
  • 网络The way of the future;The Road Ahead
  1. 盖茨全面修订了他的《未来之路》以反映他的观点,即交互式网络将是人类通信的重要里程碑。

    Gates completely revised The Road Ahead to reflect his view that interactive networks are a major milestone in human communication .

  2. 这应验了盖茨在《未来之路》一书中,关于电脑网络将对政治发生特别影响的预言。

    This seems to support Bill Gates ' prediction in his book " The Road Ahead " that the Internet will have a substantial influence on politics .

  3. 我在今年早些时候发表了名为《重新思考:未来之路》(Re-Think:APathtotheFuture)的书作。

    My book , Re-Think : A Path to the Future , was published earlier this year .

  4. 无论你对英国新首相持何看法,特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)的未来之路将非常坎坷。

    Whatever you think of the UK prime minister , Theresa May has a very rough road ahead .

  5. 变容量调节技术-制冷空调系统的未来之路

    Technology for the Future of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning System Copeland Corperation

  6. 虚拟物流企业&中小货代企业的未来之路

    Dummy Logistics & the Future Road for the Medium - Small Forwarder

  7. 求解我国汽车金融业的未来之路

    The Road to the Future of China 's Car Finance

  8. 但我们总能选择其中一条未来之路。

    There ought to be a future we can choose .

  9. 面向知识经济时代的未来之路&信息高速公路的结构、功能与影响

    Information Expressway in the future and Knowledge Economic Age

  10. 中国证券业:发展与未来之路

    Chinese industry of Securities : Current States and the road to the future

  11. 中国行政法的传统之根与未来之路

    Tradition and Future of Chinese Law of Administration

  12. 中国银行业改革的未来之路

    The Way Ahead for China 's Banking Reform

  13. 中国戏曲走向未来之路

    The Future Direction of the Traditional Chinese Opera

  14. 相信自己才会使未来之路变得无限可能。

    believing in yourself is an endless destination .

  15. 亚洲城市面临的挑战及未来之路

    The Challenge and Future of Asian Cities

  16. 专业环保企业的未来之路&以中兴环境工程技术有限公司为例

    Future Road for Professional Environmental Protection Enterprises

  17. 探索他自己的未来之路

    in search of his own future .

  18. 农信社改革未来之路

    The Possible Path of RCC Reform

  19. 西安文化产业发展现状及未来之路思考

    Thought on the Status Quo and the Future of the Cultural Industry of Xi ′ an

  20. 通向未来之路

    Gateway to the future

  21. 进一步指出多核设计与高速总线电路是高性能嵌入式处理器发展的未来之路。

    It predicts that the technique of multi-core and high speed bus circuit is the road to future .

  22. 本文希望能对军事题材电视剧发展的未来之路有所启示。

    This article hoped that can road which of the future develops to military theme soap opera have the enlightenment .

  23. 你的命运,你的未来之路,你选择干什么,所有这一切决定着爱的意义。

    Your destiny , your future path , what you choose to do , that all determines what love is .

  24. 欧洲的未来之路,可能是目前大家所认真讨论的话题。

    It says something about the pass to which Europe has come that this is now a possibility being seriously discussed .

  25. 相信我们会用更加完善的质量与服务,引燃焊接未来之路的绚丽火花。

    I believe we will use the more perfect quality and service , ignition welding sparks brilliant future on the road .

  26. 克劳德-马克莱莱是切尔西夺取锦标的关键成员,我们希望他的未来之路会更加平坦。

    Claude has been a key part of our trophy success during that time and we wish him well for the future .

  27. 云南省档案学术研究未来之路任重道远。结语·总结全文。

    There are heavy responsibilities in the future of archival academic research of Yunnan Province . Conclusion : tally up the full text .

  28. 可以成就你们的未来之路你们可能成为律师参议员首席执行官科学家物理学家

    That can lead to even more impressive bullets in the years ahead . Lawyer , senator , CEO , scientist , physicist .

  29. 许多资源型城市在经过辉煌而又漫长的发展后,正逐渐暴露出越来越多的矛盾和问题,严重影响未来之路。

    Many resource-based cities gradually exposed more and more contradictions and problems after brilliant and lengthy development , which seriously affected the way of the future .

  30. 教育意义危机的根源及其消解路径全纳教育:全球金融危机下的未来之路

    On the Root and Its Decomposition Ways of the " Meaning " Crisis of Education Inclusive Education : Strategies under the Background of the Financial Crisis