
  1. 星状中柱,初生木质部外始式,初生韧皮部呈孤岛状,呈径向辐射状排列位于初生木质部之间,中央形成微弱的髓。

    It has Actinostele , primary xylem is exarch , primary phloem located between primary xylems like an island . The pith is shaped in the middle .

  2. 蓝靛果忍冬初生木质部发育为外始式,根的初生结构为8原型。

    Primary xy-lem is exarch , primary structure of root is 8 polyarch .

  3. 智囊团的经济特质是显而易见的。结果表明:内皮层都具有凯氏带,幼根均具有明显的髓,初生木质部均为外始式四原型;

    The economic feature is obvious . shows that of all types casparian strip exits in endodermis and evident pith does in young root ; primary xylem is exarch and tetrarch ;

  4. 3龄幼虫咬一长椭圆形蛀入孔进入木质部,此后树皮外不再出现蛀屑。

    3-instars bite a elongated oval boring hole to xylem , then the mixture disappear .