
mù jī
  • clogs
木屐 [mù jī]
  • [geta] 亦称呱哒板儿。木底鞋

  1. 木屐是荷兰传统装束的一部分。

    Clogs are part of the Dutch traditional costume .

  2. 木屐是荷兰民族服装的一部分。

    Clogs are part of the Netherlands national costume .

  3. 邮票上的图片是木屐和风车。

    The picture of the stamp is clogs and the windmill .

  4. 木屐是非常有名的,我认为他们是特殊的纪念品。

    Clogs are very famous ; I think they are special souvenir .

  5. 谁穿木屐(运动鞋)来面试啊?

    Who wears clogs ( sneakers ) to an interview ?

  6. 香奈儿令厚底木屐不仅适于穿着并引领了时尚,她说。

    Chanel made the clog both wearable and fashion-forward , she says .

  7. 机械加工性电子计算机木屐制作机(木料加工机)

    Electronic machinability computer clog-making machine ( wood-working machines )

  8. 有些小女孩穿的日本木屐漆有多种颜色。

    Some of the geta worn by little girls are painted in many colors .

  9. 木屐鞋是日本的一种古老文化。

    Wooden clog is Japanese old culture .

  10. 泳装半价木屐打折

    Half off swimming suits , clogs ,

  11. 男子的足服,除采用前代履之外,特别盛行木屐。

    Men foot wear , except with the previous generation shoe , clogs were very popular .

  12. 木屐制作机(木料加工机)

    Clog-making machine ( wood-working machines )

  13. 我们在那里都穿木屐。

    We wear clogs there .

  14. 不要用油腻或重化妆品木屐,你的皮肤都难以洗去。

    Do not use greasy or heavy cosmetics that clog your skin and are difficult to wash away .

  15. 在许多中国人的印象中,荷兰无非是飞利浦约翰•克鲁伊夫、郁金香和木屐的故乡。

    Many Chinese know the Netherlands as the home of Philips , Johan Cruijff , tulips and clogs .

  16. 有一次,在我们一次激烈讨论她为什么不能买木屐之后。

    Once , after a heated discussion we 'd had about why she couldn 't buy a pair of clogs .

  17. 厚底木屐是木制的,是与环保潮流相关联的天然材料。

    Clogs are made of wood , a natural material linked to the trend for the protection of the environment .

  18. 她(他)如果脱下木屐(运动鞋)会不会好点?

    Would she ( he ) be fine if she ( he ) would just take off those clogs ( sneakers )?

  19. 有些科学家甚至认为这些脚印有可能是穿大木屐的人们留下来的。

    Some scientists even think that these footprints could have been made by people with a pair of large wooden feet .

  20. 有时日本的渔业漂浮物甚至僧侣的木屐都会被冲上西北太平洋的海岸。

    To this day Japanese fishing floats andeven monks ' wooden sandals are washed up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest .

  21. 想到荷兰,这个到处都是水坝的低洼国家,郁金香和木屐就会浮现在脑海中。

    When people think of the Netherlands , a low lying country with numerous dams , tulips and clogs come to mind .

  22. 他们在苗床上留下了许多零零散散的小脚印,尤其是那个穿着木屐的小本杰明。

    They left a great many odd little footmarks all over the bed , especially little Benjamin , who was wearing clogs .

  23. 但我不是来这里寻找木屐的,我想了解日本的另外一个文化象征:武士。

    Yet I didn 't come herelooking for geisha . I wanted to learn about the world of another Japanese icon : the samurai .

  24. 尽管香奈儿创造了一种为大众所接受的厚底木屐,而大众则放大了它的晕轮效应,但并非人人都对此完全认可。

    While Chanel may have created a credible clog , and the high street leveraged its halo effect to full advantage , not everyone is convinced .

  25. 这就像过去和现在之间的纽带,我认为之前所说的光盘能让,我们聆听到木屐的声音,唱片的老照片能让我们欣赏到和服。

    So it 's like a tie between the old and the new and I think the CD-ROM does that clop and CD old pictures , the festival dress .

  26. 一个邋遢厨娘拖着木屐,迈着沉重的步子在院子里进进出出,她那郁郁不乐的神色,就象阴沉的天气一样;

    a drab of a kitchen wench ( 7 ) tramped backwards and forwards through the yard in pat - tens , looking as sulky as the weather itself ;

  27. 蒸汽从石板路上冒起,一名歌妓像野猫一样飞速从我面前穿过,只听到日式木屐的哒哒声回荡在空旷的街道上。

    Steam wafted up from thestone road . A geisha scurried across the empty street like an alley cat , onlythe clicking of her wooden geta sandals giving her away .

  28. 今天,他穿着一条磨破的旧牛仔裤,脚踏一双(在我看来像是木屐的)棕色鞋,上身是一件绿白条纹的衬衫,留着一头灰色的短发,一派轻松气质。

    True to this relaxed ethos , today he wears frayed , well-worn jeans , brown shoes ( that to my eyes look like clogs ), a white-and-green-striped shirt , and grey stubble .

  29. 整件事让我想起上世纪50年代的空姐或者日本的艺妓,后者过去穿着标志性的不舒服的鞋子——木屐。

    The whole thing puts me in mind of 1950s airline stewardesses or geisha entertainers in Japan , who used to wear their own brand of uncomfortable footwear - wooden sandals balanced on tiny stilts .

  30. 女式和服的价格超过1万美元很正常,一套完整的和服包括和服、衬衣、宽腰带、带子、袜子、木屐和其他装饰品,价格可超过2万美元。

    A woman 's kimono may easily exceed US $ 10000 ; a complete kimono outfit , with kimono , undergarments , obi , ties , socks , sandals and accessories , can exceed US $ 20000 .