
  • 网络news game
  1. BBC新闻–日本游戏公司任天堂新的宝可梦Go智能手机游戏大获成功后,其股价周一跃升近1/4。

    BBC News - Shares in Japanese gaming company Nintendo jumped by nearly a quarter on Monday following the success of its new Pokemon Go smartphone game .

  2. 其次,我们可以从手机中获取很多乐趣,比如,看新闻,玩游戏,听音乐,发短信聊天。

    Secondly , a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with : news , games , music and chat through sending short messages .

  3. 尽管歉疚,受关注的还是真实的戴妃,任她开心的时候把新闻媒体当游戏玩。

    The guilty though , is tempered by the truth about Diana , but she played the game using the press when it suited her , to promote a cause for her own .

  4. 克里姆林宫的新闻发言人警告游戏用户不要去克里姆林宫寻找精灵。还有人在讨论,对于在教堂里找精灵的用户,应该一律投进监狱。

    The Kremlin 's press secretary warned users not to visit the Kremlin looking for Pok é mon , and there was talk of prison time for anyone found looking for them in a church .

  5. 对我来说,业余时间我喜欢听音乐,读点书,购物,上网看新闻,玩游戏和去健身房。

    As for me , I like to listen to music , do some reading and shopping , read news and play games on the internet and do some exercise in gym in my spare time .

  6. 那么这些人通常用手机做些什么呢?65%的受访者选择了发信息,51%的受访者在查看天气预报,44%的受访者在看新闻,而玩游戏和购物的人各占24%。

    Checking the weather was next common ( 51 % ) , followed by reading the news ( 44 % ) , playing games ( 24 % ) and shopping ( 24 % ) .