
zhū hónɡ sè
  • vermilion;cinnabar;bright red
  1. 赤色鸥有朱红色的细嘴和双腿。

    The yurikamome gull has a vermilion bill and legs .

  2. 他们穿着华丽的朱红色长袍。

    They don their resplendent vermilion robes .

  3. 雨轻轻弹,朱红色的窗。

    Rain drops slightly flick , on the window vermilion-like .

  4. 他那辆新跑车是朱红色的。

    His new sporte car is bright vermilion .

  5. 侵蚀和风化。风力使分层的沙岩山丘呈漩涡状在大峡谷朱红色的悬崖荒凉的地域。

    Wind erosion makes these layered sandstone hills swirl in Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area .

  6. 紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,细麻和山羊毛。

    Violet and purple , and scarlet twice dyed , and fine linen , and goats'hair .

  7. 院子里,饱满的石榴撑破了朱红色的外衣,展示着宝石般的果粒。

    Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to show off their jeweled kernels .

  8. 要用金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并细麻去做。

    Have them use gold , and blue , purple and scarlet yarn , and fine linen .

  9. 东印度的一种乔木,花多且密集,丝绒质地,呈朱红色,可产一种黄色染料。

    East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye .

  10. 化学家沃尔特认定物质是由赭色和朱红色的蛋彩画颜料涂上去;

    Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint ;

  11. 夹带朱红色条纹的橙色羊毛夹克衫,花哨的上衣下部和袖子营造出浪漫的效果。

    An orange woolen jacket with vermilion stripes , flaring vents [ 2 ] and sleeves makes a romantic look .

  12. 4那女人穿着紫色和朱红色的衣服,用金子宝石珍珠为妆饰。

    The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet , and was glittering with gold , precious stones and pearls .

  13. 在袍子底边上,用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线并捻的细麻做石榴。

    They made pomegranates of blue , purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen around the hem of the robe .

  14. 出39:2他用金线和蓝色紫色朱红色线、捻的细麻作以弗得。

    He made the ephod of gold , and of blue and purple and scarlet material , and fine twisted linen .

  15. 袍子周围底边上要用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线作石榴。在袍子周围的石榴中间要有金铃铛。

    Make pomegranates of blue , purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe , with gold bells between them .

  16. 凡心中有智慧的妇女亲手纺线,把所纺的蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻都拿了来。

    Every skilled woman spun with her hands and brought what she had spun-blue , purple or scarlet yarn or fine linen .

  17. 14又用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻织幔子,在其上绣出基路伯来。

    And he made the vail of blue , and purple , and crimson , and fine linen , and wrought cherubims thereon .

  18. 用金线,紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻,做了厄弗得。

    So he made an ephod of gold , violet , and purple , and scarlet twice dyed , and fine twisted linen .

  19. 凡技巧的妇女都亲手纺线,把所纺的紫色、红色、朱红色毛线和细麻送来。

    The skillful women also gave such things as they had spun , violet , purple , and scarlet , and fine linen .

  20. 祭司要把香柏木,牛膝草,朱红色线都丢在烧牛的火中。

    Then let the priest take cedar-wood and hyssop and red thread , and put them into the fire where the cow is burning .

  21. 要和以弗得一样的做法:用金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并捻的细麻做成。

    Make it like the ephod : of gold , and of blue , purple and scarlet yarn , and of finely twisted linen .

  22. 这间房舱虽然很小,但很明亮,并有一幅幅镶版画(画的都是飞禽走兽,朱红色的龙和藤蔓),而且纤尘不染。

    The cabin was very tiny but bright with painted panels ( all birds and beasts and crimson dragons and vines ) and spotlessly clean .

  23. 他用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和捻的细麻织幔子,以巧匠的手工绣上基路伯。

    They made the curtain of blue , purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen , with cherubim worked into it by a skilled craftsman .

  24. 他们要拿金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并捻的细麻,用巧匠的手工做以弗得。

    Make the ephod of gold , and of blue , purple and scarlet yarn , and of finely twisted linen-the work of a skilled craftsman .

  25. 就要吩咐人为那求洁净的,拿两只洁净的活鸟和香柏木,朱红色线并牛膝草来。

    The priest shall order that two live clean birds and some cedar wood , scarlet yarn and hyssop be brought for the one to be cleansed .

  26. 你要用十幅幔子做帐幕。这些幔子要用捻的细麻和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线制造,并用巧匠的手工绣上基路伯。

    Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue , purple and scarlet yarn , with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman .

  27. 你要用巧匠的手工、作一个决断的胸牌.要和以弗得一样的作法、用金线和蓝色紫色朱红色线、并捻的细麻作成。

    And make a priest 's bag for giving decisions , designed like the ephod , made of gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen .

  28. 以色列的女子阿,当为扫罗哭号。他曾使你们穿朱红色的美衣,使你们衣服有黄金的妆饰。

    O daughters of israel , have sorrow for saul , by whom you were delicately clothed in robes of red , with ornaments of gold on your dresses .

  29. 又做了会幕的门帘,是用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻编成的。

    He made also a hanging in the entry of the tabernacle of violet , purple , scarlet , and fine twisted linen , with the work of an embroiderer .

  30. 与他同工的,有但支派中亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯;他是雕刻匠,又是巧匠,又能用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻绣花。

    With him was Oholiab son of Ahisamach , of the tribe of Dan-a craftsman and designer , and an embroiderer in blue , purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen .