
  • 网络nonferrous metal deposit;non-ferrous metal deposit
  1. 关于某地有色金属矿床构造及矿化分布的构造控制问题

    On the structures of a non-ferrous metal deposit and the structural control of its mineralization distribution

  2. 中朝有色金属矿床的地质分析

    Geological analysis of nonferrous metal deposit in China and North Korea

  3. 滇西主要有色金属矿床区域成矿地质背景

    Regionally metallogenic geological setting of major non-ferrous metal deposits in western Yunnan

  4. 湖南省有色金属矿床概论

    An Introduction to Nonferrous Metallic Deposits in Hunan Province

  5. 江西有色金属矿床伴生组份的综合评价问题

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the Rare-Dispersive Constituents Associated with the Nonferrous Ore Deposits in Jiangxi

  6. 吉林省有色金属矿床类型及其典型矿床的地质特征

    Nonferrous metal deposit types in Jilin Province and the geological features of typical deposits

  7. 论流体与成矿作用内容分3个部分:(1)有色金属矿床成矿分区。

    ON FLUID AND MINERALIZATION The first part discusses mineralization partition of non-ferrous metal deposits .

  8. 湖南省金和有色金属矿床成矿系列初论

    A preliminary discussion on metallogenic series of gold and nonferrous metallic deposits in Hunan Province

  9. 西北地区有色金属矿床成矿条件约束及勘查潜力

    Metallogenic constraints and exploration prospect of the nonferrous metal mineral deposits in the Northwest China

  10. 环绕岩体,在内&外接触带中形成许多不同类型的稀有,有色金属矿床。

    There are lots of different rare-nonferrous metallic deposits around the inner and outer contact zones .

  11. 保定西部地区贵金属及有色金属矿床成矿地质特征及控矿因素分析

    Analysis of ore controlling factors and metallogenic characteristics of precious and nonferrous metal deposits in Western Baoding

  12. 贵重和有色金属矿床钨氧化钐-钕同位素定年研究及其地质意义

    Sm-Nd Isotopic Age Dating on Tungsten Oxides from Precious and Nonferrous Metal Deposits and Its Geological Significance

  13. 赣南贵、有色金属矿床成矿地质条件初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on the geological conditions for the deposition of precious metal and nonferrous metal ores in South Jiangxi

  14. 吉林省东部地区贵金属、有色金属矿床控矿因素及成矿物质来源

    The ore-control factors of precious metal , nonferrous metal deposits in the eastern part of Jilin Province and their metallogenic material sources

  15. 中国东南大陆在中生代岩浆作用十分强烈,形成了大批稀有和有色金属矿床。

    In the southeastern China , magmatism was developed quite intensely in Mesozoic forming a large quantity of rare and nonferrous metal deposits .

  16. 近年来,大兴安岭地区众多有色金属矿床的发现与开发使得该区成为矿床学界研究的热点地区。

    In recent years , the discovery and exploitation of plenty of polymetallic deposits in Daxing ' anling area makes it a hot area for metallogenic research .

  17. 有色金属矿床伴生银是一种十分普遍的现象,在中国则构成为银矿资源的主体。

    That nonferrous metal deposits usually associated with silver is a common phenomenon , and this kind of deposits constitute the main part of silver mineral resources in China .

  18. 中侏罗世早期-晚侏罗世为后造山阶段,形成的主要地质要素是大量后造山花岗岩以及与花岗岩相关的大量有色金属矿床。

    The early episode of Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic is a post-orogenic stage , which is characterized mainly by occurrence of voluminous post-orogenic granite and nonferrous metallic mineral deposits related to granite .

  19. 研究证明,金(银)及有色金属矿床是同一火山&侵入旋回过程中形成的有成因联系的矿床。

    Arcording to studys in recent years , it has been proved that the gold ( silver ) and nonferrous metal deposits were formed in the same cycle of volcanic activity and related in genesis .

  20. 有机烃气新方法寻找有色、贵金属矿床的研究

    Study on A New Method of Organic Hydrocarbon for Exploration of Nonferrous and Precious Metal Deposits

  21. 三江南段有色及贵金属矿床成矿谱系研究与资源定量评价

    Research on Ore-forming Spectrum of Nonferrous and Noble Metal Deposits and Quantitative Resource Assessments in South of San-jiang Region

  22. 摘要:硫化矿是有色金属的主要矿床资源,开发高效的捕收剂是硫化矿综合利用的关键。

    Abstract : Sulfide ores are main mineral resource of non-ferrous metals , and the development of high efficiency collectors is the key to comprehensive utilization of sulfide ores .

  23. 笔者选择有机烃气新方法寻找有色、贵金属矿床的研究为本人的博士研究生毕业论文。

    The main goals of writer to select the title of " Study on A New Method of Organic Hydrocarbon for Exploration of Nonferrous and Precious Metal Deposits " as the dissertation of doctor degree are : a.

  24. 初论湖南省主要有色金属、贵金属矿床成矿谱系

    Metallogenic lineage of the main non-ferrous and noble metal deposits in Hunan Province