
  1. 论新闻报道策划的实践意义

    On the Meaning of Reporting Scheme

  2. 新闻报道策划论

    On the planing of News Report

  3. 新闻报道策划应以受众、媒体、社会三者利益最大化为其最高目标。

    Planning should be based on news audience , the media , the social interests of the three sides to maximize their highest goal .

  4. 进而界定新闻报道策划的具体所指,给出策划运行图释,并按不同标准分为报道策划三大类。

    And then define the referents of news report planning and show plan-practicing graph and according to different standards , classify news report planning into three types .

  5. 就报道主题、整合信息、沟通受众和发挥媒体整体优势等方面论述了新闻报道策划的实践意义。

    This thesis demonstrates the practical meaning of reporting scheme in terms of the reporting theme , integrated information , linking up the mass and making the most of the advantage of the press .

  6. 浅谈工会新闻报道的策划

    The Plan About Labor Union News Report and Conduct

  7. 新闻策划是对新闻报道活动的策划,电视新闻策划是现代社会受众和电视自身发展的需要。

    News planning is to plan the news reporting activity , not the fact of news . It is the audience as well as the TV development that requires TV news planning .

  8. 新闻媒体公益活动策划,是有别于媒体日常新闻报道策划的一类策划形式。

    The plan of the public-spirited activity in medium , is a type of plan that to be different from the everyday news report plan of medium .

  9. 目前,网络新闻传播策划与组织主要包括新闻网站策划、编辑方针定制和网络新闻报道策划与组织三个方面。

    Presently , the planning and organizing of online news communication include chiefly three parts : the planning of the news web-site , making of editing principle and the planning and organizing of online news report .

  10. 然后通过对新闻专题报道的实际操作流程研究,案例的分析,展开讨论新闻专题报道的策划以及策划过程中调控的意义,最后归结到对整个报业竞争的影响。

    Then , it will discuss the meaning of news monographic report 's plan and control by studying the news monographic report 's practical operating work flow and analyzing the cases . At last , the thesis ends with how the news monographic report effect in the newspaper competition .