
  • 网络devaluation;devaluation of domestic currencies
  1. 最容易实现这个目标的办法就是本币贬值。

    The easiest way to do this was by devaluation .

  2. 从这一角度看,人民币目前不具备实施本币贬值政策的一般条件。

    From this perspective , the current policies do not have to implement the devaluation of the general conditions .

  3. 答案是,备受挫折的各国政府希望本币贬值能加快本国经济增长。

    Frustrated governments hope a cheaper currency will speed up economic growth .

  4. 希腊可以有一个更加光明的未来,如果它离开欧元区、让本币贬值的话。

    Greece could have a brighter future if it left the eurozone and depreciated its currency .

  5. 随着息差扩大、本币贬值,新兴市场企业的资金环境正在趋紧。

    Financial conditions are tightening for emerging market companies as spreads widen and local currencies drop .

  6. 这将迫使其它央行扩大本国货币供应,使本币贬值。

    This will force other central banks to expand their own money supplies to depress their currencies .

  7. 拉脱维亚政府正对外汇市场展开干预,拼命阻止本币贬值。

    Latvia 's authorities are trying desperately to prevent depreciation by intervening in the foreign exchange market .

  8. 在这些行业,未曾受到大宗商品价格暴跌和本币贬值伤害的企业非常少。

    In these sectors few corporates have been left unscathed by the steep commodity slowdown and currency weakness .

  9. 按理来说,南部国家可通过本币贬值获得竞争力,但它们现在却做不到。

    In a sensible world , the southern states would devalue to become competitive – but they cannot .

  10. 一个国家的货币相对于另一个国家的货币的贬值被称作本币贬值。

    A fall in the value of one currency in terms of another currency is called currency depreciation .

  11. 当然,就像在阿根廷时一样,本币贬值将给该国的资产负债平衡带来严重的负面影响。

    Of course , as in Argentina , letting the currency depreciate would lead to massive negative balance-sheet effects .

  12. 当中国经济放缓时,澳元下跌,澳大利亚贸易相关行业将从本币贬值中获得提振。

    As China slows , the Aussie falls and trade-exposed sectors get a boost from a lower exchange rate .

  13. 但欧元区成员身份意味着意大利不能实行本币贬值来缓解出口商压力。

    But membership in the euro zone means Italy can 't devalue to bring some relief to its exporters .

  14. 让本币贬值是一个国家可借以提振出口的一项基本政策工具,而中国的出口已经面临压力。

    A weaker currency is a basic tool that can help to boost exports , and China 's exports have suffered .

  15. 当一国工资成本上涨过快的时候,它已然不能通过令本币贬值来重获失去的竞争力。

    When a country 's wage costs rise too quickly , it can no longer recover lost competitiveness through a lower exchange rate .

  16. 3年前,巴西财政部长吉多•曼特加警告称,全球陷入困境的经济体正在采取措施推动本币贬值。

    Three years ago , Brazilian Prime Minister Guido Mantega warned troubled economies around the world were taking measures to weaken their currencies .

  17. 如果美国利用本币贬值、关税或具有通缩效应的宏观经济政策,单方面调整其收支平衡,那么情况可能会恶化。

    If the US unilaterally adjusts its balance of payments – with devaluation or tariffs or deflationary macroeconomic policy – the situation could worsen .

  18. 美国在1933年实际上也做过类似的事情,当时它将本币贬值69%,同时废除了美国国债的黄金条款。

    America actually did something similar too , in 1933 when it depreciated the dollar by 69 per cent and repealed the gold clause .

  19. 发展中国家(比如巴西和最近让本币贬值的越南)可能会与美国一起向中国施压,要求人民币升值。

    Developing countries such as Brazil and Vietnam , which recently devalued the Dong , could conceivably join the US in pressuring China to revalue .

  20. 2001年底以来,随着大宗商品价格飙升和本币贬值,美国贸易条件的恶化幅度已达八分之一。

    Since the end of 2001 , US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth , as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued .

  21. 正在浮现的初步迹象显示,其它亚洲经济体遇到了资本的外逃,导致本币贬值以及随后的外汇市场干预。

    Nascent signs of the capital flight that has befallen other Asian economies , prompting currency depreciation and subsequent exchange market intervention , are starting to surface .

  22. 当其它国家对本币贬值并获得相对于它们的竞争优势时,这些国家实施此类政策以改善国际收支状况,并避免黄金的损失。

    With other countries devaluing and gaining competitiveness at their expense , they adopted such policies to strengthen the balance of payments and fend off gold losses .

  23. 峰会召开前,随着部分国家操纵本币贬值,以增强本国经济的竞争力,汇率问题引发的国际紧张局势已经升级。

    International tensions over exchange rates have escalated ahead of the summit as some countries have engineered the depreciation of their currencies to sharpen their economic competitiveness .

  24. 不过,向来害怕通胀的债券市场应该因为一国无法使本币贬值而惩罚它,这听起来似乎有违常理。

    Yet it seems counter-intuitive that bond markets , with their traditional fear of inflation , should punish a country for not being able to debase its currency .

  25. 保留高杠杆率的金融巨擘,仍有可能让政府破产,本币贬值,对本国经济造成更大的破坏。

    The cost of preserving highly leveraged financial behemoths still has the potential to bankrupt governments and debauch their currencies , wreaking yet more damage to their economies .

  26. 如果投机性借入和卖空能够迫使一国政府耗尽外汇储备,并被迫宣布本币贬值,那么,即使是一种根本没有被高估的货币,也可能因有利可图而受到攻击。

    Even a currency not fundamentally overvalued could be profitably attacked if speculative borrowing and short-selling could force the government to exhaust its reserves and have to devalue .

  27. 随之产生的过剩流动性流向新兴市场,将给那些国家的实际汇率带来压力,鼓励它们策划本币贬值。

    The resulting flow of excess liquidity towards emerging markets also puts pressure on these countries ' real exchange rates , encouraging them to engineer depreciations of their own .

  28. 本币贬值也使得这些国家得以继续延续僵化的劳动法,政府规定的高福利及工资涨幅应超过通胀的条例等因素致使这些国家的劳动力价格畸高。

    The crutch of devaluation enabled them to maintain labor laws that made workers overly expensive because of heavy government-mandated benefits and ensured that wages would rise faster than prices .

  29. 如今,单一货币制度又排除了意大利和其它国家战后通常用于对付高负债问题的两大法宝:通胀和本币贬值。

    Now , the single currency rules out the options that post-war Italy and others traditionally used to cope with high levels of debt : inflation and devaluation of the currency .

  30. 拉脱维亚家庭、企业和银行的大部分外债都以外币计价;如果本币贬值,那么这些债务的本币实际价值将大幅上升。

    The large foreign liabilities of households , companies and banks are in foreign currency ; the real value in local currency of such debts would increase sharply after a devaluation .