
  • 网络Mutually Exclusive;independent;mutually independent;independence
  1. 大肠癌p14ARF基因高甲基化与p53基因突变可能是相互独立的事件,两者的失活可能各自出现于不同的大肠癌亚组中;

    P14 ~ ARF hypermethylation and p53 mutation may be mutually exclusive events in this kind of tumor . The inactivation of these two genes appeared to occur in different tumor subgroups independently .

  2. 要求用户从一列相互独立的选项中选择最恰当的项。

    Ask users to pick exactly one item from a list of mutually exclusive options .

  3. 即n等于,这两项资产不是或者不一定是相互独立的。

    There 's n = 2 , but not independent or not necessarily independent .

  4. 假设我们有n个相互独立的资产;,假设是股票。

    So , we 're going to have n independent assets ; they could be stocks .

  5. 国内法院的反倾销司法审查与WTO的争端解决机制是相互独立的关系。

    The judicial review of domestic courts is independent of the DSM of the WTO .

  6. 离散元方法(DiscreteElementMethod)是将计算的对象离散成大量相互独立的单元,并定义单元间相互作用的方法。

    The discrete element method calculation object is discretized into a large number of independent units , interaction and define the unit .

  7. 句子的体意义由两个相互独立的成分,即情状类型(situationtype)和体态表达系统(viewpoint)共同作用产生。

    The aspectual meaning of a sentence results from interaction between two independent aspectual components , situation type and viewpoint .

  8. WebSphereApplicationServer将内存泄漏的检测和分析看作两个不同的问题,并使用两个相关但又相互独立的解决方案来加以解决。

    WebSphere Application Server has identified detection and analysis of memory leaks as two different problems with related but independent solutions .

  9. 你永远不可能那样做,因为那样的x,y,z是相互独立的。

    You could never do that because z , x and y are independent .

  10. 在多Agent系统中,各个Agent之间是一种松散耦合的关系,彼此之间相互独立、自主活动,又可实现互操作。

    In multi-Agent system , each Agent is a loose coupling relationship , independent , autonomous activity , but also to achieve interoperability .

  11. 以往的控制系统大多数采用3套相互独立的PID控制回路,因无法消除回路间的耦合,故难以得到理想的控制效果。

    Because of the serious coupling among variables , perfect control result can hardly be gotten by single loop PID controller .

  12. 基于相互独立检查点的MPI消息日志系统

    The system of MPI message logging based on relatively independent checkpoint

  13. 利用相互独立的多个页面表示数据是Web应用程序的基本特点,这些页面通常需要共同实现某项特定功能。

    Capitalize on mutually independent many page represent the data was a basic characteristics for web application , these pages usually needing together realizing of a certain and particular function .

  14. 采用非高斯最大化判据从观测变量中分解出相互独立的非高斯变量(独立成分分量),它满足统计意义下的独立特性,而不仅仅是PCA所要求的不相关。

    The maximization of non-Gaussian criterion is adopted to decompose the independent non-Gaussian components from the monitoring variables .

  15. 相互独立同指数分布的随机变量序列在Laplace变换中的大数定律

    Large Number Law of Random Variable Sequence of Inter independent Identical Index in Distribution Laplace Transform

  16. 首先在时间域上,使用几个相互独立的Condensation类型的粒子滤波器分别跟踪人脸的每个特征。

    In the first step , several independent CONDENSATION-style particle filters are utilized to track each facial feature in temporal domain .

  17. 由n个随机事件相互独立的定义出发,利用概率的性质,推导出关于多个相互独立随机事件性质的两个命题。

    Making use of probable properties , this paper deduces two propositions on the properties of inter-independent casual events from the definition that a few casual events are inter-independent .

  18. Eclipse充当一种黏合剂,使得很多组件可以无缝地协作,同时又相互独立,便于定制。

    Eclipse provides the glue that allows many components to work together seamlessly , yet be separate enough to allow easy customization .

  19. 各类服务之间的关系即相互独立,又相互依赖,服务之间的调用按照标准化的Web服务访问方式。

    The relation of each kind of service namely independent , but then depend on mutually . And we dispose adjusting and transferences of service according to the standardized Web service interview methods .

  20. 在古典概型和概率空间(Ω,F,P)[1]上,讨论随机事件相互独立的充要条件。

    On the basis of classic probability model and probability space (Ω, F , P ), this thesis discusses the sufficient and necessary condition of independence about random events .

  21. 这是因为加速度,只在y方向才有,而y方向的运动,与x方向的运动是相互独立的。

    That is because there is only an acceleration in the y direction but the motion in the y direction is completely independent of the x direction .

  22. 针对图片库中的图像,先用ICA算法构造由相互独立的基向量构成的子空间。

    Firstly , a subspace spanned by independent basis vectors was constructed by applying ICA to images in the picture base .

  23. 尽管Rational工具和方法可以彼此相互独立使用,但当它们综合在一起使用的时候会变得极为强大,毕竟整体大于部分的总和。

    While the Rational tools and processes can be used independently of each other , when used together they can become extremely powerful , since the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts .

  24. 虽然他们中的大部分可被定义为现有RUP工件的一部分,但他们还是相互独立以支持可审核的过程控制。

    While most of them could be defined as sections of existing RUP artifacts , they are kept separate to support auditable process control .

  25. 在MPEG-4标准中,视频帧被认为是由一系列相互独立的运动对象组成,视频帧的编码也直接针对一个个视频对象。

    In the MPEG-4 standard , video frame was composed of a series of independent semantic video object , which was encoded independently .

  26. 即将形成的XQuery更新标准规定,MODIFY子句中的所有更新操作相互独立地应用于文档。

    The emerging XQuery update standard specifies that all update operations in the MODIFY clause are applied independently from each other to the original document .

  27. 即用Logistic映射产生混沌序列,从中构造DES的轮密钥,轮密钥间具有相互独立性,密钥空间具有无限性。

    That is , generated by logistic maps are chaotic sequences , from which composed are DES round cryptographic keys with reciprocal independence and infinite key space .

  28. 在系统设计方面:将系统划分为相互独立的三层,即:UI界面表示层、光谱数据处理逻辑层、底层仪器控制层。

    In the system design , the system was divided into three separate layers : UI layer , spectral data processing logic layer and instrument control layer .

  29. 这种趋势是一个信号,表明往往基于英美普通法(commonlaw)原则的全球标准,正发挥越来越突出的作用,以助简化金融体系传统上各国法律体系相互独立,导致金融体系复杂化。

    The trend is a sign of how global standards - often based on English - or US-style " common law " principles - are increasingly emerging to help simplify a financial world complicated by the traditional independence of national legal systems .

  30. 而代数观的Rough集与Vague集则是相互独立的,但是两者也有联系。

    The authors find that the rough set of information view is a kind of special vague set and the rough set of algebra view is mutually independent of vague set .