
  • 网络Time Charter
  1. 停租条款(off-HireClause)是几乎每一个期租合同都订明的条款,该条款规定在一些特定的情况下承租人可以中止履行其支付租金的义务。

    Every time charter party must have an off-hire clause under which the charterer can discharge his obligation of continuous paying hire during the chartering period .

  2. 略论期租下订约方所面临的燃油争议及其避免

    On the Dispute Faced by the Contracted Parties Under the Time Charter Party

  3. 国际干散货航运市场周期划分与期租时机选择

    Cycle Division of Dry Bulk Shipping Market and Opportunity of Time Charter

  4. 期租合同下提单的签发

    Bill of Lading Under A Time Charter

  5. 波罗的海运价指数与样本航线期租的协整关系研究

    Study on the Co-integration Relationship Between the Baltic Freight Index and Prices on Sample Times of Time Charter

  6. 第六章结合具体案例对期租班轮的成本测算与效益分析方法进行了细致的研究。

    Finally fully studied the method of cost-calculating and benefit-analyzing of TimeChartering container ships on a proposed route .

  7. 作为责任限制权利主体的船舶承租人包括光租承租人和期租承租人,不应包括航次承租人、舱位/箱位承租人。

    The charterer entitled to limit liability should include bareboat charterer and time charterer , while voyage charterer , space or slot charterer be excluded .

  8. 尽管有各种各样的期租合约标准格式,以下这些条款通常都是这些合同的核心组成部分。

    While there is a variety of standard forms of time charter , the following clauses are usually found to constitute the core of the contract .

  9. 通过解释,公约规定的承租人应当是光船承租人、期租承租人和航次承租人等的统称。

    According to interpretations , the word " charterer " in the Convention shall be deemed to be a combination of bare-boat charterer , time charterer , and voyage charterer .

  10. 尽管船舶所有人要求船舶承租人对其使用污染燃油的后果承担责任,但是期租承租人成功地争辩说,其所加的燃油符合“国际规范”和期租合同条款。

    Although owner held Charterers responsible for the consequences of using the contaminated fuel , the time charterers argued successfully that the bunkers supplied conformed with " international specifications " and charter-party terms .

  11. 在构建了船舶投资决策基本模型后,以巴拿马型干散货船一年期期租市场为例进行实证分析。

    After the construction of the basic model , the year-term lease market of Panamax dry bulk vessel was made as an example for empirical study .

  12. 应用金融计量经济学的理论对巴拿马型干散货船一年期期租市场中的参数进行估计,通过模型计算得出巴拿马型干散货船一年期期租的投资临界值并对参数进行敏感性分析。

    The parameters of Panamax dry bulk carrier in the year-term lease market was estimated by the application of financial econometrics theory , the investment threshold of year-term-lease Panamax dry bulk carrier was calculated by the model and parameter sensitivity analysis was made .

  13. 此外,萨博表示正进行其它谈判,很快将宣布一项协议,以期通过出售然后租回房产来获得更多融资。

    Separately , Saab said it was in talks to raise more cash by selling and leasing back property , and would announce a deal shortly .

  14. 乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下,原押金不予退还。

    If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A , the deposit will not be returned to Party B.