
  • 网络relative quantitation;Relative Quantification;Comparative Quantitation
  1. 目的:检测乳腺癌患者血清HER-2/neuDNA相对定量水平,分析其与乳腺癌生物学行为的相关性。

    Objective : To study the relationship between the relative quantification of HER-2 / neu DNA and biological behavior of breast cancer .

  2. 肉样中假单胞菌与总细菌两组标准曲线的斜率差值为0.004,小于0.1,表明两个基因的扩增效率已非常接近,可用AACT法对假单胞菌进行相对定量分析。

    The difference of standard curve slopes between the total bacterial 16S rRNA gene and Pseudomonas was 0.004 ( less than 0.1 ), which indicated that their amplification efficiency was near and the ΔΔ CT method was valid for relative quantification of Pseudomonas .

  3. 实时定量逆转录PCR对几种胸腺状念和功能相关基因的表达进行相对定量以直接评价胸腺微环境的研究方法。

    The other is real-time RT-PCR method to study thymic-associated genes expression .

  4. 栀子HPLC数字化指纹图谱相对定量方法研究

    The relative quantitative method of HPLC digitized fingerprints for Fructus Gardeniae

  5. 本文引入交联度这个参数,能同时相对定量地表示DNA总交联、DNA-蛋白质交联和DNA链间交联。

    The parameter of Crosslink Degree suggested in this paper could quantitate the two kinds of DNA crosslinks .

  6. 相对定量RT-PCR法中内对照基因表达水平的稳定性及其应用评价

    Expression stability of endogenous control genes in relative quantitative RT-PCR method and its application evaluation

  7. 优化RT-PCR法相对定量检测RNA的研究

    The optimal condition to detect quantification of RNA using semi-quantitative reverse transcription ( RT ) - PCR

  8. 目的利用实时RT-PCR技术建立一种简便、准确的基因表达相对定量方法。

    Objective To develop a simple and accurate method for the quantification of real-time RT-PCR gene products .

  9. 另选10只鼠龄、体重相匹配的大鼠作为正常组。采用相对定量逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RTPCR)检测病程8周后各组大鼠坐骨神经IGF1mRNA表达的水平。

    The IGF-1 mRNA level in sciatic nerve of each group was determined after 8 weeks by relative quantity RT-PCR .

  10. 一种新颖简便的荧光实时RT-PCR相对定量方法的建立

    A Novel and Convenient Relative Quantitative Method of Fluorescence Real Time RT-PCR Assay Based on Slope of Standard Curve

  11. 乳腺癌组织bcl-2和p53蛋白表达相对定量测定及相关性和预后关系

    The Quantitative Measurement of Expresion of bcl 2 and p53 Protein in Breast Carcinomas and their Correlativity and Relationship with Prognosis

  12. 分别提取各组灌药小鼠脾脏RNA,应用逆转录多聚酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测IL-2mRNA的表达水平,凝胶图象光密度分析系统进行相对定量。

    Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) and gel documentation analysis system were exploited to detect the IL-2 mRNA expression levels .

  13. 本试验采用相对定量2-△△Ct法来检验基因的表达变化。7、实验数据常规进行方差齐性检验、正态性检验。

    We use the way of Delta-delta Ct to detect the relative mRNA expression in cells . 7 、 The experimental data were homogeneity of variance test and normality test .

  14. 方法:建立敏感的巢式逆转录聚合酶链反应体系(NestedRTPCR),对肝组织和外周血中的AFPmRNA进行相对定量值分析。

    METHODS : A sensitive nested-RT-PCR system was set up to make relative quantitative values of AFP mRNA of hepatic tissues and peripheral blood .

  15. 结论口腔鳞癌组织和正常组织中的FAS表达有显著差异。实时定量PCR方法简便、快速、高效,并能相对定量内源性脂肪酸合酶在口腔鳞癌组织中的表达。

    Conclusion Real-time quantitative PCR provides a method for monitoring the expression of fatty acid synthetic activity in squamous cell carcinoma , adjacent and normal tissues .

  16. 方法:采用RT-PCR、套式PCR和测序分析对30例卵巢癌组织vEGFmRNA异构体表达进行相对定量检测。

    Methods : The types and levels of VEGF mRNA isoforms of surgical samples from 30 patients with ovarian carcinoma were determined by relatively quantative RT PCR , nest PCR and sequence analysis .

