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cháo zhèng
  • affairs of state;the political situation and power of an imperial government;power of politics of an imperial court
朝政 [cháo zhèng]
  • [power of politics of an imperial court] 朝廷的政治和事务

  • 内妃不得干涉朝政

  • 皇上不理朝政久矣

朝政[cháo zhèng]
  1. 朝政日非,人心思乱。

    As government weakened , men 's thoughts turned to rebellion .

  2. 霍光掌握朝政大权四十多年,为西汉王进立下了不小的功勋。

    Controlling the imperial government for more than 40 years , Huo Guang had rendered fairly outstanding service to the Western Han Dynasty .

  3. 美国政府与晚清朝政(1901-1912)

    American Government and Politics of the Late Qing Dynast ( 1901-1912 );

  4. 这里是封建王朝处理朝政的地方。

    It was here that the feudal emperors handled their daily affairs .

  5. 他们积极参与朝政、外交、文化教育以及文学创作事业。

    They enthusiastically participated in imperial government , diplomacy , culture , education and literature .

  6. 我的称呼就是老王。国王声称自己是神授王权执掌朝政的。

    My style is plain Old Wang . The king claimed to rule by divine right .

  7. 后来,宿瘤女辅佐齐愍王管理朝政,给国家和人民带来了昌盛与繁荣。

    Later she assisted in governing the country and brought peace and prosperity to the people .

  8. 在唐代开明专制之下,有一个特殊的文人群体,即在参与朝政中受到贬谪的官员。

    Under this political background , there was a special group of literati , the relegated officers .

  9. 然而,张居正死后,明神宗开始荒废朝政。

    However , after the death of Zhang Juzheng , the emperor began to neglect state affairs .

  10. 主要依据《明史》文献材料,从晚明宫帷朝政纷争环境来考察魏学曾的仕途际遇;

    Based on history of the Ming Dynasty , the author studies the official career and experiences of Wei Xuezeng of Jingyang county .

  11. 和那办理朝政的三大殿一样,他们也座落在同一个南北中轴线上,一个两层的汉白玉石基上。

    Like the three great halls for official ceremonies , they stand along the same north-south axis on a second huge stone terrace .

  12. 控制宫城禁卫军权并进行了一系列人事调整之后,宋文帝又采取措施消灭了辅政大臣,将朝政决策权和荆州军政大权收归己手。

    Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty also took action to annihilate the assisting Minister , drawing back the power of decision and military .

  13. 这个权臣把持朝政多年,众人都要求他归政于君主。

    After being in power for many year , this official was asked to return the power of the imperial government to the emperor .

  14. 河东南、北路在金朝政局中占有极其重要的地位,金朝统治者历来十分重视对河东地区的统治。

    The north and south road of HeDong was important to Jin Dynasty , and the ruler of Jin Dynasty played more attention on it .

  15. 武帝16岁登上帝位,但是直到公元前131年才执掌朝政。

    He came to the Han throne at the age of 16 but did not take the government into his own hands until 131 B. C.

  16. 和他的父亲一样,在处理完朝政的空隙,他也经常来崇圣寺拜佛。

    Like his father , when he finished handling over the kingdom affairs , he always came to the Chongsheng Temple and prostrated himself before the Buddha statues .

  17. 田氏是虢氏、高氏、鲍氏、晏氏等贵族中势力最强大的,并最终取代各家,把持朝政。

    Among them were Guo , Gao , Yan and Tian , the last one Tian was most powerful , eventually overwhelming all the others and controlled the state .

  18. 西夏末期,朝政长期处于内乱之中,政敌和宗党间的斗争激烈。

    Towards the end of the Xi Xia , its government was in chaos and the political opponents and different interests groups were rival for controlling of the government .

  19. 宪法第22修正案同时也禁止总统执政超过10年,以防总统以“副总统”之名把持朝政。

    The 22nd Amendment also bars a President from serving more than 10 years in office , in a case of a president who assumed office as Vice President .

  20. 他的这些关于政治、经济和军事方面的理论,不仅在当时对朝政良多裨益,而且在现在仍有重大的现实意义。

    His series thoughts on politics , economy and military affairs not only benefit the affairs of state in Southern Song Dynasty , but is also of a momentous current significance .

  21. 从“赋”、“赋政”本义来看,赋本身具有朝政实用性,赋的产生源于朝政生活的实际需要。

    The origin of Fu is the need of dynasty , so it essentially has dynasty politics practicability from the original meaning of " Fu " and " Fu Zheng " .

  22. 退居钟山以后,与神宗既近又远的关系,使王安石对新政前途怀有隐忧,但他无心也无力返回朝政。

    Living by the Zhongshan mountain after retiring , Wang Anshi worried about the future of the New Deal , but he was reluctant and unable to go back to administration .

  23. 1251年,宋理宗授予谢方叔“知枢密院事兼参政知事”辅位赵昀掌管军事机密、边防事务,与宰相同议朝政。

    In1251 , Xie Fanshu was conferred as county magistrate assisting Zhao Yun in charge of military secrets , boundary defense and discussing the kingdom 's important affairs with the prime minister .

  24. 神策军中尉是唐代中后期宦官最为显赫的职务,其职权通过典领中央禁军而不断延伸,逐步侵夺宰相的议政决策大权,进而把持朝政,最终形成宦官专权的局面。

    The power of the commander of Shen-ce Forces was so greatly strengthened that it gradually took over the power of the prime minister and controlled the court administration in the end .

  25. 东汉中后期,外戚宦官专政、朝政混乱,社会风气日渐衰微等矛盾突出,思想家们都在积极探索适合的社会统治方式。

    Relatives of the late Eastern Han Dynasty eunuch dictatorship , court politics confusion , contradictions , such as the social atmosphere of our decaying prominent thinkers are actively exploring ways appropriate rule society .

  26. 尽管蒲柏常常利用诗歌对腐朽的朝政和堕落的文坛进行讽刺和鞭挞,但他对于现存的社会伦理和政治秩序却持保守态度。

    Although Pope often satirizes and castigates the corrupted government and the degenerated literary world in his poems , he holds a conservative attitude to the existing social morals and political order of his time .

  27. 对大多数人来说,他又使出了惯用的无赖手段。已经制定出对朝政政策的奥巴马总统开始同朝鲜进行对话,这就好像一个不听话的孩子不能得到奖励一样。

    President Barack Obama , who has yet to articulate a North Korean policy , has begun to talk of the country as if it were an ill-behaved toddler that should not be rewarded for bad behaviour .

  28. 杀人凶器是一把大型的外科手术器械东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

    The murder weapon is a larger version of the surgical implement Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25-220 ), state power fell into Dong Zhuo 's hand , a very cruel and manipulating person .

  29. 太后临朝听政,实是依靠娘家的父兄掌权,因此往往是大权旁落,外戚势力集团左右朝政。

    Therefore , reigns of government had to be held by empress regents , in fact who usually relied on their clansmen . Naturally , the power were lost , and the consort clans manipulated the imperial court .

  30. 唐玄宗后期,不理朝政,政治腐败,奸臣当道,酿成了公元755年开始的安史之乱。

    In the late stage of his reign , Tang Xuanzong paid no attention to state affairs , so the government decayed , treacherous court officials were in power , and thus instigated the " An-and-Shi Rebellion " in 755 .