
  • 网络service failure
  1. C快递公司服务失败分析及其对策研究

    Study on Service Failure Analysis and Related Countermeasures of C Express Company

  2. 如何识别并解决一些SOA问题(如服务失败或某些存在风险的情况)?

    How can we identify and resolve SOA problems , such as service failure or some risk situation happens ?

  3. 这些失败将传播到链中,导致其他服务失败,并可能会降低整个SOA部署的稳定性。

    The failures are propagated up the chain causing other services to fail and possibly decreasing the stability of the overall SOA deployment .

  4. 文章根据C快递公司服务失败的现状,分析了快递服务失败的根源,并根据快递行业的服务标准和C快递公司本身的实际情况,建立服务质量评价体系。

    In this paper , we find out the status quo of service failure and analyze the root cause on C express company . According to express industry standard and the circumstances of C express company , we establish the express service quality evaluation system .

  5. 对于C2C电子零售商们,服务失败后采取怎样的服务补救措施及分析失败归因针对性的实施服务补救,将直接影响顾客二次满意度、忠诚度,关乎商家的信誉及发展问题。

    For the retailers in C2C e-commerce environment , analyzing service failure attribution and implementing service recovery have direct influence on customer satisfaction , and thus have relation to the credibility of online retailers .

  6. 关系类型对服务失败后顾客反应的影响

    The Impact of Relationship Type on Customer Responses to Service Failure

  7. 众多的网络零售企业忽略了在服务失败发生之后顾客后续行为意向的探讨。

    The online retail enterprises ignored the service failure and remedy .

  8. 选项卡可查看出现服务失败时的默认计算机反应。

    Tab to view the default computer responses to service failure .

  9. 如果此服务失败,选择计算机的响应。

    Select the computer 's response if this service fails .

  10. 策略代理连接到目录服务失败。

    Policy agent failed to connect to the directory service .

  11. 基于用户的图书馆服务失败及归因研究

    A Study on Service Failure of Library from the Customer and Reason

  12. 对吊销服务失败的总请求数。

    The total number of requests made to the decertification service that failed .

  13. 基于关键事件法的服务失败与补救研究

    A Study on Service Failure and Recovery Using CIT

  14. 远程拨号服务失败。请检查您的拨号设置。

    Your remote dial-up service failed . Please check your dialup connection settings .

  15. 这个反论主要是指体验了服务失败的顾客……

    Um , the paradox basically implies that customers who experience a service failure ,

  16. 我们能预计任何特定的顾客对特定的服务失败的反应吗?

    Can we predict how any given customer will react to a given service failure ?

  17. 本研究以电信行业为背景,采用了情景描述实验的方法调查了441名中国消费者在具有代表性的服务失败和服务补救中的反应。

    We conduct a scenario-based experiment based on the telecommunications industry by surveying 441 actual Chinese consumers .

  18. 最有可能导致实例故障的情况包括人为错误、服务失败、或者文件损坏。

    The most likely causes of instance failure are human error , service failure , or file corruption .

  19. 但过去相关的研究主要着重在服务失败发生的原因、服务失败及补救类型的归纳等方面,而对于顾客在服务失败情况下,不同服务补救策略和工具的作用未完整地在学术上加以探讨。

    Relevant research previously focused on the causes of for service failure and the types of service recovery .

  20. 如果服务失败,这个实现将提供更多信息以便做出相应反应。

    This implementation gives you a bit more information to react to if the call to the service fails .

  21. 研究服务失败和服务补救下的顾客满意具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    It has both theoretical and practical significances to study on customer satisfaction with service failure and recovery encounters .

  22. 这可能会导致其他状况良好的服务失败,因为无法获得执行所需的足够资源。

    This might cause an otherwise healthy service to fail , as it can 't get enough resources to execute .

  23. 服务失败发生以后,企业采取补救行为的有效性不仅和服务补救实绩有关,而且会受到顾客的补救期望的影响。

    After the happening of service failure , the effectiveness of service recovery has the relation of the service recovery expectation .

  24. 一些服务失败不在一个团队的控制范围内,比如电脑故障导致错过了最后期限。

    Some service failures are beyond an organization 's control , like , uh , computer malfunction that leads to missed deadlines .

  25. 通常,每个守护进程都拥有自己的日志文件,这使得当一个服务失败时很容易搜寻所发生的问题。

    Each daemon usually has its own log file , which makes it easy to hunt down issues when a service fails .

  26. 因为就统计到的情况而言,大约50%的顾客不会对服务失败进行投诉,至少不会对服务提供者投诉。

    Because statistically about 50 % of the customers don 't complain about service failures , at least not to the service provider .

  27. 如果未启用触发机制且消息在队列上保持未处理状态,那么服务失败或超时的风险将增加。

    If triggering is not enabled and messages are left unprocessed on queues , there is an increased risk of service failures or timeouts .

  28. 通过系统级与节点级重构相结合的方式,保证入侵检测系统全局检测服务失败时,能从节点处获得检测服务支持。

    By combining the system and node level reconstructions , detection services were ensured from nodes when global detection services of intrusion detection system failed .

  29. 但在现有的国内的服务失败研究中,大都针对顾客感知价值与补救效果的关系等研究为主,而对服务补救期望的研究却非常少。

    However , Chinese existing studies on service failure are mostly done from customer perceived value and recovery effects , few studies focus on the service recovery expectations .

  30. 最后,对服务失败和服务补救下的顾客满意度研究进行述评,在此基础上提出本文的建议、研究不足及对未来研究方向。

    Finally , we make a comment on service failure and customers ' satisfaction about service remedy . Thus , suggestions are proposed for the limitations and the further study .