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xiāng xìn
  • believe in;be convinced of;have faith in;take stock in;place reliance on;put one's trust in;belief;trust;faith;accept;take it;buy into;swallow;deem;buy
相信 [xiāng xìn]
  • [believe in;be convinced of;have faith in;place reliance on;put one's trust in] 认为正确、确实而不怀疑

  • 相信真理

  • 相信科学

相信[xiāng xìn]
  1. 难道你不相信男女平等吗?

    Don 't you believe in equality between men and women ?

  2. 我们相信祈祷的力量。

    We believe in the power of prayer .

  3. 这部小说的情节几乎到了令人无法相信的地步。

    The plot of the novel stretches credulity to the limit .

  4. 他相信经济确实在复苏吗?

    Does he believe the economy 's really on the mend ?

  5. 她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。

    I couldn 't believe my eyes when she walked in .

  6. 听他说行,我几乎不敢相信自己会这么走运。

    I could hardly believe my luck when he said yes .

  7. 哦,真滑稽!你认为我相信那个吗?

    Oh very funny ! You expect me to believe that ?

  8. 我总是相信生活要尽量充实。

    I 've always believed in living life to the full .

  9. 她确实把我骗了——我真的相信了她的话!

    She certainly had me fooled ─ I really believed her !

  10. 她觉得,托马斯能说服任何人相信任何事。

    Thomas , she sensed , could convince anyone of anything .

  11. 他使得投票者相信了他是严肃认真的。

    He managed to convince voters that he was for real .

  12. 突然,难以相信的事情发生了,他拔出了手枪。

    Suddenly the unthinkable happened and he drew out a gun .

  13. 读到那封信时,我简直不敢相信。

    I could hardly believe it when I read the letter .

  14. 她不愿相信她的婚姻已经结束。

    She was unprepared to accept that her marriage was over .

  15. 我不会太相信这些数字的。

    I wouldn 't place too much reliance on these figures .

  16. 要欣赏这部电影就得暂且相信那甚至不可能发生的事。

    To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .

  17. 她说什么他都坚决不肯相信。

    He was strongly disinclined to believe anything that she said .

  18. 我相信他只是为了泄愤才那么说的。

    I 'm sure he only said it out of spite .

  19. 他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。

    He refused to believe his son was involved in drugs .

  20. 我相信你最终会成功的。

    I 'm sure you 'll get there in the end .

  21. 我相信她不会食言。

    I trusted her not to go back on her word .

  22. 我相信我能在别的地方更便宜地买到这种物品。

    I 'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else .

  23. 相信我,她不适合你。

    Believe me , she 's not right for you .

  24. 我相信你用不着我为你安排。

    I 'm sure you don 't need me to organize you .

  25. 他因为没有相信她而懊悔不已。

    He was filled with remorse for not believing her .

  26. 他再也不愿意相信任何人了。

    He couldn 't find it in himself to trust anyone again .

  27. 他相信他有能力使俱乐部继续发展。

    He believes he has the skills to take the club forward .

  28. 你休想指望我相信那种事!

    You can 't honestly expect me to believe that !

  29. 基督徒相信上帝使耶稣复活。

    Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead .

  30. 我不相信他是靠正当手段弄到那笔钱的。

    I can 't believe he got that money honestly .