
  • 网络Benjamin Graham
  1. 我是15%的费雪和85%的本杰明·格雷厄姆。

    I'm15 percent Fisher and85 percent Benjamin Graham .

  2. 认识芒格之前,巴菲特信奉的是他的导师——本杰明·格雷厄姆的投资哲学,格雷厄姆认为买进被低估的资产,然后在这些资产的价值初步展现时迅速卖出。

    Before meeting Munger , Buffett followed the investing philosophy of his mentor , Benjamin Graham , who believed in buying underpriced assets and quickly selling them when their true value became apparent .

  3. Walter从来没有念过大学,但他在纽约金融协会参加了本杰明·格雷厄姆的夜间课程。

    Walter never went to college , but took a course from Ben Graham at night at the New York Institute of Finance .

  4. 这便是本杰明·格雷厄姆所谓的安全边际。

    That is what Ben Gra-ham meant by having a margin of safety .

  5. 这就是本杰明·格雷厄姆教给我的。

    That 's what Ben Graham taught us .

  6. 在我选修本杰明·格雷厄姆的课程之后,我要求进人Graham&Newman公司担任无给职的工作,但格雷厄姆却以价值高估而拒绝了我的要求。

    I offered to go to work at Graham-Newman for nothing after I took Ben Graham 's class , but he turned me down as overvalued .

  7. 从马克思、本杰明·格雷厄姆、凯恩斯到费雪、巴菲特,很多经济学大师都对这一问题有所研究。

    Lots of the famous economists have done some research on this topic , such as Marx , Benjamin ? Graham , Keynes , Fisher and Buffett .