
xiānɡ hù yì wèi
  • reciprocal translocation
  1. 全染色体涂染技术分析也证实5例患者6号和11号染色体之间发生了相互易位。

    A reciprocal translocation between 6 and 11 was further confirmed by chromosome painting technique in 5 cases .

  2. 在二倍体中发现不育株7株(占2.2%),其中经细胞学分析发现2株(1984及1985年各发现1株)为多染色体相互易位杂合子。

    Seven diploid plants ( 2.2 % ) were found to be sterile , among which two were multiple reciprocal translocation ( MRT ) .

  3. 丝裂霉素C诱发相互易位杂合中国仓鼠减数分裂过程中间节段交换的研究

    A study on the mitomycin C-induced meiotic crossing-over of the interstitial segments in the Chinese hamster heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation

  4. 其中1例经双色FISH检测证实9号和20号染色体之间发生了相互易位,且形成双着丝粒染色体。

    Mutual transloeation between chromosomes 9 and 20 of the dicentric chromosome was confirmed by FISH in one patient .

  5. 目的探讨用精子荧光原位杂交(FluorescenceinSituHybridization,FISH)分析男性染色体相互易位携带者减数分裂的分离。

    Objective To analyze the meiotic segregation results of male reciprocal chromosome translocation by fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .

  6. 在32个主要异常包括19染色体号相互易位,9号染色体罗伯逊易位,一个大的倒位,两个三条X染色体的女性,和一个特纳嵌合体。

    The32 major anomalies consisted of19 reciprocal translocations , 9 Robertsonian translocations , one large inversion , two triple-X females , and one Turner mosaicism .

  7. 普通小麦1B/4A染色体相互易位的细胞遗传学研究

    Cytogenetic Studies on a Reciprocal Translocation Between Chromosomes 1B and 4A in Common Wheat

  8. 9号和22号染色体相互易位形成融合基因bcr/abl,是慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML)的主要发病机制。

    Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) is characterized by the reciprocal translocation of chromosome 9 ;

  9. 结论不同的男性染色体相互易位携带者减数分裂的分离结果可能不同,对其行精子FISH分析有助于提供更准确的遗传咨询和行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的预后估计。

    Conclusion For each reciprocal translocation carrier seems to have a particular meiotic segregation results , FISH analysis on sperm head should be done for each carrier in order to provide an accurate genetic counseling .

  10. 一例t(1;5)相互易位并伴inv(12)臂内倒位的报告

    A Case of t ( 1 ; 5 ) Reciprocal Translocation with inv ( 12 ) Paracentric Inversion

  11. 研究背景与目的:第9号与第22号染色体相互易位形成的Ph染色体是慢性髓系白血病(Chronicmyeloidleukemia,CML)的肿瘤恶性克隆标志。

    Background and objective : Philadelphia chromosome ( Ph ) is the result of a t ( 9 ; 22 ) reciprocal chromosomal translocation and is the malignant clonal marker of chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) .

  12. 其细胞遗传学特征是9号和22号染色体的相互易位即Ph染色体。该易位导致BCR/ABL融合基因,后者在CML的发病中起着极其重要的作用。

    Its cytogenetic hallmark is a reciprocal t ( 9 ; 22 ) chromosomal translocation known as the Philadelphia chromosome and this translocation results in the formation of chimeric fusion gene BCR / ABL which is thought to play a central role in the pathogenesis of CML .

  13. 本文用MMC对T(2;10)3Idr和T(1;3)8Idr相互易位雄性杂合中国仓鼠诱发减数分裂过程中间节段交换进行了研究。

    Using Chinese hamsters heterozygous for T ( 2 ; 10 ) 3Idr and T ( 1 ; 3 ) 8Idr reciprocal translocations , the authors studied mitomycin C ( MMC ) - induced crossing-over on the interstitial segments .

  14. 染色体(7;14)相互易位一家系报告

    Report on the reciprocal translocation ( 7:14 ) in a family

  15. 面肩肱型肌营养不良症患者染色体4q-10q相互易位机制的初步研究

    Mechanism of translocation between chromosomes 4q and 10q in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

  16. 流产人群中相互易位携带者产生遗传不平衡胚胎比例极高,生育风险很大。

    The frequency of genetic imbalance offsprings of translocation carriers is veryhigh .

