
  1. 永乐、夏德及雍正朝所制的带有红三鱼、红三果或红莲织装饰的白瓷通常都称为釉里红。

    Yongle , Xuande and Yongzhen Whitewares decorated with three-red-fish , three-red-fruit or lotus designs have usually been called underglaze red .

  2. 摘要玄学美学范畴标志着中国美学的理论智慧与思维水平在魏晋南北朝所达到的一个高峰。

    The metaphysics aesthetics categories sign one peak of theory wisdom and level of Chinese aesthetics in the wei , chin , and Northern-Southern dynasties .

  3. 他的花园背朝一所学校。

    His garden backs onto a school .

  4. 奶牛舔,有时也叫头发旋,指一小撮立起来或者朝平时所梳的发型反方向突出的头发。

    A cowlick -- sometimes called a " hair whorl " -- is a small group of hair that either stands straight up or lies in the opposite direction of the way a person wants to comb his or her hair .

  5. 可使用手机陀螺仪传感器来感知手机的倾斜程度,使用GPS来检测汽车的行驶里程,从而计算出司机保持手机屏幕朝下所行驶的距离。

    This allows it to calculate the number of kilometers a driver has traveled with the smartphone facing down .

  6. 他们朝老农所指的方向奔去。

    They struck out in the direction the old peasant had indicated .

  7. 朝我所向往的化蛹前进。

    Look at me the pupa forward .

  8. 然而故事的结局并未朝他所想象的方向发展:他滑得太快以致于根本停不下来,最后直直地撞到了一面大镜子上。

    However , the story goes that he couldn 't stop and crashed full-speed into a giant mirror .

  9. 他朝刚才所见的空旷山地那边一指:那边山里没有河。

    " No river in the hill right there ," He pointed toward the open country he had seen .

  10. 回顾10年,现实朝我所预测的这方面发展并非偶然。

    Looking back the past ten years , it was not by chance that this development happened in my favor .

  11. 或者是贾斯帕,极具感召力的他,总能通过谈话引导人们朝他所期望那个方向去。

    Or Jasper , who was really charismatic , and could always talk people into seeing his side of things .

  12. 不知什么原因,他朝他所看到的一切笑了笑。然后转身沿着纤道走出几码。

    For some reason he smiled at what he saw , and turned to walk some yards along the towpath .

  13. 在殖民地中也存在意见的分歧,不少人认为,仅仅一小撮朝圣者所经历的那些艰难困苦并不值得用一个全国节日来纪念。

    There was discord among the colonies , many feeling the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not warrant a national holiday .

  14. 热情的粉丝们挤满了演播厅,使劲挥着手里五颜六色的荧光棒,争相朝自己所崇拜的组合成员展示忠实的喜爱之情。

    The studio was flooded with fans holding light sticks in various colors , signifying allegiance to one or other group member .

  15. 朝自己所乐于追求的方向去追求,就是你一生的道路。不必抱怨环境,也无须艳羡别人。

    Pursue the way you desire , which directs your life . You need not complain on the environment nor envy others .

  16. 罗恩飞快地朝哈利所指的方向冲去,结果一头撞在天花板上,差点从飞天扫帚上掉下来。

    Ron went speeding in the direction that Harry was pointing , crashed into the ceiling , and nearly fell off his broom .

  17. 奥巴马的传奇突飞猛进的变化。的确,这个计划正在朝大家所预期方向发展。

    The Legend of Obama was growing by leaps and bounds . Indeed , the Plan was going exactly as everyone had hoped .

  18. 雷.霍姆兹中士击落了一架德国轰炸机,又看见另一架正朝王室所居的白金汉宫急飞。

    Sergeant Ray Holmes shot down one bomber and then saw another German plane heading straight towards Buckingham Palace , the residence of the Royal family .

  19. 如果有人要把你往后推,你也许会回推几秒,然后突然反过来,将攻击者朝他所推的方向拉。

    For example , if someone were to push you backward , you might push back for a few seconds , then abruptly reverse , and pull your assailant in the direction he 's pushing .

  20. 自司马迁在《史记》中首创《循吏列传》后,循吏遂成为以后各朝史家所重点关注的一类官吏。

    Since Sima Qian originated the Obedient Officials Biography in The Records of the Grand Historian , the obedient officials have then become a kind of government official , focused by the later historians of each dynasty .

  21. 能否控制能量释放的方式,使其朝着我们所需要的模式发展?本论文的主要研究目的是探索强X射线所产生的高能量密度系统的非热电磁辐射机制。

    Whether the modes of energy releasing can be controlled at our will ? The main purpose of this paper is attempting to understand non-thermal emission mechanism in high energy density systems produced by intense X-rays .

  22. 你的职业生涯是朝着你所希望的发展方向吗?

    Is your career going in the direction you had hoped ?

  23. 努力让生活之路朝着你所希望的方向延伸。

    Work on making life all that you want it to be .

  24. 类人猿和人类的婴儿都会朝着他们所判断出的试验人员目光方向看去。

    Both the non-human apes and the human children tended to look where they thought the experimenter was looking .

  25. 这种新理论认为,花青素在树叶朝上一面所做的就是挡住树叶其他部分的阳光,

    This new theory suggests that what the anthocyanin is doing there on top is shielding the rest of the leaf from the sunlight ,

  26. 哈德利规则、减损规则及损益相抵规则在一定程度上改善了期待赔偿的作用,修正了作用力的基本方向,朝着社会所欲的路径发展。

    Hadley rule , mitigation rule , improved expectation damages for the role of the force that the basic direction desired path towards social development .

  27. 并没有明天,这意味着明天,心理上,意味着一个朝着思想所创造的那个事物的运动,意味着正在追寻。

    There is no tomorrow , which means tomorrow , psychologically , implies a movement towards that thing which thought has created and is pursuing .

  28. 而这就是目标之所在——使我们朝着我们所选择的方向前进,换句话说,就是让我们去挖掘!

    And that is what a goal is for-to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen ; in other words , to set us to digging !

  29. 因为我们不断努力朝着上面所列的热处理质量更加具体有形,外表更加显而易见而前进,所以我们绝不能牺牲摆在眼前的远景。

    As we continue to strive unabated toward the more concrete and obvious aspects of heat-treat quality listed above , we must not sacrifice our vision of what lies ahead .

  30. 必然地,学校便成为了一个只要毕业就行,而不是当做一段在没有分心事物,未担负起责任的时候朝着自己所热爱的东西而努力的时间。

    Inevitably , school became something to get through rather than a time when I was allowed , without any distractions or responsibilities , to work toward what I loved .