
mò shì
  • Eschatology;apocalypse;last phase
末世 [mò shì]
  • [last phase] 一个朝代的末期

  • 易之兴也,其当殷之末世。--《易.系辞下》

末世[mò shì]
  1. 指出《告别薇安》的悲剧意识,体现了作者的末世情怀:告诉人们预知的痛苦,对生活提前醒悟。

    The tragic consciousness in Goodbye Vivian reflects the author 's feelings in the last phase , which is to tell people the pain of prevision and realizing the truth of life ahead of time .

  2. 文章从系统神学的原罪论、救赎论和末世论等方面对该音乐作品的思想内涵作了初步探讨。基督教原罪论对现代刑法的启蒙

    The article discussed implied meaning of the work on the aspect of systematic theology such as the theory of original sin , atone , last phase of an age and so on . Enlightenment of the Original Sin Doctrine in Christianity to the Modern Criminal Law System

  3. 看到它一直都让我很高兴,而看到那些我从未见过的作品就让我更高兴,比如具有末世意识的艺术家克里斯·伯顿(ChrisBurden)的雕塑《战舰》(BateaudeGuerre),他于5月逝世。

    I 'm always glad to see it , and I 'm even gladder to encounter things I 've never seen , like the sculpture called " Bateau de Guerre " by the apocalypse-minded Chris Burden , who died in May .

  4. 实际上这篇文献没有末世论。

    In fact , this text is not at all eschatological .

  5. 论封建末世东方女性文化的共同特征

    Common Characteristics of the Oriental Female Culture in the Late Feudal Society

  6. 我们都知道末世来了才能复活。

    Because we all know that comes at the end of time .

  7. 事实上他认为末世会在一千年后发生。

    In fact he says it could happen in a thousand years .

  8. 塔米·拉尔森称家庭对末世圣徒而言神圣不可侵犯。

    Tami Larsen says family is sacred to Latter-Day Saints .

  9. 解放的末世论&布洛赫乌托邦哲学的宗教哲学视角

    Emancipatory Eschatology & Religious Philosophy Perspective of Bloch Utopian Philosophy

  10. 末世论是关于最终极和“末后”的事。

    Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as " last " things .

  11. 希望的末世论&现代基督教末世论述评

    The Eschatology of Hope ── The Remark on the Eschatology of Modern Christianity

  12. 基督教的末世论转向与其道德责任观

    Christian Eschatology Turn And Its Responsible For Moral Idea

  13. 强调末世论已经实现,因为处境不同。

    And emphasized current enjoyment of these things because of the different situation .

  14. 我们应该摆脱悲观情绪,战胜“末世商人”。

    We need to shake off the gloom and face down the doom-merchants .

  15. 这类错谬的行径,在基督再来之前的末世会愈发加增。

    This type of error will increase in the last days before Christ returns .

  16. 不过,这一套末世预言大可不必全信。

    But don 't believe all the doomsaying .

  17. 但在墨西哥湾海岸的舆论正变得越来越激烈和末世论。

    But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic .

  18. 恩格斯末世论探析&《自然辩证法》中的终极关怀

    Engels ' Theory on Latter-Day & Ultimate Concern of Humanity in Dialectics of Nature

  19. 救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里。

    Salvation is eschatological inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification .

  20. 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会

    Latter-day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of

  21. 约翰用犹太人末世的体裁写启示录。

    John used in The book of Revelation a Jewish style of writing known as Apocalyptic .

  22. 第三方面分析耶稣关于普遍复活及末世问题的讲论。

    Third , the ending of Mark which is losing the story of Jesus 's appearance .

  23. 作者的新书描写了末世之后的东京,熟悉的街道一片荒芜。

    The writer 's new book depicts a post-apocalyptic Tokyo , where familiar streets lie deserted .

  24. 戴名世的悲剧是封建末世文人的典型悲剧。

    So Dai Mingshi 's tragedy is a representative of literatus in the last phase of feudal age .

  25. 就好像,保罗认为的末世恩惠,世界末日仍在远处。

    It 's like for Paul the blessings of the eschaton , the eschatology , is still horizontal .

  26. 只有一条路能够让你逃脱那将要来到的末世审判。

    There is only one Way to escape from the natural judgment that is coming upon the world .

  27. 保罗提醒我们,在基督再来前的末世,情况将会愈演愈烈。

    Paul warns that this will only become worse and worse in the last days before Christ returns .

  28. 第一,我说过《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》都持实现的末世论;,保罗持未实现的末世论。

    Number one ,; I said Colossians and Ephesians both have realized eschatology ; Paul has reserved eschatology .

  29. 但末世学者不能通知,以为高不可及尔。

    Unfortunately , those who followed do not know , so they think it is impossible to reach .

  30. 20世纪开始时,神学家们主要关心的问题是末世论。

    At the beginning of 20th century , the issue that the theologians were concerned about primarily was eschatology .