
  • 网络Active region;Active Area;active layer
  1. 本文研究的白光LED不仅突破性地实现了有源区同一有源层直接发出白光,而且其开启电压比一般LED开启电压明显降低。

    The white LED researched in this paper not only can directly emit white light from the same layer in active area , but also has much lower threshold voltage value compared with the traditional LEDs .

  2. 该方案通过采用恒流源、有源区温度控制以及波长锁定等技术方法来实现DFBLD的稳频驱动及控制。

    The frequency of DFB LD was driven and controlled through such technology as constant current , temperature control in active area , wavelength lock and etc.

  3. 计算了有源区在连续工作条件下的最大温升,分析了激光器工作时的功率密度和p电极比接触电阻率等参数对温度特性的影响。

    The maximum temperature of active region under continuous operation conditions is also calculated .

  4. 3对LED器件多量子阱有源区载流子输运与复合跃迁的分析。

    The carrier transportation and transition in LED active layer had been analyzed .

  5. 激光器有源区材料的禁带宽度Eg。

    The forbidden band width Eg of QW LD active layer materials .

  6. 量子阱LD有源区量子阱数目的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Quantum Wells Number in Active Cavity of Quantum Well LD

  7. 而采用耦合缺陷腔的结构和H2腔都增加了腔内有源区的体积。

    Coupled defect cavity and H_2 cavity can increase the volume of active material included in the cavity .

  8. 同样,以PIN光探测器有源区速率方程为基础,建立了半导体光探测器的等效电路模型。

    Similarly , the equivalent circuit model of semiconductor optical detector has been established , based on the rate equations of PIN photodiode active region .

  9. 研制了有源区为InGaAs张应变体材料的1.55μm偏振不灵敏半导体光放大器(SOA)。

    A 1.55 μ m polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA ) was fabricated with the active region of InGaAs tensile-strained bulk material .

  10. 光纤PCVD工艺等离子体有源区场的分析

    The Analysis of Electric Field in Plasma Active Zone in Optical Fiber PCVD Process

  11. Ti和Ni依次淀积在有源区的表面,金属化退火后的XRD分析结果表明Ni2Si是主要的合金相。

    Ti and Ni are deposited in sequence on the surface of the active regions . Ni_2Si is identified as the dominant phase by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis after metallization annealing .

  12. SOA中的各种特性本质上与有源区中载流子的带内和带间特性有关,而载流子的特性最终归结于有源区的能带结构。

    The characteristics of SOA is in nature controlled in its active region by the intra - or interband carrier dynamics , which is eventually determined by the energy band structure of the active area .

  13. 指出IECLD的噪声特性主要取决于有源区和外腔的长度及折射率的变化。

    The noise characteristics of an IEC LD depend mainly on the lengths of the active region and the external cavity and on the changes in the refractive index .

  14. 文章对隧道再生两个有源区内腔接触式垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)光学特进行了研究。

    The optical characteristics of tunnel-junction-regenerated multiple active regions intracavity-contacted Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser ( VCSEL ) have been investigated .

  15. 通过利用突变结PIN理想结构电场分布模型,分析了该结构发光二极管(LED)反向击穿电压与非故意掺杂有源区厚度的线性相关性。

    The linear relation between the reverse breakdown voltage and un-doping active region ′ s thickness of PIN light emitting diode ( LED ) was analyzed by using the ideal PIN structure ′ s electric field distribution model .

  16. 在制作平面型双栅MOS器件中,采用自对准假栅结构,利用UHV外延得到有源区(S、D、G),是一种制作自对准双栅MOSFET的有效手段。

    An effective way to fabricate self-aligned double-gate MOSFET 's is to prepare a replaced gate structure and make the active area ( S , D , G ) using UHV epitaxy .

  17. 采用先进的LPE及反应离子刻蚀等微细加工技术制作了盘型-图钉式微腔结构,测得其有源区的光荧光谱的半宽度为0.032eV,波长为815.33nm。

    The measured half width of photoluminescence spectrum in the active area is 0.032 eV with the wavelength of 815.33 nm .

  18. 光纤激光器为短腔结构,其有源区采用Er-Yb共掺单模光纤,有源光纤长度为6cm。

    The fiber laser is short cavity with 6 cm Er-Yb co-doped fiber .

  19. 分析有源区内载流子和VCL光子密度的变化,揭示了增益钳制的物理机理。

    Analyzing the carrier density and photon density of VCL in active region , the physical mechanism of gain clamping was revealed .

  20. Gth是为了补偿在有源区以外的区域中的损失所要求的有源区增益。

    Gth is the active region gain required to offset losses in the regions exterior to the active region .

  21. 但是由于大功率LDA特殊的有源区波导结构,使得输出的光束在快慢轴上发散角比较大,光束质量也相差很大。

    However , because of special wave-guide structure , angles and quality of the beam in the fast axis is greatly different from those in the slow axis .

  22. 用该方法模拟分析了有源区两侧GaAs垒层的厚度及spacer层中的Al组份对阈值增益、光限制因子和共振波长的影响。

    Meanwhile , the effects of the GaAs barrier thickness and the Al composition in the spacer layer on the threshold gain , the optical confined factor and the resonant wavelength are analyzed by the method .

  23. 通过剖析该结构中有源区各部分的作用,得出大的张应变的引入主要是用于提高TM模的材料增益,获得偏振不灵敏和大的TE模带宽,减小制备难度。

    Graded tensile strain induced in the active structure is to enhance the TM mode material gain , obtain polarization insensitivity , expand the bandwidth for TE mode gain , and relax the limitation for the stripe width .

  24. 线性光放大器(LOA)通过在有源区内引入垂直光场(VCL),对增益形成了钳制、减小了信道间的串扰。

    Through the build of vertical microcavity laser ( VCL ) in active medium , linear optical amplifier ( LOA ) clamps gain and suppresses crosstalk .

  25. LP-MOVPE生长宽波导有源区无铝单量子阱激光器

    LP-MOVPE Grown Broad-Waveguide Al-Free Active-Region SQW Lasers

  26. 850nm有源区无铝高功率SCH-SQW激光器

    850 nm Al-free Active-region High Power SCH-SQW Laser

  27. 为了提高脊波导结构的超辐射二极管(SLD)与单模光纤的耦合功率,研究了有源区与脊之间的残留层和上光限制层的厚度对SLD输出功率和近场光斑的影响。

    With the aim of achieving high coupling power of RWG SLDs into SMFs , the structure dependences of the output power and the near field pattern are investigated .

  28. 电压调制发光(VMEL)实验确认,在发光有源区中注入载流子引起的强发光复合是产生NC现象的基本原因。

    The voltage modulated electroluminescence ( VMEL ) experiment confirms that the reason of negative capacitance could be the strong recombination of the injected carries in the active region of luminescence .

  29. 为解释发光二极管(LEDs)中的负电容(NC)现象,提出了在有源区与局部强复合效应有关的新模型,首次通过对载流子连续性方程的求解导出了NC的解析表达式。

    In order to explain the phenomena of negative capacitance ( NC ) in light-emitting diodes ( LEDs ), we presented a new model based upon the local strong recombination in active region . And we deduced the analytic expression of NC from continuity equation .

  30. 在二次外延中,我们仅装一槽GaAlAs源液,在晶片上仅停留一次便生长出两个掩埋层,且层间界面与有源区自对准。

    In the second - step growth , two burying layers were grown by a undoped GaAlAs growth solution contacting with the surface of wafer only once . There are one middle layers .