
  • 网络terminal guidance;Endgame
  1. 最后的阶段是末端制导,此阶段导弹利用高精度的追踪系统,快速机动,截击目标。

    The final phase is terminal guidance when the missile uses a highly accurate tracking system to make rapid maneuvers for intercepting the target .

  2. 根据激光末端制导的工作原理,分析了激光照射指示器的性能指标,提出了各性能指标的数字化检测方法。

    According to the principle of laser terminal guidance , some important performances of laser radiation indicator are analyzed and the numeralization test method is introduced .

  3. 声自导鱼雷末端制导过程的混沌现象研究

    The Study on Chaos of Homing Torpedo During Homing Phase

  4. 基于气动力/直接力复合控制的空空导弹末端制导性能分析

    Analysis on Side Jet / Aerodynamics Compound Control of Air-to-Air Missile in Endgame

  5. 炮弹末端制导控制规律的研究

    Research on Terminal Guided Projectile Control Laws

  6. 激光末端制导武器系统中,激光照射指示器出射激光的束散角是一个重要的参数。

    In laser control and guide system , diverging angle of laser beam is an important parameter .

  7. 多次数值打靶仿真表明,提出的预测制导方法对高超声速飞行器末端制导初始条件误差以及导航误差影响具有较强的鲁棒性。

    Numerical simulation of multiple target practice shows that the presented predictive guidance method for hypersonic craft strong robustness on initial conditions and navigation errors .

  8. 同时采用最优制导律设计与理想速度曲线相结合的方法,设计了能同时保证末端制导精度及速度方向、大小的制导律。

    Furthermore , a guidance law is proposed by using a combination of optimal guidance law design with ideal velocity curve approach . The terminal guidance accuracy , the direction and amplitude of the aerocraft velocity are guaranteed by using the derivative guidance law .

  9. 计算机仿真结果表明,在末端成像制导阶段,当斜视角达到以上时,改进的FS算法也能达到较好的成像效果,为完成攻击点的选择,提高角跟踪精度创造了条件。

    Simulation result shows that in terminal control and guidance phase , the image from modified frequency scaling algorithm is good when the squint angle is up to 75 degree , which creates the conditions for choosing attack point and improving angle tracking precision .

  10. SINS/GPS组合导航和末端寻的复合制导半实物仿真

    Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for Combined Guidance with SINS / GPS and Homing Head

  11. 航天飞机末端能量管理制导律

    Space Shuttle Guidance Law for Terminal Energy Management Flight Phase

  12. 针对采用SINS/GPS和末端寻的复合制导的制导炮弹,采用比例导引作为中制导和末制导的导引规律。

    Proportional navigation ( PN ) is used as the guidance law for the guided projectile on which SINS / GPS and terminal homing system are adopted .

  13. 针对采用SINS/GPS组合导航及末端寻的复合制导体制的制导弹药,为检验组合导航系统和制导控制系统的工作性能,设计了半实物仿真系统框架结构。

    Based on combined guided munition with SINS / GPS and homing head , the framework of hardware-in-the-loop simulation system ( HILS ) is designed to test the integrated navigation system and guidance and control system .

  14. 最后根据导弹&目标的三维相对运动方程设计了一种简单的末端三维比例制导律,并对导弹的末制导、控制以及运动大回路进行了综合仿真。

    The last part of this paper designed a simple three-dimensional proportion homing rule according to three-dimensional opposite equation of motion of missile-target . And the simulation of the big-loop of terminal guide , control and motion was given .

  15. 采用能量控制方法来设计制导方案,分析了末端能量管理制导的过程及原理,在制导系统引入能量-射程基准剖面,通过调整飞行距离、动压或速度制动使航天器达到基准的能量状态。

    Guidance scheme is designed by Energy controlling while the process and principle of TAEM are analyzed . An energy-range standard profile is shaped in the guidance system to help the vehicle reach its standard energy states through the adjustment of the flight range , dynamic pressure and speed brake .

  16. 重复使用运载器末端能量管理段制导系统仿真

    Terminal Area Energy Management Guidance Scheme Simulation for Reusable Launch Vehicle

  17. 反舰导弹末端机动与末制导段的一体化设计

    Integrated Design of Terminal Maneuver and Terminal Guidance Phase for Anti-Ship Missile

  18. 为了提高制导精度,精确制导武器在末端使用图像匹配制导技术。

    In order to increase the guidance precision , Image matching guidance technology is used in the terminal of high-precision weapons .

  19. 提出一种与重复使用运载器末端区域能量管理制导策略相适应的在线轨迹生成技术。

    According to the guidance scheme of terminal aero energy management , an onboard trajectory design method was developed for reusable launch vehicle .

  20. 根据机载布撒器的工作特点,设计了一种满足其作战要求的具有末端角度约束的制导律,并分析了工程实用性。

    According to the performance of airborne dispenser , a guidance law with angle constraint which meets the requirements of it is designed , and its project feasibility is analyzed .

  21. 末端能量管理段制导的主要目的是控制航天器的动能和势能,使航天器最终达到着陆段初始要求。

    The purpose of the terminal area energy management ( TAEM ) phase guidance is to make the space vehicle meet the original demands of landing phase by controlling the kinetic energy and potential energy of the vehicle .