
  1. DVP是G-30组织推荐的防范本金风险最有效的制度设计。

    D VP is the most effective mechanism to eliminate principal risks of stick precaution that G-30 organization recommends .

  2. 缺乏必要的借贷机制等,是我国证券结算系统本金风险控制面临的主要问题。

    Lack the essential debt-credit mechanism , above all that is the systematic principal risk of security clearing of our country controls the subject matter faced to .

  3. 本文分析了本金无风险和本金有风险两种类型外汇结构性存款的期权特征,并结合定价方法,探讨了相应的投资风险。

    This paper analyzes the option features of structured deposits of foreign currency with both non-risk principal and risk principal respectively . And the paper discusses corresponding investment risks combining with their pricing methods .

  4. 认为本金无风险的外汇结构性存款有其投资价值,但由于其价值与标的资产挂钩,因此也存在着一定的投资风险。

    Draws the conclusion that the Structured Deposits of Foreign Currency with no capital risks has its investment value , but as a result of its value and sign property suspension hook , therefore also has certain investment risk .

  5. 以上产品中,我行可保证本金100%没有风险,收益根据产品不同有所区别。

    For all the products above , the principal is100 % guaranteed by our bank on a no-risk basis ; however , the return of individual products can be different .