
  • 网络body composition;organization
  1. 根据一项新的研究显示,非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD)患者的心血管顺应性,肌力,机体组成和体能都低于最适水平。

    Patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD ) have suboptimal levels of cardiovascular fitness , muscle strength , body composition and physical fitness , according to a new study .

  2. 目的探讨生长激素(GH)及谷氨酰胺(Gln)强化的肠外营养(PN)治疗对外科重症患者机体组成及肠道屏障功能的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of parenteral nutrition ( PN ) combined with recombinant human growth hormone ( GH ) and glutamine ( Gln ) on body composition and gut barrier function in surgically critical patients .

  3. 康奈尔大学的神经生物学教授,这项研究的执行者及作者JosephFetcho说,“没有人可以解释这种存在于脊髓中的机体组成”。

    " No one had any idea that organization like this existed in a spinal cord ," said Joseph Fetcho , a Cornell professor of neurobiology and behavior and an author of the study .

  4. 应用双能源X线吸收法测定营养不良病人机体组成

    Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of body composition in malnutrition patients

  5. 家庭肠内营养病人血浆蛋白及机体组成变化的研究

    Changes of plasma protein and body composition in patients with home enteral nutrition

  6. 青少年血清瘦素与机体组成、能量代谢关系的研究

    Study on Relationship Between Serum Leptin and Body Composition , Energy Metabolism in Adolescents

  7. 胃癌术后不同残胃患者胃肠激素及机体组成变化

    Changes of Gastrointestinal Hormone and Body Composition in Patients with Gastric Cancer after Different Gastrectomy

  8. 结果:与对照组相比,低热量组氮平衡改善,血清蛋白质下降减少,机体组成中的蛋白质群丢失较少。

    Results : Nitrogen balance of hypocaloric group was found to be improved , plasma proteins increased and body composition loss decreased .

  9. 主观整体评价、传统营养评分和机体组成分析:对3种肝硬化营养评价方法的比较

    Comparison of three methods of nutritional assessment in liver cirrhosis : Subjective global assessment , traditional nutritional parameters , and body composition analysis

  10. 在这一过程中,科学家们测量了锻炼者们在开展竞赛活动前和12周后的机体组成、血脂情况、血压以及最大摄氧量。

    The scientists measured the men 's body composition , blood lipid profile , blood pressure and maximal oxygen uptake before and after .

  11. 钙是梅花鹿生长、繁殖、生产所必需的常量元素,是机体组成的重要物质。

    Calcium is constant mineral element demanded in growth , reproduction and productivity in sika deer , and for madding up the animal 's body .

  12. 方法:家庭肠内营养的病人20例,测量病人在接受家庭肠内营养支持前及支持2个月后血浆蛋白及机体组成的变化。

    Methods : 20 patients who accepted home enteral nutrition support were detected for plasma protein and body composition on beginning home enteral nutrition support and 2 months later .

  13. 结论癌性恶液质病人的机体组成变化不但有显著的脂肪群丢失,还有大量瘦肉群与体细胞群的丢失。

    Conclusion Body composition analysis in cancer cachexia demonstrates not only a significant loss of fat mass , but also loss of a great amount of lean body mass and body cell mass .

  14. 共轭亚油酸钙营养性改善机体肌肉组成的实验研究

    Effect of calcium conjugated linoleic acid on nutritionally improving body muscle content

  15. 他们分别在肺内层有或没有替代性活化的巨噬细胞的实验小鼠上试验,该巨噬细胞是机体免疫组成部分。

    They tested mice with and without a type of white cell in the lining of the lung known as alternatively activated macrophages , a part of the innate immune system .

  16. 研究了饲喂不同饲料对牛蛙机体主要养分组成变化的影响。

    The effect of different diet on variety of nutrient composition in bullfrog were studied in this paper .

  17. 企业是一个社会机体的重要组成部分,构建和谐企业是构建和谐社会的应有之意,也是企业不断发展壮大的必然要求。

    Enterprise is an important component of the social body . Constructing a harmonious enterprise is the meaning of building a harmonious society , but also the requirement of enterprises ' development .

  18. 使用CFD软件通过建立的气缸盖、机体和冷却水套组成的耦合模型,采用直接流热耦合方法计算了某四气门汽油机气缸盖温度场。

    Directly coupled fluid-heat simulation is employed in this paper to investigate the temperature field of cylinder head in a 4-valve gasoline engine by using of CFD software . Computational model includes cylinder head , cylinder block and water jacket .

  19. 抗菌肽(anti-bacterialpeptides,简称ABP)是生物细胞特定基因编码产生的一类小分子多肽,是宿主防御病原微生物入侵的重要分子屏障,其生成和释放是机体炎症反应的组成部分。

    Anti-bacterial peptide ( abbrevitated form-ABP ) is a kind of small size molecular peptides that are encoded by a special gene , still is important molecular protective screen of that the host defend pathogenic bacteria invaders .

  20. 该机由进出料斗筛部、电机振动部、机体座三大部分组成。

    The unit is composed of inlet outlet hopper sieve , motor vibrator and frame .

  21. 淋巴细胞、淋巴结和脾脏都是机体免疫系统的组成部分。

    Lymphocytes , lymph nodes and the spleen are parts of the body 's immune system .

  22. 教育系统作为社会机体的一个组成部分,受其影响也被纳入市场体系,竞争成为一个普遍的概念。

    The education system , as a part of the society , goes into the market and competition is a universal concept .

  23. 因此,饲料组成与机体蛋白质中氨基酸组成的变化对用于蛋白质沉积需要的可利用氨基酸利用的影响必须进行更精确的定量。

    The effects of feed composition and changes in the amino acid composition of whole body protein on the utilization of available amino acid intake for PD need to be quantified more accurately .