
  1. 近年来英语政治新闻在语言学界引起了很大的关注。

    English political news has aroused great concern in the field of linguistics in recent years .

  2. 新闻报道的语言学研究:消息语篇的衔接和连贯

    Linguistic Study on News Report : Cohesion and Coherence of News Text

  3. 作为一种日益重要的传媒及政治语篇,新闻访谈在语言学界一直未给予足够重视。

    As an increasingly important type of journalistic and political discourse , news interviews gain relatively less attention by linguists .

  4. 他们主要从新闻业、语言学和文体学角度来研究新闻翻译的性质、方法和目的。

    They have interpreted the nature , method and the goal of news translation in terms of journalism , linguistics and stylistics .