
shuǐ zī yuán ɡuī huà
  • water resources planning
  1. 径流预测在区域水资源规划中发挥着重要作用。

    Runoff prediction plays an important role in water resources planning .

  2. 水资源规划与管理课程建设与教学研究

    The Course Construction and Teaching Study of Water Resources Planning and Management

  3. 土壤有效含水量(AWC)是评价土壤抗旱性、水资源规划和管理以及指导灌溉的重要依据。

    Soil available water capacity ( AWC ) plays an important role in the evaluation of drought resistance of soil , planning and managing water resources and conducting irrigation .

  4. 高分辨率卫星遥感影像数据ASTERGDEM在缺乏资料地区的水资源规划和工程建设中的潜在应用价值正得到研究者们和一线工程师们的高度认可。

    The potential application value of resources planning and engineering construction in the area with only high resolution satellite remote sensing data Aster GDEM is gradually recognized by researchers and engineers .

  5. 工业园区一体化水资源规划和管理模型

    An integrated water resource and management model for an industrial park

  6. 生态环境需水量在水资源规划中的配置方法

    The method of allocation of eco-environmental water demand in water resources planning

  7. 西宁城市水资源规划思路及初步成果

    The preliminary achievement of water resources plan for Xining city

  8. 南四湖水资源规划及管理研究

    On Water Resources Plan and Management of Na Si Lake

  9. 区域水资源规划的供水可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of water supply in regional water resources planning

  10. 黄河流域水资源规划模拟模型

    The Yellow River Basin Water Resources Planning Simulation Model

  11. 数字化流域及其在现代水资源规划中的应用

    The conception of digitalized basin and its applicationin water resources planning and management

  12. 宁波市水资源规划及系统管理

    Water resource planning and system management in Ningbo City

  13. 江苏省淮河流域水资源规划模型的研究

    Planning Model of Water Resources for the Huaihe River Basin in Jiangsu Province

  14. 县城规划理论探讨之七&水资源规划

    On the Planning Theory of County Town Water Resource

  15. 水资源规划、流域规划以及水资源可持续利用战略研究。

    Water resources management , watershed planning and water resources sustainable utilization stratagem study .

  16. 沈阳市城市发展与水资源规划

    Urban Development and Water Resource Planning of Shenyang

  17. 水资源规划管理领域存在大量的评价与决策问题。

    There are many assessment and decision-making issues in water resources planning and management .

  18. 水资源规划与管理问题区域间讲习班

    Interregional Workshop on Water Resources Planning and Management

  19. 宏观经济水资源规划多目标决策分析方法研究及应用

    Development of the macro-economic based water resources multiple objective analysis approach and its applications

  20. 水资源规划的系列模拟方法

    Series simulation method of water resources planning

  21. 提出了目前在区域水资源规划多年调节计算中的某些错误做法,以供商榷。

    Some shortcomings in multi-year operation of regional water resources planning have been pointed out .

  22. 浅谈国外水资源规划

    Studies on overseas water resources planning

  23. 区域水资源规划的研究

    Research of Regional Water Resource Planning

  24. 上述评价结果可以作为通州区水资源规划的依据,为水资源的综合管理提供了参考依据。

    The above assessment results can be used as a gist of the water resource layout and management .

  25. 上述结论对研究区未来水资源规划管理、人工回灌等工作的开展有着重要意义。

    All the above conclusions are of great significance for the water resource management and artificial recharge in the future .

  26. 本文的水质模拟方法可为平原河网地区的水资源规划和管理提供更为精确的理论依据。

    This method can supply more accurate theory for the water resource programming and management of plain river network area .

  27. 区域水资源规划方案的优选过程通常是一个多属性、群决策过程。

    The optimize choice of region water resource planning scheme is a process with multi-attribute and group decision-making ( MAGDM ) .

  28. 选用资料精度较高、分析成果可靠,可以做为今后时期水资源规划的基础。

    Accuracy of the data is high and achievement is reliable , can make the basis that water resource plans in future .

  29. 根据对解的分析得出结论,即结果能达到满足供水要求的经济最优,从而证明本优化模型可以用于城市水资源规划,实现社会经济条件下水资源的最优配置。

    This proves that the optimization model can be applied to city water programming to achieve the optimal configuration of city water resources .

  30. 认为可以借鉴国外的水利机构设置、国外科学的水资源规划审批程序。

    Procedures for examination and approval for water resources planning in England , France , America , Japan and Australia are also given .