
wèi chénɡ nián zǐ nǚ
  • Minor children;underaged children
  1. 其次,保全程序的启动应遵循当事人主义原则,法院不能依职权主动启动保全程序,但在涉及未成年子女、人身保护、公共利益等特殊类型案件中,仍有采取职权主义的必要。

    Secondly , the initiation of preservation procedure should be in accordance with the adversary norm . Generally , the court has no authority to institute this procedure over the cases , but for those concerned to the save for underaged children , habeas corpus and public interests otherwise .

  2. 到了让父母别再干预未成年子女日常生活的时候了。

    The time has come for parents to butt out of the adolescent 's daily life .

  3. 第二十三条父母有保护和教育未成年子女的权利和义务。

    Article 23 Parents shall have the right and duty to subject their children who are minors to discipline and to protect them .

  4. 论父母离婚后对未成年子女的监护

    The Guardianship of Minor Children after the Divorce of Their Parents

  5. 试论未成年子女在我国离婚制度中的地位

    On the status of the under-age under the divorce system of China

  6. 第三部分为被监护人的研究。作者指出父母对未成年子女的监护即是亲权;

    The fourth part is the institutional study of guardian .

  7. 离异父母擅自变更未成年子女姓名的法律思考

    Legal Thinking on Divorced Parents Making hold to Change Underage Children 's Names

  8. 浅谈服刑人员未成年子女社会保护问题

    On the Social Protection of Prisoners ' Underage Children

  9. 论未成年子女财产法律制度

    On the Laws of the Minor 's Property

  10. 因为在婚姻家庭领域里,父母与子女的关系,不仅是私法关系,而且也含有公法性质的因素,国家的公权力已不断地深入到家庭领域中去,使未成年子女受到法律的特殊保护。

    In family laws , the public power has intervened in the domestic field .

  11. 中美服刑人员未成年子女救助的理论与实践比较

    Comparison of the Theory and Practice of Relief of Sino-US Prisoners ' Minor Children

  12. 它是未成年子女的父母基于身份所享有的权利义务,它是权利义务的集合体,且以保护未成年子女的利益为最高原则。

    Parental power is the right and obligation owned by parents in view of their identities .

  13. 服刑人员未成年子女社会保护是一个不容忽视的社会问题。

    The protection of prisoners ' underage children is a social question that cannot be ignored .

  14. 服刑人员未成年子女民间救助机构的现状研究&基于西安儿童村的调查报告

    Research on Non-governmental Relief Agencies for Offender 's Minor Children & From Children 's Village in Xi'an

  15. 在许多亚洲父母看来,这也是未成年子女度过课外时间的有益方法。

    Many Asian parents view it as a constructive way for adolescents to spend their spare time .

  16. 福建善恩园服刑人员未成年子女救助模式研究

    On the Salvation Model for Prisoners ' Minor Children in " Mercy Field Home " in Fujian

  17. 上述偕行人,仅限于护照持有人的配偶或者未成年子女。

    The above-mentioned accompanying persons shall be limited to the spouses and minor children of the passport holders .

  18. 在大力倡导离婚自由的同时,应对未成年子女的利益给予充分的关注。

    While advocating the freedom of divorce , we should pay enough attention to the interests of minor children .

  19. 亲权是民法中身份权的一种,它以保护未成年子女的利益为其唯一目的。

    Parental power is one of the rights of identity , the only aim of which is to protect underage children .

  20. 鉴于,父母服刑能导致其未成年子女长期处于寄养状态,最终还会因为超龄而离开寄养中心。

    Whereas , Parental arrest can result in long-term foster care placement and eventually aging out of foster care ; and .

  21. 未成年子女财产是指未成年人因继承、赠与或劳动等方式取得的归未成年人自己所有的财产。

    The minor 's property refers to the property that belongs to the minor 's by the succession , labor and bestowal .

  22. 亲权的主体是父母,客体为未成年子女,其内容以保护未成年子女利益为核心。

    Paternity 's subject is parent and its object is minor children and its content is protecting the minor children 's profits .

  23. 单亲家庭中存在的种种问题,使这些家庭的未成年子女的身心健康受到影响,许多单亲家庭的未成年子女,在社会不良因素的影响下走上犯罪道路,日渐成为一个严重的社会问题。

    With the influence of social unhealthy factors , many teenagers in single-parent families commit crimes , which have become a serious problem .

  24. 监狱服刑人员未成年子女是近年来社会结构转型和经济体制转轨过程中逐渐衍生和正在趋成的一个特殊的弱势群体。

    Prisoners ' Minor-children has gradually been being a special minority group with Social structure reforming and economic system switch in recent years .

  25. 在未成年子女监护属于实际缺失的情况下,应当及早采取合法的手段和途径,通过将监护权转移给其他有监护资格的人或机构,来保护未成年子女的监护权益。

    When minor children were practically in loss of guardianship , legal means should be taken to transfer to guardianship to other qualified guardian .

  26. 在未成年子女对国家、体或他人造成损害时,父母有承担民事责任的义务。

    Where the underage child causes any damage to the state , collective or other person , the parents thereof shall take civil liabilities .

  27. 近代国家的亲权制度多继受日耳曼法,以保护教育未成年子女为中心。

    Most modern countries inherited the tradition of Germanic law , taking the protection of minor children as the center of their parental power system .

  28. 规定未成年子女应服从亲权管理以及父母不履行职责所要承担的法律责任。

    Stipulate that the underage children should obey the management from parental authority and parents should undertake legal liabilities when they don 't their duty .

  29. 试谈离异单亲家庭未成年子女法律保护问题福建善恩园服刑人员未成年子女救助模式研究

    On legal protection of non-adult children in single-parent families On the Salvation Model for Prisoners ' Minor Children in " Mercy Field Home " in Fujian

  30. 国家采取多种措施,保障驻外外交人员的未成年子女依法享有受教育的权利。

    The state shall take various measures to guarantee the right to education of the minor children of diplomatic personnel stationed abroad in accordance with law .