
  • 网络News authenticity;accuracy of news
  1. 倾向和局限&浅析新闻真实性的主客观制约因素

    Tendency Limitation Subjective and objective restriction of news ′ truthfulness

  2. 事实·语言和新闻真实性

    Fact , Language and the Verity Of Report

  3. 党的某些不良作风,往往导致新闻真实性的丧失。

    The ill styles of Party work often lead to the loss of journalistic authenticity .

  4. 科技新闻真实性的把握&兼论20世纪末新闻媒体与伪科学的斗争

    On the Truth of Science News

  5. 关于新闻真实性原则的若干思考

    Certain Ponders about News Authentic Principle

  6. 主观性因素对电视新闻真实性的影响具有普遍性和危害性。

    Universality and harmfulness of subjective factors will impact much on the truth of TV news .

  7. 包括对新闻真实性的影响、引发的相关道德问题和法律问题。

    It included the impact of the truth of the news , triggering the moral and legal issues .

  8. 报刊造谣传谣与新闻真实性原则相违背,引发对日后新闻职业道德规范发展和记者专业队伍建设的呼吁。

    Contrary to the principle of true news authenticity , rumor Caused the call of journalistic ethics and journalists professional team construction in the following period .

  9. 报道说,北京电视台已经为新闻真实性的失察而道歉,并表示会采取措施增强职员的道德感。

    Beijing TV had apologized for failing to check the report 's authenticity and said it would make efforts to improve staff ethics , the paper added .

  10. 然而,在众多专家学者对新闻真实性问题进行研究的同时,虚假新闻也层出不穷,屡禁不止。

    However , with the fact of emerging of many studies from various experts , the question of the news authenticity turned to be more and more serious , and a stream of fake news emerged at the same time .

  11. 然而,随着全球化进程的不断推进,新闻真实性原则也不可避免地受到经济、政治、文化差异等诸多因素的冲击,假新闻现象也已引起世界各国新闻业界的高度重视。

    However , with the continuous globalization progresses , the principle of news authenticity was inevitably affected by a number of factors , such as economic , political and cultural differences . Meanwhile , the impact of the phenomenon of false news has resulted in the global media industry attention .

  12. 我不怀疑那条新闻的真实性。

    I doubt whether they told him the bad news .

  13. 把握好新闻的真实性,关系到网络媒体的公信力。

    Nesw reality is important for net media 's truth .

  14. 网络英语新闻:真实性输入在英语教学中的应用

    Net News : the Authentic Input in EFL Classes

  15. 新闻摄影真实性的系统诠释

    A Systematic Annotation of the Authenticity of News Photo

  16. 论新闻的真实性

    On Truthfulness of News Truthfulness and Realness of Thoughts

  17. 在此影响下,新闻的真实性和客观性得到进一步体现。

    Under this influence , the news authenticity and the objectivity obtain further manifest .

  18. 史家实录与新闻的真实性之比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Historians ' Real Record and the Authenticity of News

  19. 再谈维护新闻的真实性

    Another Talk on the Authenticity of News

  20. 简论新闻的真实性

    On the Feature of News ' Truth

  21. 如何确保在第一时间报道新闻的真实性

    How to guarantee the authenticity of the news which are reported as soon as possible

  22. 新闻的真实性是什么&兼论新闻理论体系的科学性

    What is the Truth of the News : An Note on a Scientific Journalism System

  23. 坚持实事求是的原则,维护新闻的真实性。维护新闻的真实性是中美新闻道德建设的重要课题;

    Insisting on the principle of seeking truth from facts and keeping the truthfulness of news .

  24. 论新闻的真实性与倾向性

    On the Authenticity of News

  25. 坚持新闻的真实性,既是新闻理论研究的一个重要课题,更是新闻实践中的一个重要问题。

    The news authenticity is an important issue not only in the research field , but also in practice .

  26. 编排艺术是对当前编排思想的一种总结和提升,在坚持电视新闻节目真实性的前提下,通过采用不同的编排艺术手法实现电视新闻价值的最大化。

    Arrangement art summarizes and promotes the current thinking . It maximizes the value of television news programs on the premise of insisting on the reality by using different artistic techniques .

  27. 由于公正性传播要服务和服从于新闻的真实性要求,因此对平等、自由、独立的追求只能是适度的,对诚实、正直、无私的道德规范也应限制在一定的原则范围之内。

    Because fair and impartial propagation should serve and be subordinate to the truthfulness of the news , the pursuit of equality , freedom and independence should be moderate and appropriate , and the moral norms of honesty , uprightness and selflessness should be restricted by certain principles .

  28. 恪守新闻的真实性;坚持实地采访;杜绝有偿新闻、杜绝有偿评论;强调并践行新闻工作的服务性,时刻秉着为现实、为读者服务的精神,树立了高素质记者楷模形象。

    Adhere to the authenticity of the news ; adhere to interview on the front line ; put an end to paid news and paid comments ; to stress and practice the service of journalism , always served readers and society , he had set a model of high-quality image .

  29. 新闻真实是事实性真实、过程性真实、有限度的真实、即时性真实。

    The authenticity of news is the authenticity of accuracy , procession , limitation , and immediate .

  30. 新闻传播的真实性应体现在事实真实和总体真实两个层次上,而对本质真实论持有异议;

    I think the authenticity ought to be showed in two levels : the realty of the fact and general reality , and I have objection to the essence reality theory ;