
  • 网络organic agriculture;Organic Farming
  1. 国际有机农业运动联盟有机生产和加工基本标准(IBS)反映了当前有机农业生产和加工水平,是各国政府和民间认证机构制定有机产品标准的基础。

    International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Basic Standard for Organic Production and Processing ( IBS ) reflects the current state of organic production and processing methods of organic farming . IBS provides a framework for certification bodies and standard setting organizations worldwide to develop their own certification standards .

  2. Alcala曾经担任过议员,他正在推动有机农业而且最近和其他人共同提出了一项促进有机农业的法律&尽管它并没有禁止使用化肥。

    Alcala , a former legislator , is pushing for organic agriculture and has co-authored a recent law that promotes organic farming & although it does not prevent the use of chemical fertiliser .

  3. 有机农业正在各地迅速发展起来。

    Organic farming is expanding everywhere .

  4. 他们辩称,转基因食品从来没有兑现他们的承诺,用于转基因作物的资金应该流向有机农业,任何含有转基因成分的产品上都应该贴上警告标签,从而保护消费者。

    They argue that GM foods have never delivered on their supposed promise , that money spent on GM crops would be better channeled to organic farming and that consumers should be protected with warning labels on any products that contain genetically modified ingredients .

  5. 整体医疗、有机农业和艺术表演就是爱打破常规的水瓶座人喜欢的行业

    Holistic medicine , organic farming or performance art are the sorts of fields these iconoclasts enjoy .

  6. 该项分析耗资约60万美元,这些费用由欧盟(EuropeanUnion)的执行机构欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)和支持有机农业研究的英国慈善机构SheepdroveTrust承担。

    The European Commission , the executive body of the European Union , and the Sheepdrove Trust , a British charity that supports organic farming research , paid for the analysis , which cost about $ 600000 .

  7. 石嫣说她希望她回到中国后能够传达有机农业的理念和向中国农民传递如何实践CSA。

    Shi Yan commented she hopes when she return to China that she is able to convey the sense of organic farming and how they practice this at a CSA farm to the farmers in China .

  8. 佛蒙特州另一位农民ScottNelson筹集了近9000美元,他想记录下农场里的种植和生长情况,用来教那些对有机农业感兴趣的人,他制作了一段视频。

    Another farmer in Vermont , Scott Nelson , raised almost nine thousand dollars . He wanted to document the growth and development of his farm to teach others who are interested in organic farming , as a video explained .

  9. 有机农业作物保护的首要问题&管理

    Crop Protection in organic farming : First a Question of Management

  10. 服务农民专业合作社推动有机农业标准化产业升级

    Farmer Specialization Cooperation Promoting Industry Upgrading in Standardization of Organic Agriculture

  11. 有机农业土壤氮素流失与防止措施

    Nitrogen Loss in Soil of Organic Agriculture and Its Control Procedure

  12. 有机农业发展现状及其研究趋向

    The development , current status and research trends of organic agriculture

  13. 有机农业与世界有机甜菜的发展

    Development of Organic Agriculture and Organic Sugarbeet in the World

  14. 论土壤污染与有机农业土壤保护的生态学原理

    Ecological Principle of Soil Pollution and Organic Agricultural Soil Protection

  15. 布雷克?斯通-班克斯报道云南新的有机农业和沼气革新项目。

    Blake Stone-Banks on an organic agriculture and biogas programme in Yunnan .

  16. 有机农业的环境效益评估

    Environmental Benefit A s s e s s ment of Organic Agriculture

  17. 有机农业对农业经济的促进作用浅析

    Discuss the Promoter Action from Organic Agriculture to Agricultural Economy

  18. 有机农业土壤培肥和肥料使用的规范要求

    Requirement in Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer use of Organic Agriculture

  19. 浅议济南市南部山区有机农业发展

    On the development of organic agriculture in south mountain area of Jinan

  20. 临沂市有机农业发展现状及其展望

    Current Status and Development of Organic Farming in Linyi City

  21. 有机农业:可持续农业发展的典范

    Organic agriculture : typical model of sustainable agriculture in China

  22. 国外有机农业的病虫草害防治

    Disease , Pest and Weed Control or Organic Agriculture in Other Countries

  23. 构筑北京郊区有机农业体系为奥运服务

    Building the Platform of Organic Agriculture for the Serving of Olympic Games

  24. 有机农业在香港幼联园艺农场的实践

    Organic agriculture practiced on garden farm of Hong Kong CECES

  25. 中国有机农业发展现状、问题和对策

    Development , Question and Countermeasure of Organic agriculture in China

  26. 发展特色农业;有机农业初探西部特色有机农业区域布局构想

    Imagination for regional distribution of organic agriculture with special characteristics at West China

  27. 基因工程技术应用对有机农业生态环境的影响

    Influence of Application of Gene Engineering Technology on Ecological Environment of Organic Agriculture

  28. 充分说明有机农业能够协调当地生物多样性保护和实现农业可持续发展。

    The organic farm can be helpful for biodiversity protection and sustainable development .

  29. 日美欧有机农业比较

    A Comparison of the Organic Agriculture of Japan , the US and Europe

  30. 有机农业有机食品加工生产技术规范

    Technical Specification of the Organic Agriculture , the Organic Food Process and Production