
  1. 为了确保DB2应用程序具备合格的性能,未雨绸缪胜于亡羊补牢。

    In order to ensure adequate performance for your DB2 applications , it only makes sense to be proactive rather than reactive .

  2. 未雨绸缪地储蓄和杜绝无节制的消费是他们的人生信条之一。

    Saving for a rainy day and avoiding rampant consumerism was integral to their life philosophy .

  3. 未雨绸缪地考察和探讨商自然人破产的具体适用对象及可行性,无疑是有着十分重要的意义的。

    So it has significance to inspect and inquire the suitable object and feasibility of the commercial individual bankruptcy system .

  4. 预绸缪于未雨,防隐患于未然&调味品企业食品安全预警体系的构建

    Provide for a rainy day and prevent for potential risk & the design of food safety pre-warning system of condiment industry

  5. 例如,新闻报道可以说,华盛顿的人们在为即将到来的大风雪天气而未雨绸。

    A news report , for example , might say that people in Washington were battening down the hatches for a big winter storm .

  6. 针对建筑领域一直未考虑集雨利用的现实,提出了在建筑及其环境中充分利用雨水的集雨滤水蓄水框架系统。

    Facing the fact that present architectural design seldom considers rainwater collecting and using , a system frame of rainwater collecting filtering storing is proposed so as to sufficiently use the water .

  7. 在这城市鲜艳而未被收起的雨遮上将那名字拼出。

    And on the bright unfurled awnings of this city .