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sǎo xìng
  • disappointment;anticlimax;feel disappointed;have one's spirit dampened
扫兴 [sǎo xìng]
  • [feel disappointed;have one's spirit dampened] 遇到不愉快的事情而兴致低落

  • 真叫人扫兴

扫兴[sǎo xìng]
  1. 他昨晚有点让人扫兴。

    He wasn 't exactly a bundle of laughs last night .

  2. 想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。

    The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal .

  3. 我不想使你扫兴,但我确实不感兴趣。

    I hate to disappoint you , but I 'm just not interested .

  4. 天啊,这个女人可真会让人扫兴。

    Boy , did this woman know how to put a dampener on your day .

  5. 别那么扫兴!

    Don 't be such a killjoy !

  6. 母亲的病使他们在假日中很扫兴。

    Their mother 's illness cast a damp over the holidays .

  7. 真叫人扫兴!

    How disappointing !

  8. 坏消息使参加会议的人扫兴。

    The bad news cast a chill over the meeting .

  9. 这天气叫我们很扫兴。

    We are much disappointed about the weather .

  10. 彭伯里总是起着使人扫兴的作用。

    Penbury always had a chilling effect .

  11. 他们放弃比赛,真是扫兴。

    It was an anticlimax when they abandoned the game .

  12. 约翰真是个让人扫兴的搅局者。

    John is such1 a party pooper .

  13. 大人们照例不参加这样的野餐以免扫兴。

    It was not the custom for elderly people to mar the picnics with their presence .

  14. 他们原本计划这周末去海滩玩,但糟糕的天气让他们很扫兴。

    They had6 planned7 to go to the beach at the weekend , but the weather just rained on their parade .

  15. 今年秋天的天气一直很扫兴。n.失望;

    The weather this fall has been disappointing .

  16. Kim很扫兴!

    Kim is a total buzzkill .

  17. 因此当有传言称,她可能是在假唱,还强迫MarineCorps乐队一起作假,不免让人有些扫兴。

    . and then it went just a bit flat with word that she was probably lip synching , forcing the Marine Corps Band to fake it .

  18. 因此,如果本周末在布里斯班召开的20国集团(Groupof20,简称G20)峰会不能取得多大成就,那可有点让人扫兴。

    So it would be a bit of a letdown if the Group of 20 summit meeting in Brisbane on Saturday and Sunday failed to accomplish very much .

  19. 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UniversityofCaliforniaLosAngeles)心理学教授谢莉•泰勒(ShelleyE.Taylor)说,乐观使你永远不会因过去的扫兴事而感到困扰。

    Optimism has this way of forever sliding into the future that protects you from the disappointments of the past , ' says Shelley E. Taylor , professor of psychology at University of California Los Angeles .

  20. 合伙人钱智华(Chi-HuaChien)说,不应该邀请女性与前副总统阿尔·戈尔(AlGore)共进晚餐,因为她们很扫兴。

    Chi-Hua Chien , a partner , said women should not be invited to a dinner with former Vice President Al Gore because they kill the buzz .

  21. 鲍康如现任Reddit临时首席执行官,在这宗诉讼中,她还做出了一种更广泛的描绘:凯鹏华盈是一家男性享有特权的公司,这里女性合伙人被排除在与企业家会面的晚宴之外,因为她们会“扫兴”。

    But Pao , who is now the interim chief executive of Reddit , has also painted a broader picture of Kleiner Perkins as a hostile bastion of male entitlement , where female partners were excluded from dinners with entrepreneurs because they would " kill the buzz . "

  22. 她并没有觉得羞耻,自然也不会扫兴。

    No sentiment of shame gave a damp to her triumph .

  23. 与姻亲的矛盾可能会让你扫兴。

    Hassles with in-laws could put a damper on your day .

  24. 一群普普通通的游客看了让人扫兴。

    The average crowd of tourists is not a pretty sight .

  25. 因为天气不好,假日过得令人扫兴。

    The holiday was a disappointment because the weather was bad .

  26. 她嘴巴的气味令所有的男人扫兴。

    The smell of her breath would turn any man off .

  27. 多萝西在我们的聚会上总是令人扫兴。

    Dorothy always acts like a wet blanket at our parties .

  28. 她拒绝陪伴他,使他很扫兴。

    Her refusal to accompany him acted like a wet blanket .

  29. 她的谈话没引起我的兴趣,反倒使我扫兴。

    His conversation doesn 't switch me on-it leaves me cold .

  30. 别请她来,她是个令人扫兴的人。

    Don 't invite her . she 's such a killjoy .