
  • 网络Server hard drive;seagate;ibm;SCSI SATA
  1. 它在服务器硬盘上储存内容,使这些内容通过因特网为用户所用。

    It stores content on server hard drives and makes that content available to users over the Internet .

  2. 该技术由3部分组成:一是文档系统,各种格式的文档以文件的形式在服务器硬盘上使用文件系统进行组织。

    The technology can be divided to 3 parts : first is the document system that organize different types of documents in the server ;

  3. 分别以是否有上传组件和存放在服务器硬盘还是存放在数据库中完整地讨论了虚拟主机下完成文件的上传和下载功能。

    The thesis discusses the upload and download function of the Virtual Host to complete the file whether upload the composition and the deposition in the server hard .

  4. 让服务器在硬盘上安装IOS。

    Let the server install the IOS on your hard disk .

  5. 在Web站点上使用此函数时,要格外小心:如果为用户赋予对它的访问权,那么用户很可能也可以访问您的服务器的硬盘。

    Some care is needed when using this function on Web sites : If you give people access to it , you could be giving them access to your server 's hard disk , as well .

  6. NovellNetware网络中文件服务器的硬盘空间的一种分配策略的分析

    The analysis of the distributive tactics to harddisk space in file server of Novell NetWare

  7. 如果用户正在上传文件(无论个人资料图片或TPS报表),您需要确保将它们上传到冗余的、远程的文件系统上,而不只是将它们上传到您正在访问的Web服务器的硬盘上。

    If users are uploading files ( whether profile pictures or TPS reports ) you want to make sure to upload them to a redundant , remote file system & not just to the hard disk on the web server they are accessing .

  8. BXP是利用服务器的硬盘空间,通过网络存储虚拟映射的纯软件的无盘解决方案,与传统的无盘网络大不相同。

    BXP uses the hard disk space of server , saves the hypothesized mapping through the network , as a pure software non-disk solution , it is different with traditional non-disk network .

  9. 我需要一个网络接口的文件夹写在服务器的硬盘驱动器。

    I need a web interface written for folders on a server 's hard drive .

  10. 在此场景中,我故意提供了一个无法访问服务器的硬盘驱动器。

    In this scenario , I have deliberately made a hard drive inaccessible to the server .

  11. 转发服务器通过硬盘录像机厂商提供的软件开发包对硬盘录像机实行各种操作,并从硬盘录像机中捕获视频数据及其他一些相关参数发送给该系统的其他模块;录像服务器实现录像保存及回放功能。

    The transmit servers operate the DVR with SDK implying by the manufacturers , and capture video datas and other relevant parameters from the DVR to sent to the other system modules . Video servers implement to save and playback videos .

  12. 各种RAID技术的结合是一个符合服务器大容量硬盘、数据安全性和服务器运行速度等综合要求的廉价解决方案。

    The combination of the different RAID technology is a low-priced solution in raising data security and server running speed and heavy capacity of hard disks .

  13. 事实上,云计算所谓的“云”并不是什么神秘的东西,它就是一群服务器计算机,硬盘和处理器,存放于现实世界的某个地方。

    The cloud isn 't this mystical thing , it really is , it 's server computers , and hard drives and processors , all sitting somewhere in the physical world .

  14. 操作系统对CM服务器的推荐空闲硬盘空间指定如下

    Recommended free disk space with CM Server is as follows for the operating systems specified

  15. 通过服务器BIOS禁用本地硬盘,或者将其实际移除。

    Disable the local hard disk through the server BIOS , or physically remove it .

  16. AQUA服务器需要新的硬盘驱动器。

    The AQUA server needs new hard drives .

  17. 服务器空间中的硬盘空间和内存通常很充足,但实际上很多硬盘空间和内存都处于闲置状态。

    Hard disk space and memory are typically plentiful in server environments , but there 's actually much more at play .

  18. 分析了在Windows98操作系统下对硬盘主引导记录进行读写的难点,提出以基于进程间服务器的方式完成硬盘主引导记录读写的方法,并给出了程序实现的要点。

    The paper describes the difficulties of reading and writing the master boot record on hard disk in applications running under Windows 98 , presents a method based on using process server to do so and gives the points of programming .

  19. Web服务器的服务程序,它允许远程客户端访问服务器硬盘上特定的部分,Web彻底改变了我们共享文件和传递信息的方式;Web浏览器,用于访问世界各地的服务器上越来越多的网页。

    Web server software , allows the remote clients have the access to a certain part of the server hard disk , have changed the way of file share and information transmission completely ; Web browser , with which we can interview more and more Web page on the net .