
  1. 线在针织服装造型设计中的运用

    The Importance of Lines in the Molding Design of Knitted Garment

  2. 从而探寻出一种新的服装造型设计方法,推动服装设计理论的多元化发展。

    As a result , we search a new design method to make the theory to diversify .

  3. 此文通过立体构成与服装造型设计上的关系,阐明立体构成对服装造型设计的影响与作用。

    Through the relation of solid constitution and garniture sculpt , this paper clarify that solid constitution impact to the garniture sculpt .

  4. 服装衣领造型设计浅谈

    A Brief Discussion on the Design of the Collar of Dress

  5. 本文以环形和波浪形造型设计为例分析了服装立体造型设计中衣片变形规律。

    The authors , take the ring shaped and wave shaped patterns for examples , have analysed the pieces deformation rules of stereo-cutting .

  6. 而叠加作为一种常用手法,很好的表现了面与面之间丰富的关系,在服装造型的设计中发挥着重要的作用。

    While overlying , as a common technique , explains excellently the luxuriant relationships between area and area and plays an important role in garment styling design .

  7. 以服装肩部造型设计作为切入点,本着追求人体装饰美及运动舒适性两者完美统一的宗旨,对肩部外观造型与运动适应性的关系进行了分析和研究。

    Starting from the design of the shoulder department modeling , based on the aim to pursue the perfect unity between the body decorations and sport comfortableness , the relations between the appearance of the shoulder department and movement compatibility are analyzed and studied .

  8. 服装设计中造型设计的因素加强了,服装的结构明显复杂化。

    Modelling in costume design is emphasized with complicated parts .

  9. 服装造型(结构设计)是款式造型的生命。

    Garment modeling ( structure design ) is a life for style modeling .

  10. 论服装造型的仿生设计方法

    On the Bionic Designing in the Dress Style

  11. 针织面料特性对服装造型及结构设计的影响

    The influence of the knitted fabric characteristics on the apparel modeling and structure design

  12. 服装结构设计作为服装造型设计的继续、延伸和发展,是塑造服装外形美及创建结构美的重要环节,在服装生产过程中起着承上启下的作用。

    Structure design , as an extension and development of fashion design on clothing , connects with production tightly and plays an important role in shaping both appearance and structure .

  13. 对服装设计专业的《服装造型设计》课程教学内容如何适应市场发展进行了讨论,着重对教学中的市场适应性训练、造型能力训练及审美时尚化训练三方面进行了探讨;

    This paper chiefly explores the teaching of " Fashion-style Design " and attaches importance to modeling expressive ability in teaching , commerce adaptation and aesthetic appreciation .

  14. 服装整体结构设计是联系服装造型设计与服装工艺设计的纽带。

    Garments ' integral structure design is regarded as a bridge to connect garments ' styling design with garments ' technical design .

  15. 然而传统的服装CAD技术仅重视了服装的款式造型设计,热功能和力学功能性设计板块并没有得到很好的开发和运用,因而无法满足现代消费者对服装功能舒适性需求。

    However traditional clothing CAD technology only think much of style design not of thermal function and mechanical function design , thereby consumers ' demand for functional comfort is not satisfied .

  16. 服装结构设计中的立体思维造像立体构成在服装造型设计中的作用

    3D Image Making in Garment Structural Design On Use of 3D Designing in Dress Style Design