
  • 网络origin of news
  1. 客观事实是新闻的本源,但仅仅从这个本源出发不能全面地解释新闻概念的本质和记者实践中碰到的问题。

    News programs must observe the law of journalism and are obliged to return to the intrinsic quality of journalism .

  2. 由此可见,新闻的本源是事实,因此新闻的报道必须尊重客观的事实。

    According to this definition , we can learn that the essence of news is truth . Therefore , news report must be based on truth .

  3. 其内涵丰富,是马克思主义领导人在长期新闻实践活动中,逐渐形成的对于新闻事业的性质、地位、功能、原则、方针、方法和新闻本质、本源以及传播活动所做出的理论概括。

    It has substantial contents which are the theoretical general survey made by leaders of Marxism through long practices on journalism 's nature , status , function , principle , policy and means and also the essence , origin and communication activities of journalism .