
  • 网络organic rice
  1. 有机大米加工技术规程

    Technique Rules on Produce Organic Rice

  2. 总结了有机大米的主要生产技术内容,指出了基地的选择和转换方法。

    Summarize the main content of organic rice production technology then point out the requirements and translating method of base .

  3. 初步表明,该区稻鸭共作生态农业模式可以实现水稻生产过程中不使用任何化肥和农药,且生产出有机大米的目的。

    Rice-duck integrated farming ecosystem sustained soil fertility and produced organic rice without using any fertilizer and pesticide in the First Agricultural Division of Xinjiang .

  4. 以山泉水浇灌、传统方式耕作,其生育期达130天以上,是典型的、原生态的绿色有机大米。

    Dong saffron rice , watered by mountain spring water , raised by the traditional way of farming , has a growth period of130 days and is a typical green organic rice of original ecology .

  5. 在最近的高温天气里,有时我为女孩们备了有机大米蒸饭,做了一盘沙拉,开一罐品质优异的海鲜食品,这些就成了我们的晚饭。

    Just buy part of your meal out During our recent 90-degree-plus week , I sometimes grabbed a box of cooked organic white rice for the girls and then made a salad , and open a can of high-quality seafood for our dinner .

  6. 同圣米业是目前内蒙古草原唯一有机富硒大米生产企业。

    Tongsheng Rice currently is the only organic and selenium yeast rice producing enterprise in Inter Mongolia Altiplano .

  7. 采购:大豆产品,有机食品,大米,巧克力。

    Buy : Soy-base product , Organic food , Rice , Chocolate .

  8. 自然友好式的欧盟有机农业哺乳动物生产规程有机大米加工技术规程

    Principles on Friendly Raise in EU Organic Mammal Production Technique Rules on Produce Organic Rice

  9. 浅析了有机水稻的生产与开发;有机大米加工技术规程

    Production and development of organic rice are summarized . Technique Rules on Produce Organic Rice

  10. 尽管有机水稻的平均产量较常规生产降低了104%,投入成本提高了109%,但由于有机大米的价格是常规的278倍,因此有机水稻生产的经济效益更高。

    Although organic rice is 10 4 % lower in average yield and costs 109 % more than the conventional one , it enjoys a sales price 2 78 times as high as the conventional one does . This brings about higher economic benefit for organic rice .