
cháo xiǎn rén mín jūn
  • people's army of Korea
  1. 朝鲜人民军国家功勋合唱团的一个激光唱片。

    A CD from the Korean People 's Army Merited Chorus .

  2. 朝鲜人民军和中国人民志愿军一方

    Korean People 's Army and Chinese People 's Volunteers side

  3. 既然我们确认是朝鲜人民军分队。

    Now that we can verify the kPa unit .

  4. 朝鲜人民军板门店特派团

    Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People 's Army

  5. 光荣而英雄的朝鲜人民军!

    Glory to the heroic DPRK soldiers !

  6. 我们应当向英勇的中国人民志愿军和朝鲜人民军表示庆贺和敬意!

    We should extend our congratulations and pay contribute to the heroic Chinese People 's Volunteers and Korean People 's Army !

  7. 朝鲜人民军星期二也表示,包括战略火箭部队和远程炮兵部队在内的全体朝鲜炮兵已经进入待命作战状态。

    The Korean People 's Army also said Tuesday that all artillery troops including strategic rocket units and long-range artillery units have been placed in a combat ready posture .

  8. 命令由金正日下发,他作为朝鲜人民军最高司令官,命令说,没有提及家属关系。

    The orders were issued by Kim Jong Il , who serves as Supreme Commander of the Korea People 's Army , it said , without mentioning the family link .

  9. 这是一次历史性事件,它鼓舞并满足了朝鲜人民军和朝鲜人民拥有强大、自主的自卫能力的愿望。

    It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA ( Korean People 's Army ) and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defence capability .

  10. 说得很清楚,一个图案是“朝鲜人民军士兵和工农赤卫队成员决心粉碎美帝对朝鲜的侵犯”,以及“朝鲜人民决心清算日本反动派的无可抵赖的罪行”。

    Seen in one of them are a soldier of the Korean People 's Army and a member of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards determined to crush down at a stroke the U.

  11. CNN国际亡者威尔·雷普利:今天是朝鲜建军节,是朝鲜人民军建军85周年纪念日。

    WILL RIPLEY , CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Army Day in North Korea , the 85th anniversary of the Korean People 's Army .