
  • 网络body defense
  1. 此外,GSH在代谢、细胞信号传导和蛋白质间相互作用中也具有辅助性功能,还可调节机体防御反应。

    Furthermore , GSH has ancillary functions , such as metabolism , cell signaling , and protein interactions , that can also mediate defense against oxidants .

  2. MIP-1α和MCP-1在沙眼衣原体肺感染中的产生及与机体防御的关系

    Production of MIP-1 α and MCP-1 chemotactic cytokines following Chlamydia trachomatis lung infection and its relationship with host immune defence

  3. AR发病过程中,辅助性T细胞、肥大细胞、嗜酸粒细胞、纤毛功能障碍和机体防御机制等对鼻窦炎的发生起了重要作用;

    During the course of AR , help T cells , mast cell , eosinophil , disorders of ciliary motility and defense mechanism all have important effects on the occurrence of sinusitis .

  4. 一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)是一种具有自由基性质的生物活性分子,作为一种信号分子,NO在机体防御、神经信号传导、血管扩张等生理过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    Nitric oxide ( NO ) is a free radical molecule which has biological activity . As a signaling molecule , it plays an important role in many physiological processes , such as host defence mechanisms , neuronal signal transmission and vasodilation .

  5. 粘膜免疫是机体防御系统的主要成分。

    Mucosal immunity is the major element of the defense system .

  6. 金黄色葡萄球菌表皮剥脱毒素致病作用与机体防御机制研究进展

    Action of Staphylococcal Exfoliative Toxins and Relative Protection of Organism

  7. 天然免疫是机体防御病原体感染的第一道防线。

    Innate immune response is the front line of host defence over pathogen infection .

  8. 铜与机体防御功能

    Copper and the defence function of body

  9. 但是,如果活性中间代谢物在体内过度积累,就会造成机体防御功能紊乱。

    However , accumulation of excessive toxic products in the body will induce tissue dysfunction .

  10. 根据现代应激理论,应激属于机体防御适应性的反应,适度的应激可以启动机体内源性保护机制,对随后的疾病产生抵抗与耐受,从而起到预防或减轻疾病的意义。

    According to modern stress theory , stress belongs to protective and adaptable response of body .

  11. 就铜与机体防御功能关系的研究进展作一综述。

    This article summarizes the new advance of studies about the relations of copper and the defence function .

  12. 淋巴细胞是具有特异性免疫功能的免疫活性细胞,它们在免疫应答过程中起着核心作用,是构成机体防御系统的重要组成部分。

    Lymphocyte is the immunocyte for specific immune function and acts key role in the process of immune response .

  13. 应激引起大鼠脑卒中时脑组织细胞与机体防御基因的表达差异

    Differential expression of genes for cell / organism defense in cerebral cells of rats with stroke episode induced by stress

  14. 天然免疫系统在皮肤之内作为机体防御外来病原体入侵的第二道屏障,发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Innate immune system plays an important role within the skin as the second barrier defending pathogen invasion of the organism .

  15. 复合环境因素诱导大鼠脑卒中机体防御基因表达的改变及意义

    Change of expression of cell / organs defense genes in brain tissue of rats with stroke like episodes induced by complex environmental factors

  16. 抗生素的广泛应用使人们注意到它对机体防御功能的影响。

    With the extensive use of antibiotics people have been paying attention to the effects of antibiotics on the host 's defense system .

  17. 天然免疫系统是机体防御病原微生物感染的第一道防线,而且对适应性免疫系统的激活有重要的影响。

    Innate immunity system is the first line for organism to defend microbial pathogens and has important effect on the activation of adaptive immunity .

  18. 对机体防御肿瘤的新观察能开辟一条新道路,改进对肿瘤的免疫治疗。

    Insights from this new view of the body 's on-board defenses against cancer may open the way for improved immunotherapies to treat the disease .

  19. 目的探讨应激引起大鼠脑卒中时细胞与机体防御基因的表达差异以及其在发病学中的意义。

    Objective To explore the differential expression of genes for cell and organism defense in brain tissue in stroke-like episodes induced by stress in rats .

  20. 雌激素的存在因此可以在先天性免疫机能方面起到有益作用,即代表了机体防御病原体侵袭的第一道屏障。

    The presence of estrogen would therefore have a beneficial effect on innate immunity , which represents the body 's first line of defence against pathogenic organisms .

  21. 近来,研究人员发现破骨细胞还参与机体防御与修复,炎性疾病以及肿瘤的骨转移。

    Moreover , investigators have recently elucidated that osteoclasts also play a role in regulation of host defense and repair , inflammatory diseases and cancer bone metastasis .

  22. 天然免疫是机体防御外来病原体入侵的第一道防线,它包含了巨噬细胞和树突状细胞。

    The innate immune system is the first line of host defense against pathogens and is mediated by phagocytes including macrophages and dendritic cells ( DCs ) .

  23. 机体防御外界刺激、损伤的第一道屏障为皮肤,因而皮肤创伤愈合是创伤愈合与组织修复中不可缺少的部分。

    The first barrier to the stimuli and harmful factors is the skin , therefore , dermal healing is the indispensable part of wound healing and tissue repair .

  24. 抗菌肽是天然免疫的重要介质,具有广谱的抗菌活性,是机体防御感染的重要因素。

    Antimicrobial polypeptides are important components of the innate immunity . They are thought to be a key factor of host against infection owing to their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity .

  25. 对其进行功能预测及分类,得到大量参与信号转导、转录调控、渗透和代谢调节、机体防御以及光合作用等过程的相关基因。

    Function prediction analysis classified them into several sections , such as signal transduction , transcription regulation , osmotic and metabolic regulation , host defense , and the photosynthesis . 3 .

  26. 细胞因子明确参与了调节同种异体排斥和机体防御反应,能够影响细胞因子转录活性或功能的细胞因子基因多态性也会影响急性排斥反应和感染的发生。

    As cytokines take part in the regulation of allograft rejection and defensive response , cytokines gene polymorphisms affecting transcription activity or function of cytokines should impact the occurrence of rejection and infection .

  27. 急性炎症是机体防御感染及修复损伤的一种保护性反应,但持续的慢性炎症会导致多种疾病。

    Acute inflammation is a protective mechanism to remove invading pathogens and repair tissue injury . However , it must be properly regulated because unrestrained chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of diseases .

  28. 在烧伤整个过程中,有很多有害物质从烧伤创面坏死组织及其后的炎症反应中源源不断的产生,导致机体防御能力降低,很容易发生感染和内脏功能衰竭,导致病人的死亡。

    During the whole process of burn there are many harmful matters released from the necrosis tissues and producted from the secondary inflammation reaction , which can decrease the defense function and easily lead to inflammation , the failure of internal organs and finally death .

  29. 肠道上皮细胞作为机体防御的第一道防线,其产生的抗菌肽是肠道黏膜天然免疫的重要成分,具有广谱性、高效性、稳定性及不易产生抗药性等特点。

    Antimicrobial peptides produced by intestinal epithelial cells that serve as the first line of defense for the body are an important component of the intestinal mucosal innate immunity , and show properties such as potent broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity , high stability , and no antimicrobial resistance .

  30. 24小时内机体抗氧化防御系统能力提高,DNA碱基氧化损害消失;

    The ability of antioxidative defense increases within 24 h and DNA damage disappears also .