with two colleagues , making her the first journalist to have received four Pulitzers .

  7. 现在,他决定正式站出来,他的名字叫埃明·厄兹曼(Emin?zmen),是一位土耳其摄影师,他有关阿勒颇斩首事件的作品获得2012年世界新闻摄影奖。

    Now , he has decided to come forward for the first time . He is Emin ? zmen , a Turkish photographer awarded a World Press Photo prize in 2012 for his images of torture in Aleppo .

  8. 读图时代新闻摄影的发展策略

    The Developing Strategies of Graphic-reading on the Time of News Photographing

  9. 以素养能力为主导的新闻摄影课程教学实践探索

    On the Journalism Photography Practice Oriented by the Literacy Competency Cultivation

  10. 第五部分:对悲剧性新闻摄影中新闻丑的规避。

    Section 3 : The correct concept of tragic photo journalism .

  11. 新闻摄影是新闻报道的一种重要的方式。

    The news photography is an important style of news coverage .

  12. 蔡振峰的新闻摄影作品,获得国际社会认可。

    His photos have gained the nod of the international community .

  13. 新闻摄影本质方法探析

    Inquiry into and Analysis of Essential Ways of New Photography

  14. 数字化时代新闻摄影理论的研究方向

    Researching Direction of Reportage Photographic Theory in teh Digit Times

  15. 略谈新闻摄影典型瞬间形象的捕捉

    On the Catching of Typical Momentary Image in Journalistic Photography

  16. 瞬间:新闻摄影的行为和理论要义

    Instantaneity : the Essence of News Photographing and Relative Theories

  17. 怎样利用新闻摄影发掘视觉信息

    How to Make Use of News Photograph to Excavate the Visual Information

  18. 论灾难新闻摄影的正面价值与负面效应

    Analysis of Catastrophe Press Photo : The Positive Value and Negative Effect

  19. 小张的新闻摄影作品在国际上获了奖。

    Xiao Zhang 's news photos won a prize in an international exhibition .

  20. 视觉文化传播时代新闻摄影的审美趋向

    The Aesthetic Trends of News Photography in the Time of Visual Cultural Communication

  21. 而新闻摄影、纪实摄影却是和摄影特技格格不入的。

    However , news photography , documentary photography is and photography stunt antipathetic .

  22. 新闻摄影真实性的系统诠释

    A Systematic Annotation of the Authenticity of News Photo

  23. 新闻摄影具有新闻战线特殊兵种的独特优势,是新闻报道的重要一翼,是形象化的时代科学和纪实性的时代艺术,是党、国家和人民的耳目与喉舌。

    Photojournalism has its unique advantage and is an important part of reportage .

  24. 新闻摄影贵在发现和表现

    News photograph is vital to Discovering and Showing

  25. 而且在这种时代特征的催化中,新闻摄影显示出越来越多的危机。

    And in this era of catalysis , news photography show a growing crisis .

  26. 中西方灾难性事件新闻摄影报道的差异性研究

    Comparative Studies on Photo Journalism : the Difference between China and Western Disaster Coverage

  27. 第三章从新闻摄影中审美信息的传播形态出发对样本中荷载着审美信息的视觉符号进行归纳分析。

    The third chapter analyzes the forms of aesthetic information of WPP in communication .

  28. 新闻摄影的瞬间形象性分析

    Analysis on Twinkling Figure of Taking News Photograph

  29. 论新闻摄影的信息传播特征

    ON the Communication Characteristics of the News Photography

  30. 在当今的传媒格局中,新闻摄影已经占有一席之地。

    News photography has already taken a place of today 's mass media structure .