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sào bǎ
  • broom
扫把 [sào bǎ]
  • [broom] 扫地的工具,扫帚

  1. 那么我就走运了我拿了把扫把。

    Then I 'm lucky I got me a broom .

  2. 扫把得到井边好多趟。

    The broom would need to go to the well many times .

  3. 扫把星,你认为我是扫把星吗?

    A jinx ? Do you think I 'm a jinx ?

  4. 他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。

    They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks .

  5. 现在已经有一百多支扫把了!

    Now , there were more than one hundred brooms !

  6. 早上的时候,我看到两把扫把睡在地上。

    In the morning , I saw two brooms sleep at floor .

  7. 我们的拖把和扫把采用1.2米手柄。

    We use1.2 meter handle for our mops & besoms .

  8. 清洁用品也很重要,比如扫把和拖把。

    Cleaning items are also important , such as brooms and mops .

  9. 火箭看来一定是热火的扫把星。

    The Rockets must be a bad luck charm for the Heat .

  10. 这些扫把仍不停地把水提进城堡里。

    The brooms were still bringing water into the castle .

  11. 别用扫把了!我们没有制造噪音。

    Monica : Stop with the broom , we 're not making noise .

  12. 英国首相大卫卡梅伦可真是坏消息不断:他的名字就是扫把星啊!

    Theres more bad news for the Prime Minister his name is jinxed .

  13. 啊,昨天上班的时候把扫把头弄断了。

    Oh , I broke the head of the broom yesterday at work .

  14. 扫把没坏,你怎么了?

    It 's a good brush , what 's the matter with you ?

  15. 真没想到我们还有扫把

    I can 't believe we have a broom .

  16. 爸爸的头发像扫把,根根直立往上插。

    My Papas hair is like a broom , all up in the air .

  17. 披头士狂那扫把一样的发型和响亮的原生态摇滚吓着了我。

    Beatlemania shocked me & the moppy hairstyles and the loud , raw rock'n'roll .

  18. 但可以让扫把自己来扫。

    He could make the broom do it .

  19. 家门口,没有谁会拿着扫把管它是脏还是干净。

    Home , no one will take broom tube it 's dirty or clean .

  20. 但是扫把并没有停下来。

    The broom didn 't stop , though .

  21. 听说她是个扫把星。

    She is said to be a jinx .

  22. 接着,他看到那些扫把。

    Then , he saw the brooms .

  23. 他可以让扫把活起来!

    He could give the broom life !

  24. 你拿扫把干嘛呢

    Why do you have the broom ?

  25. 他一定在扫地,他们发现他抓着一把扫把。

    Mr.Treeger : He must have been sweeping . They found a broom in his hand .

  26. 宝宝都是好新鲜的,你也给她两个扫把试试?

    Babies are good and fresh , you may also try to give her two broom ?

  27. 你真是个扫把星。

    You are such a hoodoo .

  28. 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。

    I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door .

  29. 小巫女月夜空中骑扫把飞行,打南瓜头和蝙蝠。

    Psychic Festival small air ride brooms and started flying , playing pumpkin head and the bat .

  30. 于是她便拿着扫把、拖把等打扫工具上了阁楼。

    She will be holding a broom , mop , and so on mezzanine floor cleaning tool .