
  • 网络native species;indigenous species
  1. 新疆库尔勒香梨(PyrussinkiangensisYu)是原产地新疆库尔勒地区,一个古老的本地种,是新疆林业果业重要组成部分。

    Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu was derived from Korla region in Xinjiang , an ancient native species and important component of Xinjiang forest fruit industry .

  2. 本地种对草地退化的胁迫表现出较强的承受能力。

    Native species showed a great resistance to the stress of pasture deterioration .

  3. 其中杂交种的芽诱导率高于本地种。由于基因型的差异,不同品种甜瓜诱导不定芽的最适激素浓度不同,而且在整个生长过程中,6-BA的浓度逐渐降低。

    The induction frequency of shoot of melon varieties is depended on different concentration of hormones in the medium . To achieve the high rate of rooting , the concentration of hormone 6-BA was gradually decreased during the whole growth period .

  4. 这里生长着古老的桃金娘树、本地种属的泪柏,还有稀有的白木。

    Here , ancient myrtle , endemic huon pines and rare whitey wood grow .

  5. 大部分本地种均生长良好,少数引进种适应性表现欠佳。

    Most native species were growing well , while a few imported species showed poor adaptability .

  6. 岷江上游本地种油松和外来种辐射松造林对土壤磷的影响

    Effects of native Pinus tabulaeformis and exotic Pinus radiata afforestation on soil phosphorus in the upper reaches of Minjiang River

  7. 本地种西番莲与外引种西番莲的花外蜜腺蚂蚁植食昆虫相互作用系统的比较

    Comparison of the Differences in Response to the Change of the Extrafloral Nectar-ant-herbivore Interaction System Between a Native and an Introduced Passiflora Species

  8. 在本地种基本停止生长的干季,紫茎泽兰和飞机草仍维持较高的相对生长速率。

    The two species could maintain relatively high growth rate under high phosphorus levels in dry season when native plant species almost stopped growing .

  9. 参照国内各名优茶区,查考本地种茶历史,对项目可行性和应有效益进行了切合实际的研究与分析;总结本地种茶的不利因素并提出相应对策;

    With reference from famous tea plantations and the local planting history , we studied and analyzed the feasibility and possible benefits of this project .

  10. 文章中的异质生境指由于生境丧失、破坏和破碎造成的异质生境,且入侵种和本地种为竞争关系,入侵种占有竞争优势。

    Invasive species and native species have a competitive relationship , and invasive species has a competitive advantage . Heterogeneous landscape in the paper results from habitat loss and fragmentation .

  11. “毫无疑问,如果把两只外国水獭放到野生本地种的领地中,本地水獭会对新来者发起猛烈攻击,”他补充道。

    There is no doubt dropping two foreign otters into a territory of wild locals would lead to the local ones beating the living daylights out of the new ones , he added .

  12. 与加拿大其他地方相比,由于本地狼种灭绝,驼鹿在此毫无天敌。

    Unlike in the rest of Canada , the moose has no natural predators on the island , where the native wolf went extinct .

  13. 本文主要对宁夏中卫山羊与天津地区土种山羊杂交后代某些血液理化指标和肌肉中蛋白质脂肪氨基酸含量进行测定,并与本地土种山羊进行了对比,以分析杂交后代的生长发育特征。

    In the article , the author analyses the growth , characteristic about hybrid goats according to the measure to physics and the protein and amino acid quantity in muscle of the hybrid descendants of original goats in Tianjin and Zhongwei goats .

  14. 外来入侵杂草的生物防治及生防因子对本地非目标种的影响

    Biological control of alien invasive weeds and the effects of biocontrol agents on nontarget native species

  15. 冷藏的各虫态可以连续不断地为寄生蜂提供寄主,卵还可用来繁殖本地的一种捕食性天敌&一种捕食螨。

    Eggs can be used as food for a domestic predator of the mealybug-a species of predacious mite .

  16. 日本菟丝子在11个乡镇均有分布,其寄主植物达23科44种,是本地的优势种;

    Cuscuta japonica is the dominant species distributing in 11 villages and towns , its host plants add up to 23 families 44 specieses ;

  17. 结果表明,5个样地采得本地植物87种,其中常见本地植物32种,隶属19科31属。

    Results show that a total of 87 indigenous species were collected and among them , 32 species were common indigenous plants , falling into 31 genus , and 19 families .

  18. POD同功酶作为遗传标记,可用于本地区狗牙根种以下单位亲源关系和遗传多样性的研究。

    As the genetic marker , POD is suitable forthe study on the genetic diversity of bermudagrass .

  19. 由于笑翠鸟是澳大利亚本地特有的一种鸟类,因此用‘鹏’字尤为贴切。

    Tesch believed Peng is particularly apt as the kookaburra is a native Australian bird .

  20. 服务上下文提供了本地和远程两种方式,用来发现为所需的显式接口提供支持的服务。

    The service context provided both local and remote discovery of services supporting required explicit interfaces .

  21. 壳斗科的常绿树种是本地主要建群种。

    In additions , evergreen species of Fagaceae were the major dominant species of community composition .

  22. 数据收集技术是指在断接前把用户将来可能访问的数据预先存储到本地缓存的一种技术。

    Data hoarding technology means the technology of prefetching data which may access by user after disconnection later to cache .

  23. 布鲁塞尔通常倾向于对本地竞争采取一种更超然的态度,而专注于竞争力和投资方面更广泛的问题。

    Brussels tends to take a more detached view of local competition , focusing on wider questions of competitiveness and investment .

  24. 该系统支持数据库图像检索和本地图像检索两种模式,利用上述各类图像特征及其权值作为检索条件。

    This system supports database image retrieval and local image retrieval and uses the features mentioned above and corresponding weight values as retrieval criteria .

  25. 土地转包作为土地流转的主要形式之一,它是有特色原料的农村依托本地资源制造该种原料的乡村工业(或乡镇工业)的比较优势所在,它对于农业现代化的发展也起到直接的推动作用。

    As one of the major form of land transfer , land subcontract aims to produce locally grown crops in local land by depending on local resources , promoting agricultural modernization directly and vigorously .

  26. 通过对吉林省野生草本植物的抽样调查,筛选出具有较大园林应用价值的野生草本地被植物86种,分属于毛茛科、菊科、景天科等31个科;

    86 wild ground-cover herb species belonging to 31 families such as Compositae , crassulaceae and ranunculaceae et al were selected based on the investigation of the sampling and collecting specimens in Jilin province and they all had the application value in landscape garden architecture .

  27. 本地物种能否有效识别外来捕食者,对本地种的生存尤为重要。

    Whether native species recognize alien predator effectively ? It is very important to the survival of native species .