  17. 精子荧光原位杂交分析男性染色体相互易位携带者的减数分裂分离

    Meiotic segregation results of male reciprocal chromosome translocations

  18. 结果相互易位携带者妊娠结局以孕早期流产为主;

    Results Spontaneous abortion in the first trimester was the ma in pregnancy outcome .

  19. 一例t(2;9)相互易位报告

    A Case of 2 ; 9 Reciprocal Translocation

  20. 染色体相互易位携带者的性别和易位片段长度对生育的影响

    The Effect of Sex and the Segment Size of the Chromosome Translocation Carriers on the Pregnancy Outcome

  21. 3936例流产患者中染色体相互易位96例,总发生率2.44%(96/3936),其中1-2次流产组相互易位发生率2.09%(47/2254);

    A total of 96 reciprocal translocation carriers were found among 3936 abortion patients ( 2.44 % ) .

  22. 罗伯逊易位携带者胚胎丢失率高于相互易位携带者。

    Concerning Robersonian translocation , its incidence rate of spontaneous abortion was significantly higher than that in reciprocal translocation .

  23. 目的探讨染色体相互易位携带者的性别和易位片段长度与生育的关系,为遗传咨询提供参考。

    Objective To study the relationship between pregnancy outcome with the sex and the segment size of the chromosome translocation carriers .

  24. 主语和宾语相互易位,而不改变句子的基本语义,这是现代汉语中一种很特殊的语法现象。

    That subject and object can exchange with each other and the basic meaning is not changed is a very particular grammar phenomenon in modern Chinese .

  25. 结果检出染色体平衡易位携带者35例:常染色体相互易位25例,罗伯逊易位9例,复杂易位1例。

    Results 35 cases of balanced translocation were discovered ( 25 cases of reciprocal autosomal translocation ; 9 cases of robertsonian translocation ; 1 case of complex translocation ) .

  26. 种内的核型分化与染色体的结构变异有关。主要表现为臂间倒位、罗伯逊易位和或不等相互易位。

    Obvious karyotypic differentiation among the populations , which was highlighted by chromosomal aberrations , including mainly pericentric inversion and the Robertsonian or unequal reciprocal translocations , was detected .

  27. 结果:检出异常染色体核型13例,占受检夫妇人数的5·7%,异常核型中,平衡易位最多,占异常总数的76·92%,其中相互易位10例,罗伯逊易位3例;

    Results : 13 cases of abnormal karyotypes were detected ( 5.7 % ) . Balanced translocations had the most abnormalities ( 76.92 % ), including 10 balanced reciprocal translocations and 3 balanced Robertsonian translocations .

  28. 本文从染色体相互易位、异染色质的丢失和外源染色质的导入三个主要方面讨论普通小麦和六倍体小黑麦核型的变化情况。

    The role of chromosome interchanges , loss of heterochromatin , alien chromosome substitutions and translocations and other variations in chromosome structure in the karyotypic evolution of common wheat and hexaploid triticale will be evaluated in this paper .

  29. 结果发现染色体异常核型38例,异常发生率为3.2%。其中平衡易位31例(相互易位16例,罗伯逊易位15例),臂间倒位6例,嵌合体1例;

    Results There were 38 chromosome aberrations ( 29 women , 9 men ) in them , the abnormal rate being 3.2 % , including 31 balanced translocations ( 16 reciprocal translocations , 15 Robertsonian translocations ), 6 pericentric inversions , and 1 mosaic .

  30. 相互易位、非同源罗伯逊易位、同源罗伯逊易位3组,活产缺陷儿比率分别为5.7%(20/350)、10.9%(14/128)、8.0%(2/25),3组间相互比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    In reciprocal translocations , nonhomologous Robertsonian translocations and homologous Robertsonian translocations , the birth defects rates were 5.7 % ( 20 / 350 ), 10.9 % ( 14 / 128 ) and 8.0 % ( 2 / 25 ), respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .