
  • 网络Looking Forward To Love;Look forward to love;JJ&HLEE;Anticipating Love
  1. 不要期待爱的回报;

    Don 't wait for love in return ;

  2. 如果你真的爱一个人,你需要对那人进行投入,并期待爱的行为。

    If you really love someone , you invest that person and that requires acts of love .

  3. 你把所有的爱给予某些人,但却不能保证他们会同样地爱你。不要期待爱的回报。

    Giving someone all your love is never assurance that they will love you back . Don 't expect love in return .

  4. 每一个阳关灿烂的日子,我都期待著爱的实现。

    Every sunlit hour , I looked forward to love 's fulfillment .

  5. 别期待着爱的回报。

    Don 't expect love in return ;

  6. 在星期四之前期待所爱的长远计划改变或引进新家庭的家庭和社会活动。

    Before Thursday expect loved ones to plan long term home changes or introduce new family and social activities .

  7. 在期待别人爱我之前,我得先学会爱我自己。

    I needed to learn to love myself before I could expect other people to love me for that .

  8. 不要期待着爱的回报,仅仅等待爱在心中成长。如果事与愿违,你也应该为你心中有爱而满足。

    Don 't expect love in return , just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn 't , be content it grew in yours .

  9. 嘿,有一种说法我不是很确定:“爱我,就要爱我的狗。”马克:这种说法也是个谚语,意思是如果你期待某人爱你,他们应该爱你的一切。

    Hey , there was one I wasn 't sure about : " Love me , love my dog . " Mark : That 's a saying , which means if you expect someone to love you , they should love everything about you .

  10. 上帝期待着以爱构筑他的神宇,人们却带着石头赶来。

    While God waits for His temple to be built of love , men bring stones .

  11. 我们期待:用爱牧养生命,用爱滋润心灵,用爱发展生命的新世纪。

    We hope that our love can nourish every life , moisten every soul , and establish a new era of human lives .

  12. 爱她,但不要期待她也会爱你,否则只会徒增失望,让事情更糟。

    Love her but don 't expect her to love you back , this will leave nothing but disappointment and make it worse .

  13. 你看着我,你想想我是不是有一个个可爱眼还有一点点期待,期待着你的爱。

    You Look at me and think of my cute characters and my few expectation , the expectation of your love .