
  • 网络organic sediment
  1. 结果显示,直接抽取海水的养殖池24h内有机沉积物含量分别为单过滤海水池和双重过滤海水池的4.9和5.1倍,而不同处理海水养殖池中有机沉积物与鲍苗的成活率呈密切相关;

    The results show that : ⅰ within 24 h , the organic sediment in direct seawater pond has the highest level which is 4.9 and 5.1 times as much as that in the ponds of single filtrated seawater and double filtrated seawater , respectively ;

  2. 三维全扫描荧光法探讨长江口邻近陆架有机沉积物来源

    Studying on source of organic sediment in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent continental shelf by three dimensional total scanning fluorescence

  3. 解除气井有机沉积物堵塞用的解堵剂JD-3

    Blockage Relieving Agent JD-3 for Removing Organic Precipitates in Gas Wells

  4. 电磁加热解除近井凝析油堵塞效果研究解除气井有机沉积物堵塞用的解堵剂JD-3

    Eliminating condensate blocking by electromagnetic heating Blockage Relieving Agent JD-3 for Removing Organic Precipitates in Gas Wells

  5. 本文提出用有机物在沉积物上的色谱比保留体积(Vg)值估算沉积物有机碳吸附系数(K∝)。

    The coefficient ( K_oc ) of organic carbon adsorption on river sediment can be estimated by determining the specific retention volume ( V_g ) of organic compounds on the sediment by gas chromatography .

  6. 选取Pb(NO3)2、氯化十六烷基吡啶(CPC)、对硝基苯酚为代表污染物,试验了重金属与表面活性剂共存对有机物在沉积物上吸附行为的影响。

    Sorption behavior of p-nitrophenol by sediment in the presence of both cetylpyridinium chloride ( CPC ) and Pb ( NO_3 ) _2 were investigated .

  7. 有机物在沉积物/水系统中的吸附行为研究

    The adsorption behavior of organic pollutants in sediment & water systems

  8. 表面活性剂对极性有机物在沉积物上吸附的影响

    Effect of Surfactant on Sorption of Polar Organic Compounds in Sediment

  9. 离子化有机污染物在沉积物和水相间的平衡分配计算

    Study on equilibrium partition of ionizable organic contaminants between sediment and water

  10. 有机质在沉积物成岩中的作用

    Roles of organic matter in sediment diagenesis

  11. 不同处理方法去除有机质对沉积物吸附有机农药和非离子表面活性剂的影响

    Effect of different sediment treatments on the adsorption behaviors of organic pesticides and nonionic surfactant on sediment

  12. 因此,研究重金属和有机污染物在沉积物上的复合吸附机理,明确作用于复合污染过程的各影响因素的贡献及相互关系,对受重金属、农药复合污染的河流进行环境修复有重要的理论指导意义。

    Therefore , it is important to study the composite adsorption mechanism of heavy metals and organic pollutants in sediment , to clear contribution and mutual relations of each factor in the process of combined pollution .

  13. 沉积盆地内能够形成天然气水合物的先决条件包括:富含分散有机质的沉积物中充有地下水、深水区的水动力处于滞流状态、存在生物成因的气体、压力与温度具有特定的相关关系等。

    Formation of natural gas hydrate in a sedimentary basin depends upon sediments rich in organic matter that are hydrated , static hydrodynamic conditions in deep water areas , existence of biogenic gas , and pressure specifically related to temperature .

  14. 本文用Langmuir吸附模型分析了有机物在自然沉积物上的吸附规律。

    Adsorption behavior of organic compounds on natural sediments has been analyzed with the mixed Langmuir equation .

  15. 气相色谱法研究有机物在河流沉积物上的吸附

    Study on Adsorption of Organic Compounds on River Sediment Using Gas Chromatography

  16. 氯代有机化合物在天然沉积物中的微生物降解

    Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Organic Compounds in Natural Sediments

  17. 有机化合物在自然沉积物上吸附与解吸动力学常数快速测定方法

    A rapid determination method of adsorption-desorption kinetics constants of aromatic hydrocarbons on natural sediment

  18. 水系中泥炭沉积物可吸附活动态金属元素,在背景地段可形成次生富集和假异常。有机质影响水系沉积物异常,为干扰因素,应消除有机质影响。

    Peat in stream sediment can adsorb activity metal element to form false anomaly .

  19. 轻组有机质对太湖沉积物氮、磷矿化的影响

    Effect of Light Fraction Organic Matter on Mineralization of N and P in Taihu Lake Sediments

  20. 有机物及颗粒沉积物的迁移;燃煤微细颗粒迁移过程的动力学

    Transport of organics and sediment ; Dynamics of behavior of fine particulate matter in pulverized coal combustion

  21. 海洋天然气水合物钻井的硅酸盐钻井液研究氯代有机化合物在天然沉积物中的微生物降解

    Study on Silicate Drilling Fluid for Drilling in Marine Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Organic Compounds in Natural Sediments

  22. 研究了一种简便、快速恻定有机物在自然沉积物上吸附与解吸速率常数的放法。

    A simple rapid determination method of adsorption-desorption rate constants of organic compounds on natural sediment is studied basing on two compartment model .

  23. 在五里湖富营养化过程中,氮、磷及有机物质在湖底沉积物中大量积累。

    In the eutrophication process of Wuli Lake , large amount of nitrogen , phosphorous and organic matter accumulated in the sediment of the lake bottom .

  24. 阐明了气体水合物赋存区域的沉积速率、沉积物的有机碳含量、沉积物的粒度、水动力条件和海洋生产力等海洋地质特征。

    The characters of marine geology , including sedimentary velocity , content of the TOC , granularity of sediment , hydrodynamic condition and ocean productivity were illustrated .

  25. 通过研究有机氯农药在沉积物柱样中的垂直分布特征,探讨了有机氯农药在泉州湾的污染历史。

    Trough the study of the vertical distribution characteristics of organochlorine pesticides in the sediment core , the pollution history of organochlorine pesticides in Quanzhou Bay was discussed .

  26. 5水体温度、盐度、表层沉积物粒径、有机质含量、沉积物和悬浮颗粒中重金属含量、重金属元素间的相互作用等诸多非生物因子对底栖动物的重金属富集量也有一定影响。

    Some abiological factors such as water temperature , salinity , surface sediment granularity and organic matter content , heavy metals content in sediment and suspended particle , mutual action of heavy metals etc have definite effects on heavy metals ' cumulation content of benthos .

  27. 其中,有机碳主要以陆源输入为主,而有机氮在沉积物表层主要以陆源输入为主,在沉积物下层则主要来源于海洋自生。

    OC was mainly terrigenous input , and ON was mainly terrigenous input in surface sediments but marine autogenic in the lower layer of sediment cores .