
  1. 人生事业有盛有衰。

    There is a tide in the affairs of men .

  2. 桌子上摆放着大堆的碟子,有盛辣椒的、大蒜的、卷心菜的。

    Tables buckle under heaps of chili - , garlic-and cabbage-themed side dishes .

  3. 到柜子那儿把果酱取下来。每一张桌子上都有盛果酱品的发票。

    Go to the cupboard and get down the jam . Each table have little pot of diamond honey .

  4. 主要的铸锭设备有盛钢桶和钢锭模。盛钢桶是用来盛装从炼钢炉放出的钢液的容器。

    The major equipments are the ladle and the mould . a ladle is a container to hold the molten steel tapped from the steel making furnace .

  5. 每个盘子里都有几个盛着饭菜的小碟子。

    Each tray has several small dishes and bowls of food on it .

  6. 桌上还有一杯水。窗台上有个盛药膏的木匣,里边有两粒药丸。“

    There was a glass of water on the table , and on the window - sill a small chip ointment box containing a couple of pills . "

  7. 精力充沛的:意指浓郁,强烈且有力的,可能有点过盛的。

    Robust : Means full-bodied , intense and vigorous , perhaps a bit overblown .

  8. 他很明白这是好话,可是因为事不顺心,身体又欠保养,他有点肝火盛。

    He knew she meant well , but because things weren 't going as he wanted and he was worn out , he was irascible .

  9. 最让他们惊奇的是每当一碗吃完时,立刻就会有一只盛得满满的碗自动替换空碗。

    And what surprised them the most was that when a dish became empty , a full one instantly took its place of its own accord .

  10. 四活物中有一个把盛满了活到永永远远之神大怒的七个金碗给了那七位天使。

    And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God , who liveth for ever and ever .

  11. 它内含一条长通道,通向一间十字形房间,里面有一个盛满骨灰的石盆,显然是被用作墓室。

    It consists of a long passage that leads to a cross-shaped chamber that was apparently used as a tomb , as it contains stone basins filled with cremated remains .

  12. 黑色,圆形,面积大约有一个盛黄油的餐盘大小,顶端和底部都是圆润的弧线,所以看起来仿佛一个轻质小飞盘。

    It was circular and black and about the size of a small side plate . Its top and its bottom were smoothly convex so that it resembled a small lightweight throwing discus .

  13. 这与证券和投资行业捐助的1.21亿美元相比规模仍然很小。华尔街与华盛顿的紧密联系,让高盛有政府之盛的绰号。

    That still pales in comparison to the $ 121m donated by the securities and investment industry , where the close ties between Wall Street and Washington earned Goldman the nickname of Government Sachs .

  14. 你知道汤姆他就是有点精力过盛

    Well , you know Tom . He 's exuberant .

  15. 朱迪:昨晚有一辆满盛贵重物品的货车在公路上翻倒,真凑巧!

    Judy : last night a truck carrying luxury goods overturned on the highway , what a coincidence .

  16. 研究提示糖尿病有阴虚、热盛、气虚、阳虚、挟湿、挟瘀6大基本证候。

    Study shows that diabetes has six basic syndromes , including Yin-deficiency , excessive heat , Qi-deficiency , Yang-deficiency , dampness and blood stasis .

  17. 在汉代,苏北经济并不是一直持续发展的,而是有一个由盛转衰的过程。

    The economy of the northern region of Jiangsu province has not developed all the time . And it has a process from thrive to decay .

  18. 关于背部流汗,威尔金森表示,我们的远祖在靠四肢行走时,有可能体毛过盛,因此背部排汗很多。

    Asked about sweaty backs , Wilkinson says our early ancestors probably had too much hair when they walked on all fours to have sweated much through the back .

  19. 有一个器皿盛满了醋、放在那里.他们就拿海绒蘸满了醋、绑在牛膝草上、送到他口。

    Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar : and they filled a spunge with vinegar , and put it upon hyssop , and put it to his mouth .

  20. 玛格达雷娜先生把种子和幼苗放在有肥沃土壤的盛有温水的小容器里,使水平面和土壤表层处于同一高度。

    Mr Magdalena placed seeds and seedlings in pots of loam in small containers of warm water , which kept the water at the same level as the top of the soil .

  21. 这种激励措施很有吸引力。登盛清楚军事统治带来的经济困难。缅甸年平均工资不过200美元左右。

    Thein Sein appears to be capitalising on the economic hardships that have been brought about by military rule , with average annual wages estimated to be around US $ 200 a year .

  22. 酸柜内部有高密度聚乙烯托盘,底部有盛漏液的高密度聚乙烯滴水槽。

    The cabinets are supplied with high-density polyethylene trays for shelves and bottom feature drip edge to contain spills .

  23. 荣耀有多高,责辱就有多盛。

    How high the honor is , how much the responsibility and disgrace is .

  24. 有棕榈树的小岛仲夏的落叶,有种盛势下的凄美。

    Leaves that fall down during the middle of summer are entitled a kind of sad beauty of the strong season .

  25. 有金香炉,(炉或作坛)有包金的约柜,柜里有盛吗哪的金罐,和亚伦发过芽的杖,并两块约版。

    Which had the golden censer , and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold , wherein was the golden pot that had manna , and Aaron 's rod that budded , and the tables of the covenant ;