
běn dǔ huì
  • the Benedictine Order;Ordo Benedictinnorum
本笃会[běn dǔ huì]
  1. JustinBrown是本笃会修道院的一名修士,他依靠制造和买简单的木棺材来补贴他那微薄的收入.但是路易斯安那州董事会的尸体防腐和丧礼董事命令他“停止”这种做法。

    Justin Brown is an abbot at a Benedictine abbey that supplements its meagre income by making and selling simple wooden coffins . But the Louisiana Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors has ordered him to " cease and desist . "

  2. 佛提尔目前在杜佩奇学院及本笃会大学教写作。

    She teaches writing at College of DuPage and Benedictine University .

  3. 宏伟的本笃会修道院俯视着这个山谷。

    The valley was dominated by the huge Benedictine abbey .

  4. 首先由法国本笃会的僧侣制成的利口酒。

    A French liqueur originally made by Benedictine monks .

  5. 为此,本笃会的规则,成为标准在西欧。

    For this reason the Benedictine Rule became the standard in western Europe .

  6. 西敏寺(1065):位于伦敦的教堂,原为本笃会修道院。

    Westminster Abbey ( 1065 ): Church in London . It was originally a Benedictine monastery .

  7. 他从中国的总理变成了本笃会的修士和神父。

    A man who went from being the Premier of China to being a Benedictine monk and priest .

  8. 这就是本笃会修女们在巴黎建立圣体永敬会的起源和法律根据。

    Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris .

  9. 从帝国时期起,便已允许所有那些可怜的流离失所的姑娘们到这里来,栖息在伯尔纳-本笃会修女们的翅膀下。

    When the Empire was established , all these poor old dispersed and exiled women had been accorded permission to come and take shelter under the wings of the Bernardines-Benedictines .

  10. 这类课程最多仅限12人参加,收费600欧元,内容包括:参观一间12世纪的修道院,当年酿造出这款香槟的本笃会僧人唐培里侬就下葬于此;参观酒窖;享用午餐,同时品尝三款香槟;

    These workshops , which are limited to 12 participants and cost 600 euros , include a visit to the 12th-century abbey where the label 's namesake Champagne-making Benedictine monk is buried , a visit to the cellars , lunch and a tasting of three Champagnes ;

  11. 直到候选人选举取代已辞职的本笃为止,天主教会将由几名教会成员管理运作。

    The Catholic Church 's operations are now being run by a few key players until a new pope is elected to replace the now-retired Benedict .