
  • 网络organic waste
  1. “有巨大的有机废物堆可供它们食用,”弗拉克说道。

    " There are huge clusters of organic waste they can feed on , " said Flack .

  2. 这项新技术处理有机废物需要两个阶段。

    The new technology processes organic waste in two phases .

  3. 试验表明,以锯末、粉渣等8种有机废物处理有机废水是有效的,其中锯末和粉渣去除废水中COD达92%&98%。

    The results showed that it was effective to treat organic wastewater with eight organic wastes including sawdust and powder residue , among which sawdust and powder residue could reduce COD in wastewater by 92 % & 98 % .

  4. 超(亚)临界水热法处理有机废物的研究进展

    Development in disposal of organic wastes by supercritical and sub-critical hydrothermal treatment

  5. 热带地区农业有机废物利用途径及存在问题的对策分析

    Resource Utilization of Agricultural Residues and Strategies in Tropical Area

  6. 芳香族氯代有机废物的处理是一个世界性环境难题。

    The disposal of chlorinated organic wastes is a serious environmental problem .

  7. 城市固体有机废物堆肥实验装置设计

    Design of composting experimental device of municipal organic solid waste

  8. 连续流新型厌氧反应器处理固体有机废物研究

    A Continuous Anaerobic Digester for Treatment of Organic Solid Wastes

  9. 有机废物两相厌氧消化的基质特异性及其应用

    Substrate Specificity During Two-phase Anaerobic Digestion and Its Applications

  10. 低污染、低腐蚀、高效固体有机废物焚烧技术

    Low Pollution , Low Corrosion and High Efficiency Incineration Technology of Organic Solid Wastes

  11. 有机废物快速烘干设备研究

    Research of quick drying equipment for organic wastes

  12. 超临界水氧化法是一种新兴且非常有效的有机废物处理方法。

    Supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) is a recently developed technology for biological sludge .

  13. 有机废物多层次利用中能量、物质和价值转换与利用

    Energy , Material and Value Transfer and Utilization in Multi-grade utilization of Organic Waste Materials

  14. 有机废物通过细菌活动可以分解。

    Organic wastes decompose by bacterial action .

  15. 阳光分解危险有机废物

    Solar Destruction of Hazardous Organic Wastes

  16. 化工有机废物的无害化处理

    Innocuous Treatment for Chemical Waste Organic

  17. 超临界水氧化是新兴的、有效的有机废物处理技术。

    Supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) is a recently and effective technique for organic wastes treatment .

  18. 另一种树产生的有机废物可能不会给土壤增加这么多酸性,但会增加别的东西。

    The organic litter of another tree species might add less acid but more of something else .

  19. 污水污泥与大部分有机废物相同,含有大量易挥发性有机物质。

    Sewage sludge which is resemble with various organic waste contain a great deal of volatilizable organic matter .

  20. 这对我的设计很有用,去掉了有机废物,我不用考虑什么处理溶剂的问题了。

    That would be useful for this design , to destroy the organic waste so that I would have no disposal problems .

  21. 在这个结构中,动植物生产和有机废物的循环从田地扩大到水域,组成水陆资源的综合循环利用。

    In this mode , animal and plant production and the recycling of organic waste were expanded from the field to water .

  22. 我们利用,有机废物,然后与便宜的,生物科技相结合。

    We use the huge unutilized resource which is organic waste , and combine that with inexpensive and proven bio-technology to produce nothing .

  23. 他们在这里生活,随处都是垃圾,他们制造出许多有机废物,给健康带来威胁。

    It 's make a living and there is still garbage and different and they bring here organic wastes , causing great health problems .

  24. 其实,我们也有无机废物,对面的有机废物,包括建筑废料,破碎的陶器和中国,以及煤渣。

    Actually , we also have inorganic waste , the opposite to organic waste , including building waste , broken pottery and china , and cinder .

  25. 生物反应堆是通过强化微生物转化和降解有机废物的能力进行处理固体废物的一种方法。

    A bioreactor landfill is a solid waste treatment method that uses enhanced microbiological processes to transform and stabilize the readily and moderately decomposable organic wastes .

  26. 我们有政府开展的回收计划,回收像塑料、玻璃和金属的材料,但在美国还没有处理有机废物材料的广泛应用的解决方案

    We have government recycling programs for materials like plastics , glass and metal , yet widespread solutions for organic waste materials haven 't really been addressed in the United States .

  27. 根据城市固体有机废物的特点和性质,设计了一种堆肥的实验装置,该设计包括空间结构设计、通风系统设计和搅拌系统设计。

    A composting experimental device of municipal organic solid waste is designed according to characteristics of municipal organic solid waste . The design includes interspace structure design , aeration system design and agitation system design .

  28. 他用保养林地时的到的有机废物给花园施肥,使其“令人难以置信地多产”。他还建立了一个堆肥热水系统,能给93立方米的家供暖。

    With the organic waste he produced from maintaining his woodlands , Pain fertilized what became " incredibly prolific gardens . " He also ran a compost water heating system - one that was capable of warming a 93-square-meter ( 1000 ft2 ) home .

  29. 讨论了用SCWO法处理有机废水废物的发展趋势和前景。

    The trends of the organic waste treatment by SCWO were discussed .

  30. 堆肥化是处理有机固体废物的主要方法之一。

    Composting is a general treatment method for organic solid waste .