  17. 建立了18O稳定同位素标记方法,用于复杂体系蛋白质相对定量分析。

    A method for relative quantitation of complex protein mixtures was developed with oxygen-18 labeling and mass spectrometric analysis .

  18. 实验证实靶基因(PAX5和CD19)与管家基因(GAPDH)的扩增效率一致,因此可以用比较循环数(Ct)法对PAX5和CD19的表达进行相对定量。

    The amplification efficiencies were identical for both the target gene ( PAX5 and CD19 ) and house keeping gene ( GAPDH ) .

  19. 3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶、β-肌动蛋白和18SRRNA作为相对定量的内标在牙鲆发育阶段的稳定性比较

    Comparison between ribosomal 18S rRNA , GAPDH and β - actin genes as internal standard for quantitative comparison of mRNA levels in development of flounder , Paralichthys olivaceus

  20. 目的建立一种荧光定量逆转录聚合酶链反应(FQRT-PCR)检测肺癌患者外周血hnRNPB1mRNA表达的相对定量方法。

    Objective To develop a fluorescence quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( FQ RT-PCR ) method for detecting hnRNP B1 mRNA in peripheral blood of lung cacinoma patients .

  21. 方法利用实时定量PCR法测定18例口腔癌患者新鲜癌组织和口腔正常组织标本中FAS表达情况,结合内参照GAPDH基因进行相对定量分析。

    Methods The FAS mRNA expression , including tissues of carcinoma and normal tissues , in 18 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were evaluated by real-time quantitative PCR , and quantified according to an internal control GAPDH .

  22. 加入IFN-α(1000u/ml)培养KT-1/A3、K562细胞48h后采用相对定量RT-PCR分析细胞bcr/abl基因表达水平。

    The expression levels of bcr / abl chimeric genes were analyzed by relative quantitative RT PCR at 48 hours after cultivation of both KT 1 / A3 and K562 cells with IFN α in 1 000 U / ml.

  23. 饲养1个月后检测大鼠的增重情况,应用放射免疫法测定血清中生长相关激素和生长因子的含量,用相对定量RT-PCR法研究两组大鼠肝脏GHRmRNA表达水平的差异。

    After 30 d , weight gains were calculated in rats . The serum growth-related hormones and growth factor levels were measured by RIA in two groups , and the liver expression of liver GHR mRNA was detected by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in control and experimental groups .

  24. 荧光定量PCR方法采用双标准曲线法对CIRPmRNA进行相对定量检测,先从GenBank上公布大鼠的CIRP和持家基因GAPDH的核酸序列设计两对特异性引物并合成。

    CIRP mRNA relative expression quantity was detected by the double standard curve in the real time PCR method . First , two pairs of specific primers were designed on the nucleic acid sequences of Housekeeping gene GAPDH and rats CIRP , which have been published in the GenBank .

  25. 方法将两细胞株分别分为9-cis-RA组和对照组,应用细胞计数方法统计每组各时相细胞数,相对定量RT-PCR方法检测加药前后RARγ在不同时相的表达变化。

    Methods Dividing PG and A549 lung glandular cancer cells each into two groups : 9-cis-RA group and control group . Cell numbers of each group in different time-phases was by cell count methods . Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) were used in study .

  26. 此外,还对糖型不均一造成的几种糖肽进行了相对定量。

    In addition , the relative abundance of heterogeneous glycopeptides was quantified .

  27. 高温超导体相对定量的磁通钉扎力分析

    Relative quantitative analysis on flux pinning in high temperature superconductors

  28. 在相对定量阶段,以比较方法的运用为其主要特征。

    The main trait of comparative quantitative stage was the application of comparative research method .

  29. 轻烃的定量提取分为相对定量提取与绝对定量提取,各赋存状态轻烃有着相应的定量计算公式。

    We can quantify the light hydrocarbons comparatively or absolutely by using the corresponding quantification formulae .

  30. 油压应变测试系统是通过测量雷管对目标作用的冲量(Im)来相对定量表征雷管输出威力的。

    This measurement system makes use of the Impulse ( Im ) to token the detonator output relative quantitatively .